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    Microsoft had a major misstep with its operating system named Windows Vista.

    There were many issues with Vista such as incompatible hardware, incompatible computer applications, and high hardware specifications (Smith). Microsoft did its best to perfect Vista, but to no avail. In other words, the “computer industry was not ready when Vista finally arrived” (Lohr; Horowitz). Microsoft had three goals to complete: the company had to get people to switch to Windows 7, compete with Apple’s Mac OSX operating system, and to refresh the Windows brand. The “I’m a PC” advertisement (Fig 1.

    ) demonstrates Microsoft’s mission to make Windows 7 the most user-friendly operating system in the world. Microsoft’s main competition in the computer industry is Apple. Mac OS X is Apple’s operating system that was leading the way to casual computing. The operating system was extremely easy to use; it allowed users to easily create movies, edit photos, and listen to music. From 2006 to 2009 (during Vista’s lifetime), Apple aired the famous “Mac vs. PC” advertisements on television.

    The television advertisements touted the ease of use and security that Mac OS X offered. In addition, the advertisements pointed out a lot of flaws within the Windows operating system (Nudd). The “Mac vs. PC” advertisements were effective in garnering support for Apple. Between 2006 and 2008, Apple’s shares rose dramatically (Apple).

    While Apple was gaining momentum, Microsoft retaliated with the release of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Microsoft’s new operating system was a major step in the right direction. Built upon the technologies of Windows Vista, Windows 7 made major improvements over its predecessor. For starters, Windows 7 had a better driver support system th. . Texas: Pearson, 1982.

    539 – 556. Print. Horowitz, Michael. “The main problem with Windows Vista | Defensive Computing.

    ” CNET News. N. p. , 6 Sept. 2008. Web.

    8 Nov. 2011. Lohr, Steve. “Microsoft Works to Perfect Windows Vista. ” The New York Times .

    N. p. , 5 Sept. 2008.

    Web. 8 Nov. 2011. Nudd, Tim.

    “Apple’s ‘Mac vs. PC’ Ad Campaign: All 4 Years and 66 Commercials | Adweek. ” “Breaking News in Advertising, Media and Technology. ” N.

    p. , 13 Apr. 2011. Web.

    14 Nov. 2011. Rosenblatt, Seth. “Microsoft Windows 7 Review.

    ” CNET Reviews. CBS, 31 July 2009. Web. 8 Nov.

    2011. Smith, John. “Maximum PC | Windows 7 Review: XP vs Vista vs 7 in 80+ Benchmarks. ” Maximum PC. Future, 19 Oct. 2009.

    Web. 8 Nov. 2011. “User-friendly. ” Merriam-webster.

    com. Merriam-Webster, n. d. Web. 14 Nov.

    2011“Windows lifecycle fact sheet. ” Windows. microsoft. com.

    Microsoft, n. d. Web. 14 Nov. 2011

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    Print Advertisement Analysis Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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