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    Net Neutrality Essay (416 words)

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    INTRODUCTIONThe emergence of the Internet and the World Wide Web brought upon a medium of communication with a range of opportunities for the world.

    However, this medium is, in due course, subject to the control of a few major companies. The enigma of information flow is the central concern of net neutrality. Consumers, competition and network owners would benefit directly from the regulation of network neutrality because it would provide a positive impact to those parties as well as provide equality. CONSUMERSThe Internet came to be because of the user.

    Without the user, there is no World Wide Web. It is a set of links and words all created by a group of users, a forum or a community (Weinberger 96). The concept of net neutrality is the affirming concept behind the openness of the net (Vinton Cerf). Vinton Cerf stated, “The Internet was designed with no gatekeepers over new content or services.

    A lightweight but enforceable neutrality rule is needed to ensure that the Internet continues to thrive” (Vinton Cerf). Moreover, consumers would be protected under a monopolistic market due to network neutrality (Opposing Views). The Open Internet Coalition on Opposing Views. com state that in a perfect world there would be a variable amount of high-speed broadband competitors offering consumers plenty of choices.

    This would provide a market-based check on violations of Net Neutrality so consumers could pick a provider that respected the open concept. However, the world is imperfect and a mediator is needed to ensure networks remain open and the incentives to innovate and invest will continue to exist (Opposing Views). Lastly, there is an existence of fast and slow lanes without the implementation of network neutrality (Owen 7). This . . ng principles.

    It is an implementation of the Internet’s freedom. Moreover, net neutrality regulates service providers, not the internet. The regulation of network neutrality would propose a positive induction in the aspect of internet freedom (Weitzner 22). The main concept of regulation is the underlying basis of the net neutrality debate. It would provide a positive impact to all parties, if implemented. CONCLUSION Although the net neutrality debate didn’t come into the spot light so long ago, it has sparked controversy in the communications world.

    This concept provides a positive impact to the consumers, competition and network owners/internet service providers. It broadens the aspect of equality, which the open Internet was first based on. The profound effects on the aforementioned players provide a supported purpose to regulate the notion of net neutrality.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Net Neutrality Essay (416 words). (2019, Feb 14). Retrieved from

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