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    Roger Ebert on Finding Nemo Essay

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    Roger Ebert promoted the Pixar film, “Finding Nemo” as an excellent kids movie that is also pleasurable for adults. His article is ascribed with rhetorical devices that help to persuade anyone reading it. He uses many allusions and pathos that help make his piece emotional and persuasive. Roger uses compare and contrast and classification rhetorical discourses. He makes the piece flow flawlessly using all of the devices and different types of rhetorical discourse.

    Allusions are within his review that help readers understand what the movie is about. Finding Nemo has all of the usual pleasures of the Pixar animation style–the comedy and wackiness of Toy Story or Monsters Inc. or A Bug’s Life. ”(Ebert)This allusion works because it gives the person reading an idea of what the animated movie is going to be about. He helps to persuade the reader to want to watch Finding Nemo if they liked any of the other movies that were listed. Roger uses pathos in his review to help the reader feel the types of vibes you get from the movie.

    The movies take place almost entirely under the sea, in the world of colorful tropical fish–the flora and fauna of a shallow warm-water shelf not far from australia. The use of color, form and movement make the film a delight even apart from its story. ”(Eberts) In that one sentence the reader gets a very optimistic feeling. Roger uses bright and uplifting words that persuade you to want to watch the movie. Within the article Roger uses the compare and contrast rhetorical discourse.

    Eberts states “‘Finding Nemo’ has all of the usual pleasures of the Pixar animation style–the comedy and wackiness of Toy Story or Monsters Inc. or A Bug’s Life. ” He is comparing Finding Nemo to the rest of those movies. He uses this discourse to help and show the reader that if they loved any of those three movies they will enjoy Finding Nemo just as much. Roger incorporates classification rhetorical discourse in his piece to get people interested and try to qualify downsides of the movie. Ebert’s qualifies “The first scenes in Finding Nemo are a little unsettling, as we realize the move is going to be about a fish, not people.

    But of course animation has long since learned to enlist all other species in the human race, and to care about fish quickly. ” He states this to show that even though the movie is about fish they still all have human characteristics. He also says this to try to attract more people to this film in case they are ambivalent about watching the film. Roger also says this to appease with people that may think the movie is asinine because it is only about fish. Roger knows how to use rhetorical devices to get people hooked on his reading and persuade them. He uses many rhetorical discourses as well to help strengthen his points.

    Roger had a positive review on Finding Nemo and recommends it to any age because of the magnificent animation and enjoyable storyline. Roger was accountable for persuading readers that Finding Nemo was worth watching which he did excellently.


    Ebert, Roger. “Finding Nemo Movie Review & Film Summary.

    ” All Content. N. p. , 30 May 2003. Web. 12 Mar.

    2015. Germain, David. “At the Movies – ‘Finding Nemo'” SeMissourian. com. N.

    p. , 29 May 2003. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.

     . MORGENSTERN, JOE. “‘Finding Nemo’ Reels In A Whopper of a Fish Story. ” WSJ. N.

    p. ,30 May 2003. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Roger Ebert on Finding Nemo Essay. (2018, Jul 25). Retrieved from

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