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    My Acura RSX Type S Essay (539 words)

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    The first car that I owned was a 1992 Honda Prelude, and it was a really nice car. It had shark like nose and a sloping roof that swept into the trunk area semi-fastback style. It had a very sporty design that made it look like a race car. I also liked the way it sounded because I had installed a muffler. Sadly, I sold the car and moved on to a 2006 Acura Rsx Type S. I recently bought the car and I love it. First of all, I like the way that is does not sound very loud, but it just sounds nice when I am revving it.

    The car is quiet but when I start accelerating I can hear the intake drawing air into the intake manifold. As you keep accelerating, the cars’ sound starts getting more aggressive. When reaching the 6000 rpm, it goes into a crossover called vtec which stands for Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control. At this point, the car gets a deeper tone when hitting vtec, and it just makes the car sound more loudly. But overall, the Rsx sounds soft and quiet until you reach vtec at 6000 rpm that is when it gets its deeper tone.

    Secondly, what I like about the car is the way it feels. The sport suspension it has makes the car runs very smooth. When running the car at high speeds, the car doesn’t shake. It feels like if the car is going slower. The best feeling that I like about my car is when the car engages vtec the car seems to pull you whenever you accelerate all the way. When I take off in first gear and go to second the car jerks a bit, and it does a little burnout. It also makes you want to keep on accelerating and getting more speed, but of course, I don’t take my car past 100 miles per hour.

    I want to take care of my car because I don’t want it to mess up. The steering on the Rsx is great because it take the curves like nothing. It seems like if the car just sticks to the ground. Lastly, I like the appearance of the Rsx. It looks sharp and sporty. The car comes lowered stock by point three inches which makes the car look lower, wider, and aggressive. The Rsx is a small car, but by just looking at it, you know it’s a sports car. It has seventeen inch aluminum wheels that make it appearance like it has aftermarket wheels.

    The interior is also part of its appearance. It has leather seats that look like racing seats. The interior lights are red which make the car look nicer at night. In conclusion, I really do like my car, and it’s really fun to drive. What I like about it is the aggressive sound it has when accelerating and the deep tone it has when Vtec engages. Other than that, I like it when the car pulls your body when it hits Vtec at 6000 rpm. It just feels like you want to go even faster. My car does attract many people’s eyes by its appearance, maybe because of its’ sharp look.

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    My Acura RSX Type S Essay (539 words). (2018, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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