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    Personal Observations – At Coopers Rock Essay

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    Every person is unique in how they view and perceive the world. Repetitive behavior is normal while we lose ourselves to daily schedules, jobs and routines, though there is at least one place where we can relax and find our self again. In the wilderness surrounded by nature we can relax completely and not worry about anything in the outside world. I roll over trying to ignore my internal clock and realize my alarm never went off. I panic thinking I’m late for work and search the bed for my phone. The screen read 9:13 I can go back to bed. I sigh in relief then flop back onto my bed shutting my eyes in hopes to sleep in.

    Not even a minute later I feel a thump on my bed then a tongue across my face. My dog must’ve heard me wake up, so there goes my hopes of sleeping in today. Grunting as I get out of bed I find my way to the front door and put on her leash as we venture outside; the sunlight blinds my rested eyes then to my relief there is a calming cool breeze that moves through my tangled hair and night shirt. I see grass where there was just snow the night. It feels like spring the weather is so beautiful. Once back inside I decide refuse to spend today indoors I need to get away.

    I find my backpack and start to pack for today’s adventure: toilet paper, a flash light, a first aid kit and a lunch with extra snacks. I get dressed and go to walk out my door to find my dog sitting there patiently. Guilt overwhelms me, so I promise to take her next time and try to make it up to her with a dog treat. This is the first time the snow melted and all I want to do is rock climb. I jump into my Jeep first thing is first I roll every window down, put on my favorite cd as a Male’s tangy voice surrounds me. My adventure has officially started.

    Gusts of wind blows through my windows making a mess of my hair and I don’t care. Pressing down on the gas pedal in something other than heels feels foreign. Today I don’t have to get dressed up in slacks, silk shirts, or heels because I’m not sitting in front of a computer all day in an office. I’m driving in the woods to get dirty and no have an agenda or a care in the world because while at Coopers Rock I can forget everything going on in my life and lose myself to the forest. From the moment I shut the door on my Jeep all I smell is freedom. The air is fresh and as far as I can see are trees and in the midst of them boulders.

    I look around and walk to the closet boulder. I hike in no direction what so ever and let the path take me whether it’s downhill or up a cliff; follow it. This is where I can truly chose which path to take in my life, I feel free to explore whatever I feel, and turn back at any point in time with no consequences. Almost a half a mile down my path I stop at three massive boulders pressed into one. They are covered in soft dark green moss with branches growing from the sides connecting to one another. Icicles still linger on the ledges from a slick wet path down the side of the boulder.

    The adrenaline that courses through my body when I’m risking my life on a boulder is like no other. I don’t know where it’s taking me but I continue to climb up just hoping I won’t have to climb back down. The cool stone is pressed flat against my body as I latch on for dear life. My fingers search for any crevice they can come across and I can’t look down to see where I’m putting my feet. I rely on the sense of my touch by sliding one foot at a time up searching for a ledge to step up onto. My heart is beating out of my chest and my mind is high on endorphins. No cliff at that point is too high or steep I feel invincible.

    My mouth tastes dry and as I lick my lips all I can taste is the salt in the sweat bullets racing down my face. Risking my life is somehow refreshing and scary at the same time when I’m a hundred feet up in the air surprises can really scare you but when your hand hits the top of the boulder the feeling of dirt under your palm has never been so welcoming. On top of the boulder the ground is packed compost soil that was once leaves; its gritty dirt finds its way underneath my finger nails and in the creases of my hands. I can still feel the steams of leaves in the dirt that smells sweet and fresh like spring.

    After the long climb I find a soft spot of moss and sit down and overlook the beauty of the forest. The trees are bare without leaves from winter. The only sound is the river off in a distance rushing below and the occasional bird chirping that didn’t migrate south. I am alone, feeling on top of the world looking down on such a beautiful sight. It makes me feel whole. I climb until my legs shake from almost making the wrong step and falling. The adrenaline that rushes through my veins in a life or death situation is the greatest high. The endorphins still linger through my body on my hike back to the overlook.

    I stayed there until the sunset watching the bright colors reflect off the river. The orange and purple moved with the water around every turn and every rock. On my hike back to my Jeep the sunset fades and the stars began to shine through the night sky. I couldn’t keep my eyes off the sky if I tried causing me to stumble over branches and rocks cursing beneath my breath. It felt wrong to say such a profound word in such a beautiful place. There wasn’t anything man made taking away from the night sky’s beauty within a twenty mile radius. When I got to my Jeep I took off the top of the roof and just leaned back.

    Looking up so long I lost tract of time. I didn’t want this amazing day to end. I awoke shivering with goose bumps over my body and a stiff neck. I sit up to find that I’m still in my Jeep. I fell asleep staring off into the stars. I start my Jeep turning on the heat and put the top back on my roof and head home. Driving home on the dark windy roads I feel at ease there is no music playing on the way home only my thoughts running through my head. I feel like a new person and if it wasn’t for my dog waiting for me at home I wouldn’t ever want to leave.

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    Personal Observations – At Coopers Rock Essay. (2018, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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