(superimposed over the superior border of the mandibular canal)
(inferior alveolar canal)
(radiopaque line in the root, called the “follicular cortication” when it is in the crown)
(radiopacity superimposed over the roots in the canine region)
(bony projection for muscle attachment)
(located in posterior and anterior, but hard to see in posterior bcuz of thick bone)
(radiolucent depression between alveolar ridge and mental ridge)
(bone. don’t forget the clinical hamular notch, which is soft tissue)
(pretty sure)
(septum in the maxillary sinus)
(made by the nasal fossa and maxillary sinus)
(extends bilaterally away from the anterior nasal spine)
(terminates in incisive foramen, not always seen)
(on each side of nasal septum)
(pretty unsure about difference between this and the inferior concha)
(variation of normal, not always seen)