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    Mathematics Helps Patterns Regularities the World

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    The objects that we see in our own precious eyes are made by God and was developed by Man. To look at the things is very simple and to use those things is very usual. But appreciating those things is very hard if we don’t know how it is done and what the story behind those is. Before creating something or inventing object, measurements are very essential. Imagine a car that is made without proper measurements, it will not function as good as cars that has made with proper measurements. Every matter is created with blueprints. Blueprint consists side by side measurements and patterns. Patterns also helps in making things one of a kind. It gives illusion to the objects that are created. Illusion that will make us think how it was made. Just like the World’s most famous portrait painting of Leonardo da Vinci which is “Monalisa”.

    Mathematics has helped organize patterns and consistencies in the world because one must know that there is always mathematics in almost everything in this world. An example is an arrangement or grouping that repeats. You can watch designs – things like hues, shapes, activities, or different arrangements that repeat- all over. Consider words or tunes in tunes, lines and bends on structures, or even in the market where boxes and containers of different things are arranged.

    In the animal world (humans including) symmetrical animals are regarded as the most attractive by both sexes. It’s like flashing You have perfect genes.

    Mathematics is in every people’s daily task or activity. It is in nature, arts, music, medicine, and in other disciplines. It is in our communities. Mathematics is everywhere. Moreover, there is always a substantial interconnection and relationship between mathematics, the world, and the universe.

    Mathematics is extremely useful in making conclusions and/or prediction of the events of the world. It is used to describe the natural order and occurrences of the universe.

    In addition, it is used to organize patterns and regularities as well as irregularities, to help us control weather and epidemics, to provide tools for calculations, and to provide new questions to think about.

    In this world, people are being molded because of struggles. They become stronger as life throws them circumstances. Relating it to mathematics, Objects as people, Struggles and circumstances as the measurements. The problems measure the people how strong they are. The measurement also serves and test how firm the object is.

    Mathematics, developed by human mind and culture, is a formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploiting patterns. (Ian Stewart, p.1)

    Mathematics is perceived as a study of numbers, symbols, and equations, an art of geometric shapes and patterns, a universal language, a toll in decision-making and problem solving, and a way of life to be exact and precise.

    Indeed, mathematics is a study of patterns, an art, a language, a set of problem solving tools, and a process of thinking. (Nocon and Nocon).


    Mathematics will stay in our life forever because it is part of our journey. In relation to Fibonacci sequence which exist first in the Old Generation, it is still existing in ours. The contribution of Fibonacci sequence is very essential by means of having the perfect measurement in doing something such as paintings, pictures or anything that has something to do with measurements. Golden ratio is under the Fibonacci sequence and it has also throw a big impact in our life. Scientists found the sunflower as the perfect example of something that has a Golden ratio in it. As people we can’t see what the microscope sees in the sunflower. But when you take a look at the middle of the sunflower using the microscope, you will see the perfect shape measuring at 1.16814 which is the so called Golden Ratio.

    Musical pieces are read much like you would read math symbols. The symbols represent some bit of information about the piece. Musical pieces are divided into sections called measures or bars. Each measure embodies an equal amount of time. Furthermore, each measure is divided into equal portions called beats. These are all mathematical divisions of time.

    Fractions are used in music to indicate lengths of notes. In a musical piece, the time signature tells the musician information about the rhythm of the piece. A time signature is generally written as two integers, one above the other. The number on the bottom tells the musician which note in the piece gets a single beat (count). The top number tells the musician how many of this note is in each measure. Numbers can tell us a lot about musical pieces.

    Pythagoras (c. 570–c. 495 BC) explained patterns in nature like the harmonies of music as arising from number, which he took to be the basic constituent of existence.

    In 1202, Leonardo Fibonacci introduced the Fibonacci sequence to the western world with his book Liber Abaci. Fibonacci presented a thought experiment on the growth of an idealized rabbit population.

    In 1658, the English physician and philosopher Sir Thomas Browne discussed ‘how Nature Geometrizeth’ in The Garden of Cyrus, citing Pythagorean numerology involving the number 5, and the Platonic form of the quincunx pattern.

    Plato (c. 427–c. 347 BC) argued for the existence of natural universals. He considered these to consist of ideal forms (εἶδος eidos: ‘form’) of which physical objects are never more than imperfect copies. Thus, a flower may be roughly circular, but it is never a perfect circle.

    The American photographer Wilson Bentley took the first micrograph of a snowflake in 1885.

    In 1952, Alan Turing (1912–1954), better known for his work on computing and codebreaking, wrote The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis, an analysis of the mechanisms that would be needed to create patterns in living organisms, in the process called morphogenesis.[16] He predicted oscillating chemical reactions, in particular the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction. These activator-inhibitor mechanisms can, Turing suggested, generate patterns (dubbed ‘Turing patterns’) of stripes and spots in animals, and contribute to the spiral patterns seen in plant phyllotaxis.

    We see the same type of pattern in the leaves of certain plants, on the scales on fish and snakes and fir tree cones. They are not just pretty they are protection. Animals having overlapping body structures are flexible; they can curl up. We might not be able to see an armadillo first hand, but meal worms (known also as pill bugs and roly-polys) can be found easily in most damp outdoor environments. Looked at through a hand lens, the pattern of the overlapping structure can be seen.

    Some lines are not all that they seem. Zebras’ stripes have pattern, but how can we describe it? The stripes are the fingerprints of the animal, each has its own unique pattern. They are an example of how the purpose of pattern comes into its own in the natural world. In the animal kingdom, like colour, they are signal friend or foe. The stripes of a zebra act to distort what the predators see. We could investigate the effect of different shapes in helping animals hide and keep safe.

    Stripes, lines or bands of colour, can cause optical illusions. Here is an opportunity to investigate the causes after-images on the retina. Pattern and colour is seen to change as the speed of the motion increases. Colour wheels or discs made of lines, circles or coloured sectors can be stuck (masking tape works very well) on the end of a hand-held electric beater and observed as the speed increases. The results are fascinating.

    Colours are nature’s alarm clocks waking us up to the different and changing pattern in the seasons. Being able to read the pattern of the seasons was man’s first way of measuring passing time. Recording daily changes in temperature, amount of sunshine, rainfall etc. provides children with an opportunity to develop ways to record, organize and retrieve, as well as interpret, use and display real data. Data, information that can be used to solve problems, is full of pattern and the purpose of analyzing data is to enable people to predict and plan. We can do plenty of that with climate, weather and other seasonal data.

    As well as examining soccer balls and honeycombs, there are other hexagonal patterns to be explored. Try to arrange a set of the same sized coins so that they fit as tightly together as possible. Six of them will always cluster around the central one to form a shape similar to a honeycomb.

    Typically, we consider the elements of shape and colour, often colour simply emphasizes shape. Tartans are created through the same basic element, repeated lines, intersecting. The variety is immense as the thickness and colour of lines alternate, as we see in books detailing Scottish clans and their tartans. We could be even more creative in designing our own tartans and clan history than the Celts were.

    It doesn’t organize patterns or establish regularities, but it does permit people who have done the analyses of such patterns to express those patterns and regularities in terms of mathematical rules. That’s how we learned to describe molecules, for example, by studying their weights and the weights of their products or ingredients.


    As I’ve said, mathematics will always be in our life. It simply organizes patterns and regularities in the world by the means of it exist in everything that our eyes see. Our world will not be formed without the help of mathematics as the source of measuring something that is existing.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Mathematics Helps Patterns Regularities the World. (2022, Jan 18). Retrieved from

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