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    Purpose of College Education (1196 words)

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    I believe that life is what we make it. We have the ability to rise above any situation in life no matter how hard it seems. We have the opportunities to learn, grow, and be a better person. College has many great benefits in our lives. Having a college degree is important in order to get a great paying job. The purpose of college for me is getting the education I need, becoming a better person for myself, my family, and my friends. Becoming a better person for myself is priceless. I am a human that makes mistakes in life, and learns from them because I am not perfect. Life is difficult because we must strive to earn happiness and be successful. Another purpose for me getting a college degree is to make my grandmother proud of me who passed away from cancer recently. Being a college student has taught me self development because I have discovered my strengths and weaknesses. College for me has been a place to gain more knowledge and skills for my future.

    While being a college student, I have learned my own capacities, and I have gained knowledge that will help me in the future. I feel well prepared to put what I know in my future. “College was once seen as a place where adolescents went to explore courses and majors before settling on a job and career, often well after graduating” (Selingo). College today is viewed as getting a job. Getting a better paying job is what every person that goes to college is looking for. I want to be a coach to be able to guide a team of my own. I know that with my hard work I can do it. I have worked very hard to be where I am today, and I am very proud of myself. I believe in myself. We can be anything we set our minds to.

    It is very hard to attend colleges nowadays because the price of college has rocketed. A lot of students do not have the opportunity to afford going to college. Many families sacrifice their money in order for their kids to attend college. I have taken a couple loans in order to attend college. The job I get in the future will help me pay for those loans. As I have mentioned before that I want to make my family proud of me. I am the first generation student to go to college in my family. I want to make my mother, and my two sisters proud of me. “Roth believes universities like his, and higher education in general, can do better at preparing students for the job market without abandoning their traditional role to provide a broad education” (Selingo). This gives many valuable purposes of attending college, and being successful.

    I have taken many classes that will be very helpful for me in my future. One of those classes where I learned so much was Public Speaking. I gained so many benefits from taking that class. Public Speaking taught me how to do a well written bibliography for my speeches. I learned how to be more confident with myself. At the beginning I was not very great, and did poorly on my speeches. At the end of that class I got a perfect score on my speech. It took hard work and dedication. I used to watch YouTube videos of other people giving speeches because I am a shy person. I got very nervous and could not do eye contact with the camera. We had to evaluate ourselves on our own speeches as well which helped me a lot. It helped me to notice the things I was doing wrong, and what things I needed to improve next time. This one particular class is the one I have learned the most in college.

    Getting a college degree will help me expand my knowledge base. According to Molly, a college education helps you gain advanced knowledge in your subjects of interest and a broad range of experience in many other subjects. It has definitely given me the ability to exercise critical and abstract thinking. It has definitely helped me express myself better in both writing and when making important decisions. Crucial skills to have in my personal life and my job as well. I have gained so much information and skills in college that I will use for the rest of my life. My college education has helped me obtain a range of knowledge in many subjects, as well getting advanced knowledge in those classes I am most interested in.

    Going to college and obtaining a degree is my biggest dream. I have worked really hard to be here at Allen, and I love every minute of it here. I have learned so much from my teachers, and classmates. I have met great people here. Going to college gives you the opportunity to join a team as well. I play for Allen’s soccer team, and my teammates are like my second family. Being in college is hard because of all the work I have to do, the homework, going to my soccer practices, and also missing my family that lives in another state. No complaints for me because I loved every minute of being here. This is to prepare me for my future, and to be a successful professional in my life.

    Another great benefit of attending college according to Molly, is better career opportunities. As I read I saw that it does not really matter what you study or what your degree is on as long as you have it. This helps the students to work in various fields that are different from what they studied. It can also help the person with satisfaction and job security. “A post-secondary degree usually leads to better job security (Molly). Some companies may even pay the person to attend college. An important benefit for the person getting the education and the company. A win-win for both sides. That is how valuable getting a college degree is nowadays.

    A lot of people say that you don’t have to attend college in order to get the job you want. I will have to disagree on that. What about the people that want to be a CEO, a lawyer, a doctor, or to be president? You need to be well prepared in order to get where you want to be. In order to fulfil your biggest dream. Not your family’s dream but your own. I believe that me attending college is the best decision I have made. A great investment for my future that I will never regret. I have learned so much and I will not change a second of being here in college ever. I believe in myself and that’s what matters to me most.

    Works Cited

    • Selingo, Jeff. “What’s the Purpose of College: A Job or an Education?” The Washington Post, WP Company, 2 Feb. 2015, Accessed 18 Jun 2020.
    • Molly. “The Right Choice: 5 Reasons to Pursue a College Degree.” Peterson’s, Peterson’s, 27 Mar. 2019, Accessed 19 Jun 2020.

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    Purpose of College Education (1196 words). (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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