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    Princess Diana (305 words) Essay

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    Princess DianaPrincess Diana was an exceptional leader. Diana worked as a kindergarten teacherin London until her engagement to Prince Charles was announced in February of1981. She wed Prince Charles in an internationally televised ceremony on July29, 1981. Almost immediately, “Shy Di” as she was initially called bythe press, blossomed into the “people’s Princess”.

    Princess Dianacontributed to society in so many ways; she would always go the extra mile tohelp people in need. While she became the president or patron for over 100charities, there were many more that she raised funds and campaigned for. Dianawas the busiest of the royal family. She was not just fulfilling a schedule orparticipating just for the adulation; she was a person of compassion expressinga genuine love for people. Princess Diana was spontaneous in ways, happilyturning away from royal protocol to kiss a child in a crowd or writing lettersto individuals of the public and signing them “love, Diana”.

    Herleadership was truly remarkable because she made every effort to reach out tothose that not everyone wanted to reach out to. Princess Diana could always befound walking with, hugging, really listening to those people in situations thatsome might help from a distance such as the sick, the elderly, those with aids,the homeless, the battered, the drug-addicted, people maimed by land mines. Princess Diana led the royal family out of a period of rapidly declining supportfrom the people. Since her death, the royal family continues to make efforts inmaintain the closeness with the people that the Princess had formed. They havelearned much about leadership from the Princess and it is a legacy to her thatthe royal family practices what they have learned.

    In recognition of all hercharity work, representatives of the charities with which Princess Diana hadworked were asked to walk behind her coffin with her family the day of herfuneral.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Princess Diana (305 words) Essay. (2019, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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