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    Points of Parity and Points of Difference Essay

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    At the Sharma family’s house during noon, the mother has served food for her kid who has returned from school.

    Mother: Darshil! Darshil! Beta, khana kha lo!”

    Kid: “Shiii, ye sabji mujhe pasand nahi… Bruno (dog), tu kha le… ye roti ye bhi le le!”

    Mother: “Darshil, ye kya kar raha hai? Ise kuch bhi khilao, khata hi nahi… aur poshan adhura rehta jata hai! Koi aisa drink nahi jo wo pasand bhi kare aur use sampurna poshan bhi mile?”

    Almost every household with kids experiences this situation. Therefore, almost every parent wonders about complete health food, as many kids do not like eating homemade food.

    Therefore, parents tend to feed milk to their kids, thinking that it is always the primary source of nutrition for kids and the richest source of protein. Protein is essential for the growth and development of the body, and it is stressed upon in a child’s diet. However, according to doctors, milk alone is not a complete drink for children. They need something more to provide complete nutrition, even if the child does not eat proper food. Hence, parents are always in search of a product that will not only give taste and flavor to milk but also be fortified with minerals like iron and vitamin C, which milk lacks.

    Kids require a balanced diet that boosts their growth and development. Thus, kids are recommended to eat more foods that contain protein, such as milk, pulses, and dairy products, more vegetables and fruits for their vitamins, and less junk food that provides empty calories. Many companies are in the market with their products as complete health products, such as Complan, Bournvita, and Horlicks. However, parents are always wondering which is the best health drink to buy for their kids. Points of differentiation between Complan and Horlicks are:

    Essential nutrients for kids: Look for these components when choosing any nutritional supplement for kids. Calcium is required for building strong bones and sustaining normal development of the body. Phosphorus plays an important role in the formation of bones, along with calcium, and is also useful in digestion, excretion, and maintenance of fluids and tissues. Proteins are the building blocks of the body and are constituents of all muscles and tissues, and are responsible for growth and repair of the body. Fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, are essential for brain development, improving concentration, memory, and regulating mood swings. Vitamins and minerals are also essential for your kid’s development. Vitamin B complex is required to fulfill almost all bodily functions, vitamin C is necessary to develop an immune system, zinc is required for healthy nerve endings, and iron is required for better transportation of oxygen in the bloodstream. Per 100 gm, Complan contains 18 gm of protein, while Horlics contains 11 gm.

    Carbohydrates (gm): 62, 13.94; Fat (gm): 11, 2.0; Calcium (mg): 800, 741; Phosphorus (mg): 780, 280; 1 serve (gm): 33 (two scoops), 27 (two scoops); Drinks per pack: 15, 18.

    These products also differ from each other on the price factor. Price has always been the weak point of Complan. Those who have used this brand know that it’s good but terribly expensive compared to other highly advertised brands. Moreover, the brand was a little confused regarding its positioning and communication. Complan (500 gm – rs. 154) is a bit more costly than Horlicks (500 gm – rs. 138). Complan promises to give 100% milk protein with 23 vital nutrients, followed by Bournvita boasting that it is the drink of the real achievers and finally Horlicks which promises to make your kid ‘Taller, Stronger and Sharper’. Complan is available in four flavors: natural, chocolate, caramel, and mango, whereas Horlicks is available in chocolate and caramel flavors.

    Points of Parity: Both serve as a nutritional drink for kids, both are available in different sizes of refills, and both are available in biscuit form.

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    Points of Parity and Points of Difference Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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