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    Mitochondrion Essay (201 words)

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    MitochondrionMitochondrion are the power plant of a cell.

    The mitochondria are cellsbased within a cell that turn nutrients from chemical form into a more simpleand usable substance for a cell to use as energy. These sausage-shaped organelles are not a true organelle, but more of aparasite that invaded primordial cells and evolved along with them. Amitochondrian’s main purpose is to burn energy through a slow method ofcombustion, which will consume as much air to burn as fire will, just to breakdown nutrients into simpler substances. These simpler molecules then bond withthe atoms that will need the energy to function.

    Then, enzymes in themitochondrion break up the atoms and then recapture them again. This time, theenergy atoms will be bonded in a different molecule to form ATP, or adenosinetriphosphate. ATP has an adenosine core and three phosphates attached to it,hence its name. These phosphates will store the new energy. ATP can travel throughoutthe cell freely and allows the stored energy to then be distributed evenly inthe cell.

    Other organelles will find the ATP and break off the phosphates fullof ready-to-use energy. Once the adenosine has been stripped of phosphates itwill travel back to the mitochondrion to be reloaded with new phosphates.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mitochondrion Essay (201 words). (2019, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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