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    Philippine Typhoons Essay (464 words)

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    List of Natural Disasters or Calamities that hit the country three years ago:

    2010 Typhoons

    1. Typhoon Basyang International name: Conson Formed: July 11 Dissolved: July 15 Damaged Areas: Southern & Central Luzon Death Toll: 104 53,486 families were affected 27,851 houses were damaged Property Damage: Php 377,975,880
    2. Typhoon Caloy International name: Chanthu Formed: July 17 Dissolved: July 23 Damaged Areas: Aurora, Nueva EciJa, Benguet Death Toll: 23 465 families were affected Property Damage: Php 191M
    3. Typhoon Juan International name: Megi Formed: October 12 Dissolved: October 14 Damaged Areas: Luzon Death Toll: 31 427,962 families were affected Property Damage: Php 12.03B
    4. Typhoon Falcon International name: Meari Formed: June 23 Dissolved: June 24 Damaged Areas: Tarlac, Pampanga, Albay, Olongapo, Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Metro Manila Death Toll: 15 370,549 families were affected Property Damage: Php 563.674M
    5. Typhoon Juaning International name: Nock-Ten Formed: July 23 Dissolved: July 31 Damaged Areas: Albay, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes, Masbate, Sorsogon, Metro Manila, Camarines Norte, Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite Death Toll: 67 195,206 families were affected Property Damage: Php 274.679M
    6. Typhoon Kabayan International name: Muifa Formed: July 28 Dissolved: August 5 Damaged Areas: Pangasinan, Bulacan, Pampanga, Batangas, Cavite, Metro Manila, Bohol Death Toll: 1200 21870 families were affected Property Damage: Php 2.5M
    7. Typhoon Pedring International name: Nesat Formed: September 24 Dissolved: September 30 Damaged Areas: Manila, Roxas Blvd, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva EciJa Death Toll: 50 Property Damage: Php 1B
    8. Typhoon Ramon Formed: October 9 Dissolved: October 16 Damaged Areas: Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan, Northern Mindanao Death Toll: 100 5,916 families were affected
    9. Typhoon Sendong International name: Washi Formed: December 18 Dissolved: December 19 Damaged Areas: Surigao Del Sur, Sulu Sea, Palawan, Sagayan De Oro, Iligan Death Toll: 1,453 720,000 families were affected Property Damage: Php 1.143B

    Negros Island July 11 Magnitude: 6.4 4:47 AM July 26 Magnitude: 5.9 1:15 AM

    2012 Typhoons

    1. Typhoon Butchoy International name: Guchol Formed: June 10 Dissolved: June 20 Damaged Areas: Malabon, Cagayan, Metro Manila, CAR

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    Philippine Typhoons Essay (464 words). (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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