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    Quiz 3

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    B. QR codes
    These are graphics that typically appear as black and white boxes that automatically link mobile devices to a variety of different content including games, text, videos, and websites
    A. ISBN numbers
    B. QR codes
    C. Bar codes
    D. QR code reader
    D. Ribbons
    These organize commonly used commands into a set of tabs
    A. Galleries
    B. Contextual tabs
    C. Buttons
    D. Ribbons
    B. Word processor
    To create documents that consist primarily of text, you need this software
    A. Spreadsheet
    B. Word processor
    C. Database management
    .D Presentation graphics
    B. Vector
    This type of image is made up of geometric shapes or objects
    A. Pixel
    B. Vector
    C. Raster
    D. Bitmap
    D. Web authoring
    Which of the following programs would be used to create a web site?
    A. Desktop publishing
    B. Illustration
    C. Image editor
    D. Web authoring
    A. True
    QR codes are graphics that typically appear as black and white boxes that automatically link mobile devices to a variety of different content including games, text, videos, and websites.
    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
    Functions, formulas, charts and what-if analysis are common features of database management systems
    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
    In a database, primary keys are used to link tables
    A. True
    B. False
    A. True
    Desktop publishing programs focus on page design and layout and provide greater flexibility for this than word processors
    A. True
    B. False
    C. Ribbons
    These organize commonly used commands into a set of tabs
    A. Contextual tabs
    B. Buttons
    C. Ribbons
    D. Galleries
    B. animations
    Moving text, graphics or interactive features on a web page are called
    A. HTML
    B. animations
    C. flash
    B. presentation graphics
    Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations are called:
    A. diagrams
    B. presentation graphics
    C. graphs
    D. charts
    C. Illustration programs
    These programs are used to create and edit vector images.
    A. Presentation graphics
    B. Photo editors
    C. Illustration programs
    D. Image galleries
    A. Web authoring
    Which of the following programs would be used to create a web site?
    A. Web authoring
    B. Image editor
    C. Desktop publishing
    D. Illustration
    B. presentation graphics
    Programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations are called:
    A. charts
    B. presentation graphics
    C. graphs
    D. diagrams
    C. Illustration programs
    These programs are used to create and edit vector images.
    A. Presentation graphics
    B. Image galleries
    C. Illustration programs
    D. Photo editors
    D. Dialog boxes
    _____ provide additional information and request user input.
    A. Ribbons
    B. Toolbars
    C. Windows
    D. Dialog boxes
    B. QR codes
    These are graphics that typically appear as black and white boxes that automatically link mobile devices to a variety of different content including games, text, videos, and websites
    A. Bar codes
    B. QR codes
    C. QR code reader
    D. ISBN numbers
    D. Bitmap
    Image editors edit images consisting of thousands of pixels that form this type of image.
    A. Object
    B. Electronic
    C. Vector
    D. Bitmap
    A. true
    In a Ribbon GUI, tabs are used to divide the ribbon into major activity areas
    A. true
    B. false

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    Quiz 3. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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