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    The Hawthorne Project and the Escalation Effect

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    December 4, 2001I)I. O Psychology-study of human behavior in the workplace. I. O Psychologist-They dont do therapy with people who work.

    They watch job interviews, they look at stress, anything that has to do with behavior at the job. a)The Hawthorne Project 1937-in Chicago at an electric company, this company mad telephones and other equipment. The hawthorne affect-the finding that workers who were observed increased their productivity regardless of what actual changes were made in the work state. II)Economic Decision-MakingThe escalation affect-the tendency for investors to remain commited to a losing course of action. -To minimize the escalation affect you remove who made the initial investment and get other people to asset the data.

    The sunk cost principle-the economic rule of the thumb that only future costs and benefits not past commitments should be considered in making a decision. III)Approaches to leadership-unite others to the pursuit of a common goal. The classic trait program-the identification of traits that characterize great leaders from the past. 8 Traits For Great Leadership1)strong cognative ability-basically meaning your intelligent2)drive, high-energy level, ambition, need for achievment3)Able to motivate4)they had technical expertise5)creative-generate original ideas6)self confidence7)Integrity-they are open, reliable, honest8)Flexible-able to adapt different situationsThe contingiousy model of leadership-that the theory of leadership affectiveness is determined both of personal characteristics of leader and the control afforded by the situation. Task oriented leaders-these people are single mindedly focused on the job, get the job done!!!Relations oreinted leaders-these people lead for their concern for their employees. Transactional leadership-its a leader who gains compliance and support from followers primarily through goal setting and the use of reports.

    This is a two exchange between the worker and the management.Transformational Leadership-this is a leader who inspires followers to transcend their own needs in the interest of a common cause.Words/ Pages : 285 / 24

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    The Hawthorne Project and the Escalation Effect. (2019, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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