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    The Fine Line Between Physician Protocol and Personal Beliefs

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    Case 2 There is definitely a fine line drawn between the protocol of physician, and an area where things could be considered as a personal matter. However, it isn’t a physician’s standpoint to rule out any procedure that a parent uses on their child, if its intent is to heal and not harm. If a physician encounters a situation such as the “coining”, they should always be prepared to listen to whatever the parent had to say.

    From there on out, by all means the physician then has the right to offer their knowledgeable advice to the parent especially if the procedure has caused pain and or discomfort to the child. Overall, those type of situations can be tricky in a physician’s profession, it all boils down to them knowing limits and guidelines to not cross. No physician could be expected to understand the beliefs and practices of so many differing faith communities. At first glance, the simplest solution suggests that physicians avoid religious or spiritual content in the doctor-patient interaction.

    Patients should understand instructions from their physicians and be able to repeat them in their own words. Potential cultural conflicts between a physician and patient include differing attitudes towards time, personal space, eye contact, body language, and even what is important in life. Collectively, no physician has authority in intervene in the self-healings of any culture. It is evident to us that the assumption that all patients possess little medical knowledge can create alienation between patient and physician. Therefore, a physician should never be concerned with alienating any ethnicity from modern medicine.

    It is not their job to convince or persuade a patient that modern medicine is more fit to heal, but it is necessary for them to inform McKinley 2 them of possible mishaps if they aren’t utilized. Physicians have a difficult position to determine what methods are best to treat at times, but there’s no room for error. There’s always grounds for physicians to educate patients on treatments, but never for them to abandon one who doesn’t typically agree with modern practices. No, physicians often encounter childhood injuries and conditions that test their knowledge of what is considered child abuse and neglect and when to report their suspicions. Some situations pose ethical dilemmas that are not easily resolved. Understanding what constitutes child maltreatment and having a plan for making decisions about it can reduce the burden of physicians’ duty to report their suspicions effectively and appropriately.

    In the case presented here, there’s no physical or verbal evidence that the child has been intentionally abused, neglected, sexually assaulted, malnourished, or possesses no pattern of abuse. Physicians, however required by law to report these cases to officials if any of the listed occurs. This particular case exposes the beliefs and principles of deontology. Deontology is simply the study of the natureof duty and obligation. Anemployer has deontic authority in the act of issuing an order that the employee is obliged to accept and obey regardless of its reliability or appropriateness.

    Ethically, deontology constitutes differences between consequentialism, virtue ethics, and pragmatic ethics. When these ethics are understood and practices, actions greatly over shadows consequences. McKinley 3 Yes, and because eugenics is a movement that is aimed at improving the genetic composition of the human race. Historically, eugenicists advocated selective breeding to achieve these goals. Today we have technologies that make it possible to more directly alter the genetic composition of an individual. However, people differ in their views on how to best (and ethically) use this technology.

    Eugenicists in the U. S. focused on efforts to stop the transmission of negative or “undesirable” traits from generation to generation. PGD for gender selection is only justified if a couple’s family history includes a particular sex-linked genetic disorder; that is, a disorder that predominantly or exclusively affects babies of one gender. It could also be justifiable for parents to choose a gender if there’s already multiple boys or girls, or lack of either in the family that’s being created.

    Usually the sex of a child isn’t more important than what diseases or disorders that a child will carry. That’s why in these certain type of situations, it is very important and critical that parents incorporate their morals or what would be the “right” thing to do. In the U. S. , unregulated fertility clinics are largely allowed to do whatever technology allows them to do, so long as clients are willing and able to pay for it.

    In March 1959,two months after the conquest of state power, Castro broke the conspiracy of silence on racism in Cuba by confronting it head on. His first step was to abolish the old private school system and establish a well-funded public school system that was completely integrated. Economic and social conditions for Blacks improved dramatically whenthe revolutionary government decreed the Agrarian Reform and Urban Reform Laws, which gave the land to small farmers, and lowered rents in the cities by 50 percent. Laws were enacted and enforced prohibition discrimination in jobs, schools, housing, and medical care.

