Depending on the place in the social structure, women are valued or devalued and inevitably are differentially advantaged or disadvantaged. According to research, more than 15 people every minute are being abused in the United states. To prevent abuse against women pressure from grassroots activist organizations, significant reforms have been initiated at different levels of government and Special training, education about domestic violence and rape has been mandated for police, prosecutors, and judges and by educating people not to use stereotypes against women.
To prevent abuse against pressure from grassroots activist organizations, significant reforms have been initiated at different levels of government. In many states laws have been amended to require mandatory arrest of batterers.19.3 million women and 5.1 million men in the United States have been stalked in their lifetime. an estimated 1.3 million women are victims of domestic violence each year, and one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. For example Throughout much of recent history, Iraq was one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East for women. Saddam Hussein and his Baath party encouraged women to go to school and enter the workforce.
Another way to prevent abuse against women is by giving women training and education about domestic violence and rape has been mandated for police, prosecutors, and judges. Various case disposition and punishment regimes such as incarceration, a combination of jail plus work release, and required counseling and reeducation programs for batterers are being developed or evaluated. Violence against women has occurred for centuries within a historical and cultural context.during the nineteenth century non-slave women who worked in domestic service were the targets of rape and sexual harassment regardless of their race and this violence went unpunished.
Despite women’s recent advances in nontraditional areas and occupations, certain sexual stereotypes persist. These stereotypes interact closely with racial, class, and sexual orientation stereotypes.Stereotypes have been used both to elucidate women and to control them. Many women think that certain stereotypes, attitudes, and expectations operate to make it harder for them to do their jobs. For example, Men have been defined by their relationship to the outside world–to nature, to society, even to God–women have been defined in relationship to men.
In conclusion, to prevent abuse against women, people should be educated about the consequences of saying stereotypes, educating women and giving them self defense training and making state laws that have been amended to require mandatory arrest of batterers. The lack of women’s empowerment is a negative form of imbalance. And while there are many obstacle to empowerment, violence against women and girls is both a source and outcome of gender discrimination.