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    National Phlebotomy Training

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    Question Answer
    Provides massage therapy Physical Therapist
    Dispense medications Pharmacy
    Analyze Blood and urine specimens Clinical Laboratory
    Teach daily living skills to disabled persons Occupational Therapy
    Perform CT scans and MRI's Radiology
    Provide pulmonary therapy Respitory Therapy
    Puncture or incision into a vein to obtain blood Phlebotomy
    Conduct and qualities that typify a professinal Professionalism
    Process by which a program or institution documents meeting established guidelines Accreditation
    Performance of procedures in various locations Decentralization
    Instruction to acquire additional Pt. care skills Cross-training
    Documentation assuring that an individual has met certain professional standards Certification
    Maintaining the privacy of information Confidentiality
    Patient care that does not require transporting the Pt. to various locations Pt.

    Focused care

    Major traditional duties and responsibilities of the phlebotomist include *Correct Labeling of all specimens w/ REQUIRED information*Collect appropriate amount of blood (venipuncture or dermal puncture)*Correct identification of the Pt. BEFORE blood or Sample collection
    Additional Duties of a Phlebotomist may include *EKG*Training other health care workers to perform Phlebotomy
    Examples of Non-verbal, distracting,rude behaviors *Chewing gum*Looking out windows*Watching the clock
    Components of Communication *Verbal skills*Listening skills*Body language (Non-verbal)
    Employment opportunities for phlebotomists include *Blood donor cntrs*Reference Labs*POL's (Dr office Lab)
    Certifying organizations *ASCP*AMT*ASPT
    Barriers to verbal communication *Hearing Impairment*Level of Pt. education*Age
    Professional Services in Hospital *Radiology *Clinical Laboratory
    Desirable personal characteristics for a Phelbotomist *Dependability*Compassion*Honesty
    Dpt. of Hospital the uses High-energy X-rays or ionizing radiations to stop cancer cells Radiation Therapy
    Continuing education Units CEU's required to maintain license or Certification
    Nosocomial infection IS acquired by a Pt.

    during a hospital stay

    The chain of infection includes *Source*Mode of Transmission*Susceptible Host
    Sources of biologic safety hazards Infectious Agents
    PPE Gloves, Masks, Gowns
    Gowns are worn to. *Protect clothing and skin from contamination*to prevent transfer of microorganism between pt.'s rm. *to prevent the possibility of encountering splashes or large amount of body fluids
    What is the correct order for removing PPE? Gloves, Mask, Gown

    A.C.E Means

    R escueA larm C ontainE xtinguish
    When is chain of infection broken? when an infection is prevented!
    Which type of precaution is used for pulmonary TB (tuberculosis)? Airborn/Droplet
    When should Standard Precautions be followed? With all patients at all times
    What type of isolation is used on a Pt. who is on Chemotherapy and has very low Wht blood cells? Reverse/Protective
    First thing to do in the event of electrical shock to a co-worker or Patient? shut off the source of electricity
    What is the disinfectant of choice for blood-borne pathogens? Sodium hypochloRITE (bleach)
    PPE must be provided to you by? The Employer
    The body standing erect, head facing forward, and arms by the side palms facing front is called? Anatomic Position
    The specimen collected by the phlebotomis is Blood
    What dpt should be avoided by a pregnant phlebotomist? Radiology
    Under the Needle Stick Safety and Prevention Act the following are TRUE Requires facilities to *Document evaluation and implementation of safer needle devices*Involve employees in the selection and evaluation of new devices
    Vector (host) means of Transmission *Mosquitoes*Ticks*Fleas

    A.S.S. Means?

    P ULLA imS queeze S weep
    Support, protect, movement and mineral storage Skeletal system
    Recognizes sensory stimuli Nervous system
    Absorption of nutrients, and eliminates waste Digestive system
    Protection, regulation, sensation, and secretion Integumentary system
    Produces and regulates hormones Endocrine system
    Sexual Reproduction Reproductive system
    Exchanges gases, oxygen and carbon dioxide Respiratory system
    Returns excess fluid/defense against disease Lymphatic system
    Movement, posture, and heat production Muscular system
    Removes excess water from the body Urinary system
    Hazard caused by infectious organism Biohazardous
    Infection acquired in the hospital Nosocomial infection
    Preventive measures taken when a person is exposed to infectious disease Post-exposure PROPHYLAXIS
    Guideline describing PPE Practices Standard Precautions
    Isolation practices to prevent the spread of disease caused by Pt.


