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    My Top Values of Life (664 words)

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    Every decision is affected by individual values. A person perceives values based on the past experiences. Some people set a vision for themselves or set goals for a thing that they are excited for whether it is to make a lot of money, build a business, make friends, or build a good physical body. But, if you have values that are not assistance of that, there is always going to be a resistance.

    My top five values are: Wealth, good Physical health, respectfulness, peacefulness and helpfulness. Money is freedom. As a matter of, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. It is uncomfortable asking parents to buy gas for me or pay for my vacation. For example, when I don’t have money to buy a gas, I try to be too nice to everybody and try to stay home all day but once I got money to buy gas, I become free. Next, it gives me green light to have fun. All kinds of hobbies, sports, traveling and buying nice things. I never think of travelling to Caribbean Islands or flying to California for Lakers game because I cannot afford that. however, it always has been my dream. Finally, wealth gives generosity. It feels good to help with money.

    Good physical health gives me energy. it boosts my confidence. In fact, when I see somebody having health issue, I feel sorry for him or her, but I also feel grateful for being healthy. Second, it keeps me free from diseases and helps me stay in shape. Diseases can affect anybody but having good physical health grant me less chance to be affected. Finally, it keeps medical bills down. Good respect benefit is getting it back from others. it gives good attitude. Second, it creates positive relationship. It shows how much I value someone. Being able to respect each other’s opinions and feelings create strong relationship. Finally, it grants freedom. When someone has no respect for me, it makes me feel free to do whatever I want whether it is good or bad. For example, if one of my classmates disrespect me, I will feel bad but that gives me chance to live my life freely without caring about him. I love peace. As a matter of fact, I try to stay away from toxic people. The people who criticize me, starts an argument for no reason, or blame me for their problems I stay away from them.

    Second, I forgive people. I allow myself to forgive the people and release anger. Finally, I love politics. It affects our life significantly and it a great way to spread peace. As a kid grown up, my dream was to a president because it is the highest position, so that I could make decisions that promote peace. Doing so will make our community better. I give my helping hand by sharing work with others. I have always been comfortable Getting my hands dirty cleaning garage, working in a yard and all those things need to be done but nobody wants to deal with them. Second, use of positive language. Encouraging people to boost their confidence make them feel better.

    Finally, I love volunteering. I have long volunteering history. For instance, I got a job at the same place I volunteered at. We all need helping hand. In conclusion, here are my top five values I value the most. Wealth, good physical health, respect, peace and helpful. Having money allows me to be free, have fun. So, when there is no money, I have no fun or freedom. Secondly, being healthy increases my confidence, keeps me away from diseases and keeps my medical costs low. Third, every human being deserves respect. Forth, peace is one of my big concern. I stay out of toxic influencers, forgive and give others liberty.

    Finally, I enjoy helping others to make positive change and I am considering keeping my values to push me in order to promote well-being.

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    My Top Values of Life (664 words). (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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