    In Cuba, race prejudice would be a punishable offense. Official Cuban census figures say black and mixed-heritage people are about 35 percent of the island’s population, but a quick stroll around any Cuban town will provide visual confirmation of just how many Cubans of color deem themselves “white”. That may not be surprising, given that race is not an objective scientific category, but rather an organizing principle of political power both before and after the revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power. Cuba(pre-Fidel}had been a place where multiracial alliances coexisted with persistent, entrenched racism and vast racial inequality.

    The last pre-revolutionary president, Fulgencio Batista, was a mulatto who may have hadsome Chinese and Indian blood. While he may have firmly ruled that system of inequality, he was, demographically speaking, more inclusive than were the white revolutionaries who overthrew him. But once the rebels won and tens of thousands of the wealthiest whites fled to Florida, Castro emphasized independence from American capitalism, improvements in healthcare, and literacy drives and he also told American journalists in January 1959 that his new government would work to erase racial discrimination once and for all. In 1962, a North American survey found that 80 percent of Jackson 2 black Cubans were wholly in favor of the revolution, compared to 67 percent of whites. The ensuing years saw visiblegains towards social equality. The entire country was literate, regardless of color, and the 1980s, sawa generation of young black Cubans whose parents had been sugarcane and service workers enter the workforce as doctors, engineers and professionals.

    Still, despite major economic and social gains, black Cubansremained unrepresented in the political leadership. In the years between Castro’s ascendance and the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, race was an issue kept under the rug. During the Black Power Movement, the African American organization that established the most significant relations with Cuba was the Black Panther Party. The BlackPantherPartywas a radical Marxist organization which was inspired by the Cuban revolution. Huey P.

    Newton, cofounder with Bobby Seale of the Black Panther Party, wrote in his autobiography: “For Castro guerrilla warfare was a good form of propaganda. Walking armed through Richmond was our propaganda”. For many Black Panthers,Cuba symbolized a perfect example of how a socialist system could succeed in offering equal opportunities to all its citizens. Socialist Cuba also became a safe place for those panthers who wanted to escape from the illegal activities of John Edgar Hoover’s Counter Intelligence Program,and starting from 1967-68 many membersoftheBlack Panther Partymembers went into exile in Cuba. Among the African Americans in exile in Cuba there were some of the most prominent leaders of the Black Power Movement such as Eldridge Cleaver, Huey P.

    Newton and Assata Shakur. Cleaver came to Cuba in 1968 to avoid arrest and spent eight months on the island. His story is particularly interesting because, as the Minister of Information of the BlackPantherParty, he had high expectations from the alliance with the Cuban government: he hoped that the Jackson 3 Cubans would organize a military camp for the training of African American revolutionaries. The project failed because the Cubans decided not to transform their political support for the African American liberation struggle into a military one.

    Huey P. Newton went into exile inCuba in 1974 after being charged with the murder of a prostitute in Oakland. Even though Newton withdrew himself from public life in the town of Santa Clara, he continued to lead the BlackPantherPartythrough his daily telephone conversations with the new leader of the organization Elaine Brown. Assata Shakur, a former BlackPantherPartymilitant and Black Liberation Army member, also escaped from prison in 1979 and reached Cuba five years later, in 1984, when she was given political asylum by the Castro government.

    During the Black Power struggle, other activists went to Cuba as official guests of Fidel Castro. This was the case of the Black Power advocateStokelyCarmichael, who was the only non-communist African American to receive an official invitation by the Cuban government after 1965. InJuly 1967,Carmichael attended the Organization of Latin American Solidarity Conference, an international meeting which celebrated Guevara and praised Guevara’s activities as a source of inspirationfor Third World revolutionaries and alsofor Black Power advocates. Finally, the communist party member and black freedom fighterAngela Davis toured the island after being released from jail in 1972 to demonstrate hersolidarity with the revolution. Her trip to Cuba, where the previous year hundreds of thousands of people had supported the “Free Angela Davis” campaign, was a hugesuccess and helped to confirmDavis as one of the most prominent figures of the black freedom movement worldwide.

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    The Fine Line Between Physician Protocol and Personal Beliefs. (2019, Jan 01). Retrieved from

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