    Contact Precaution
    Isolation procedures based on airborne, droplet and contact disease transmission Transmission-based precautions
    Isolation practices associated with airborne disease Airborne precaution
    Emission of radiant energy Radioactivity
    Isolation precaution to prevent the spread of microorganism carried in fluid droplets Droplet precaution
    Apparel worn to prevent contact with and transmission of pathogenic microorganisms PPE Personal Protective Equipment
    Excess collagen scar formation Keloid
    Result of an infection caused by spirochetes carried by deer ticks Lyme disease
    S shape curvature of the spine scoliosis
    Fever blisters cold sore
    Herpes Zoster shingles
    oversecretion of sebum by sebaceous gland acne
    stroke CVA
    Inflammation of the stomach and intestinal track Gastroenteritis
    Stones composed of calcium, uric acid, that crystallized within the kidney Renal Calculi
    Inflammation of the facial nerve causing paralysis and numbness of the face Bell's Palsy
    Characterized by pain and tingling in the fingers and hand Carpal tunnel syndrome
    Swelling or constriction of t bronchial tubes causing wheezing Asthma
    Chronic disease of the nervous system characterized by muscle tremors, loss of equilibrium Parkinson's disease
    Inflammation of the urinary bladder Cyctitis
    Abnormally decreased blood level Hypoglycemia
    Caused by pathogen HIV AIDs
    Itchy,scaly,RED patches of skin Psoriasis
    Highly contagious bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus Impetigo
    Inflammation of the appendix Appendicitis
    Inflammation of the pharynx caused by group "A" strep Strep throat
    Do veins have Valves? Yes, to keep blood flowing in one direction
    Arteries are? Responsible for delivering Oxygen and Nutrients (can feel a pulse)
    What is the blood volume of an average adult? 5 to 6 Liters
    What do Arteries do Carry oxygen rich blood away from the heart
    What is the largest Artery The Aorta
    What is the Anticoagulant in the LAVENDER top tube EDTA
    What is the RED blood cells function RBC's carry oxygen
    Med Tech (CLS) Have a Bachelor degree
    What is the liquid portion of blood that has not been allowed to clot? Plasma
    What is Serum? An amber-colored, protein-rich liquid that separates out when blood coagulates
    What are the 3 main veins in the arm used by a phlebotomist *Median Cubital *Basilic*Cephalic
    Upper Chamber of the heart Atrium
    When a Pt. donates their own blood for transfusion Autologous Transfusion
    Medical Laboratory Tech (CLT) Have Associates Degree
    Sections of a Clinical Lab *Hematology*Coagulation*Phlebotomy
    Section of he laboratory the collects, preps, and stores blood for transfusion BLOOD BANK
    Section of Lab that is responsible for Identification of pathogenic microorganisms and infection control MicroBIOlogy
    Type of Blood Vessels that transport blood through the body *Arteries *Veins*Capillaries
    Lower Chamber of the Heart Ventricle
    In order to maintain hemostasis, a complex coagulation mechanism involves *Blood vessels*Platelets*Coagulation Factors
    Defense mechanism is the main function of what blood cells? Leukocytes (WBC)
    Clotting mechanism is the main function of what blood cells? Thrombocytes (platelets)
    Chemical aspect of a routine urinalysis (UA) include? *Glucose*Ketones*Bilirubin
    The preferred overall accrediting agency for hospitals JCAHO
    Inspection teams, made up of Pathologists, and Med Techs visit the laboratory for inspection every ______ year(s) TWO Years
    Basophils Granulocytes
    Lymphocytes Agranulocytes
    Eosinophis Granulocytes
    Monocytes Agranulocytes
    Neutrophis Granulocytes
    Tiger top tube SST Chemistry section of the lab
    Lavender top tube EDTA Hematology section of the lab
    Gold top tube SST Chemistry section of the lab
    Lt. Blue top tube Sodium Citrate Coagulation section of the lab
    Pink top tube EDTA Blood Bank section of the lab
    Type and screen test Blood Bank Lab
    Fasting blood sugar test (FBS) Chemistry Lab
    High density lipoprotein test (HDL) Chemistry Lab
    Complete blood count (CBC) Hematology Lab
    Urine specific gravity Urinalysis
    Infectious mononucleosis (Monospot) Serology
