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    Is Of Mice and Men a Fiction Book? Persuasive Essay

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    “Of Mice and Men” was written bye John Steinbeck and is a fictional book.

    “Of Mice and Men” is a book about two lifelong friends named George and Lennie. They go to a farm to do some farm work after having to run away from their old town Weed. In their new farm, they meet many people including Curley, a little boxer guy who hates big guys like Lennie, and Curley’s wife, who is a tart. Lennie and George have many grand adventures on the farm, but one day while George is out playing horseshoes, Lennie accidentally kills Curley’s wife. Lennie runs away but when the guys come back to find Curley’s wife dead, George is forced to kill his friend. The four people responsible for Lennie’s death are George, Curley’s wife, Lennie, and Curley.

    The person most responsible for Lennie’s death is George. The reason why I think this is mainly because George shot Lennie in the end of the book. Also, George left Lennie alone in the barn giving Curley’s wife a chance to come and talk to him, and that is when Lennie killed her. George should have given Lennie more instructions on what he was supposed to do while George was out with his friends. The second most responsible for Lennie’s death is Curley’s wife.

    The reason why I think this is because she provoked Lennie into talking to her and into petting her hair. She was lonely and wanted someone to talk to, but she also was very flirtatious with Lennie. When she yelled she scared Lennie which made him hold on to her neck harder. Curley’s wife shouldn’t have been flirting and seeking other men while she had a husband.

    The third most responsible person for Lennie’s death is Lennie himself. The reason I think this is because Lennie killed Curley’s wife, which made George have to kill Lennie. He also has no control over his strength since he was retarded, which is another reason why he died. And more importantly, he disobeyed George by talking to Curley’s wife, which George told him absolutely not to do. The last responsible person for Lennie’s death was Curley.

    Curley was very mean to Lennie and was picking on him for only the reason that Lennie was bigger than Curley. Curley was also very possessive over his wife, which lead her to look for other men. He treated his wife like a possession, which she also didn’t like and made her talk Lennie. In conclusion, the four people responsible for Lennie’s death are George, Lennie, Curley’s wife, and Curley. As I said before in each of their paragraphs, every person had a little bit to do with his death. Like how George shot Lennie, Curley’s wife lead Lennie on, a man too dumb to know what to do, Lennie gave in to the temptations, and Curley lead his wife to lead on Lennie.

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    Is Of Mice and Men a Fiction Book? Persuasive Essay. (2019, Feb 01). Retrieved from

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