    Cholesterol test Chemistry Lab
    Sputum culture Microbiology Lab
    Electrolytes Chemistry Lab
    Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) Coagulation section of the Lab
    Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) Chemistry Lab
    Bilirubin Urinalysis
    Urine Culture Microbiology Lab
    ALT alanine aminotransfrase Chemistry Lab
    Prothrombin time (PT) Coagulation Section of Lab
    Stoppage of blood blow from a damaged blood vessel Hemostasis
    Substance that prevents blood from clotting Anticoagulant
    a decrease below normal values in the number of Leukocytes caused by chemotherapy Leukopenia
    An abnormal increase in the number of normal Leukocytes as seen in infection Leukocytosis
    A marked increase in the number of WBC in the bone marrow and circulating blood Leukemia
    A decrease in number of Erythrocytes (RBCs) or amount of hemoglobin in circulating blood Anemia
    Death or Necrosis of the heart muscle caused by lack of Oxygen (O2) Myocardial infraction
    Swollen peripheral veins caused by damaged valves Vericose veins
    Obstruction of the blood vessel by a moving clot Embolism
    A buldge formed by a weakness on the wall of blood vessel Aneurysm
    Destruction of (RBC) Red blood cells*Hematology Section* Hemolysis
    Liquid portion of Blood*Hematology Section* Plasma
    Clear Yellow fluid that remains after clotting blood has been centrifuged and separated*Hematology Section* Serum
    Instrument the spins test tubes at high speed*Chemistry Section* Centrifuge
    Method of separation by electrical charge*Chemistry Section* Electrophoresis
    Appearing Yellow*Chemistry Section* Icteric
    Pertaining to the turbidity from lipids*Chemistry Section* Lipemic
    Ions in the blood (Na, K, CI, CO2) *Chemistry Section* Electrolytes
    Protein capable of producing a chemical reaction with a specific substance*Chemistry Section* Enzymes
    Chemical analysis performed using antigens and antibodies*Chemistry Section* Immunochemistry
    Study of Poisons*Chemistry Section* Toxicology
    Substance that stimultes the formation of antibodies*Blood Bank Section* Antigen
    Plasma collected from a unit of blood and immediately frozen*Blood Bank Section* Fresh Frozen Plasma
    405 to 495ml. of blood collected from a donor for transfusion*Blood Bank Section* UNIT of blood
    The study of blood cell antigens and their antibodies*Blood Bank Section* Immunohematology
    Protein produced by exposure to antigen*Blood Bank Section* Antibody
    Classification based on the presence or absence of A or B antigens on the RBCs*Blood Bank Section* Blood GROUP
    Procedures that matches patient and donor blood before transfusion*Blood Bank Section* Compatibility
    Blood from which Plasma has been REMOVED*Blood Bank Section* Packed Cells
    Component of fresh Plasma that contains Clotting factors*Blood Bank Section* Cryoprecipitate
    The study of Serum*Serology Section* Serology
    The study of the immune system*Serology Section* Immunology
    Another name for Antibody*Serology Section* Immunoglobulins
    Condition in which a person produces antibodies that react with the persons OWN antigen*Serology Section* Autoimmunity
    One-cell Microorganisms*Microbiology Section* Bacteria
    Test to id microorganisms and determine antibiotic suseptibility*Microbiology Section* Culture & Sensitivity
    The study of Fungi*Microbiology Section* Mycology
    The study of Viruses*Microbiology Section* Virology
    The study of Bacteria *Microbiology Section* Bacteriology
    Stain used to classify bacteria*Microbiology Section* Gram Stain
    One cell organisi such as bacterium or virus*Microbiology Section* Microorganism
    The study of Parasites*Microbiology Section* Parasitology
    Glucos in Urine*Urinalysis Section* Glocosuria
    Blood in urine*Urinalysis Section* Hematuria
    Ketones in urine*Urinalysis Section* Ketonuria
    Protein in urine*Urinalysis Section* Proteinuria
    Physical, chemical,microscopic analysis of Urine*Urinalysis Section* Urinalysis
    First Voided Urine specimen collected upon rising*Urinalysis Section* First Morning Specimen
    Chemical impregnated plastic strip used for analysis of urine (dip stick)*Urinalysis Section* Reagent Strip
    What is proper order of Draw? Yellow, Lt.

    Blue, Red glass, Red Plastic, Red tiger or Gold, Green, Lt.Green, Lavender, Gray

    Yellow top tube SPS Sodium Poly Sulfonate, used for blood culture in the Microbiology lab
    Lt. Blue top tube Sodium Citrate, used for Pro-time and APTT, Coagulation Dept.
    Red Top Plain Glass tube NO Additives, whole blood, used by Chemistry, Serology, and Blood Bank
    Red top Plastic tube Clot Activator, used by Chemistry and Serology
    Red/Gray Tiger top and Gold Top With Clot Active SST (serum separator) Chemistry Lab
    Green top tube Heparin *sodium Heparin, Ammonium Heparin,Lithium Heparin* Used for Stat Lytes by the Chemistry Lab

    Green top tube

    Lithium Heparin PST (Plasma Separator tube) used by the Chemistry Lab
    Lavender top tube EDTA, used for CBC(complete blood count) by Hematology lab
    Gray top tube Sodium Fluoride(3days) OR Lithium Iodoacetate (24hrs)used for blood sugar by Chemistry Lab
    What are the 4 parts of a needle? *Beveled point*Shaft*Lumen*Hub
    The amount of blood collected in an evacuated tube? Ranges from 1.8 to 15 MLand is determined by the size of the tube and amount of vacuum present.
    Using a 23g needle with a large vacutube can produce what? Hemolysis, because RBCs are damaged when the large amount of vacume causes them to be rapidly pulled through the small needle.
    What color top does a Partial fill tube have?*also called a Short draw or less vacuum tube* Translucent Color
    What are the three types of blood that can be tested? Plasma, Serum, Whole blood
    How many times must a tube containing Anticoagulant be mixed? Must be inverted gently 3 to 8 times
    Why is K2EDTA the anticoagulant of choice It maintains cellular integrity better, inhibit platelet clumping, and does not interfere with routine staining procedures
    What color tubes contain K2EDTA Lavender, Royal blue, Pink, Tan
    Royal Blue top tube EDTA tests for Trace elements
    Tan top tube EDTA tests for Lead
    When are SST tubes not suitable for use? In Blood Bank and certain Immunology and Serology tests because the gel MAY interfere with the immunologic reactions.

    Why are Sterile specimens drawn first? To prevent microbial contamination.
    When is a winged infusion "butterfly" recommended Short term infusion, venipuncture on small veins,Child or Geriatric Pt.
    How much blood is lost in the tube of a Winged infusion? Approximately o.5ml
    Expired tubes may cause *Incompletely filled tube (short draw)*Clotted anti-coagulated specimens*Improperly preserved specimens*Insecure gel barriers
    REQUISITIONS: Provide information needed to.


    *Correctly Id Pt.*Organize the necessary equipment*Collect appropriate specimens*Provide legal protection
    NPO Nothing by Mouth
    DNR Do Not Resuscitate
    when Identifying the patient by ID band The ID Band MUST BE ATTACHED TO PT.
    Palpation is used to determine *Direction of the vein*Size of the vein*Depth of the vein
    Two routine steps that aid in locating a suitable vein are *Applying a tourniquet*Asking Pt.

    to clench their fists

    What solution is used to clean veinipuncture site? 70% Isopropyl Alchol (Prep pad)
    For maximum Bacteriostatic action to occur how long should alcohol be allowed to dry? 30 to 60 seconds. Never wipe or blow on it to speed up dry time. This will recontaminate the site.
    Performing venipuncture before alcohol has dried will? *Cause a stinging sensation to Pt.

    *May Hemolyze the specimen

    How should the needle be facing for proper veinipuncture? Bevel up, at an angle of 15 to 30 degrees, depending on depth of target vein.
    What is the primary cause of a bruise or hematoma after a blood draw Failure to remove the tourniquet before removing the needle.

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    National Phlebotomy Training. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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