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    management (1982 words) Essay

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    Facebook is the largest social network . Primarily focused on high school to college students. Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, they’ve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U.

    S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow. : Facebook is the largest social network . Primarily focused on high school to college students.

    Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, they’ve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U. S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow.

    The Facebook PhenomenonFirst, let’s start by looking into Facebook in a broad spectrum – as the network, the phenomenon, the company, and its brand. : The Facebook PhenomenonFirst, let’s start by looking into Facebook in a broad spectrum – as the network, the phenomenon, the company, and its brand. Originally called thefacebook, Facebook was founded by former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received.

    Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed. : Originally called thefacebook, Facebook was founded by former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg (while at Harvard) who ran it as one of his hobby projects with some financial help from Eduardo Saverin. Within months, Facebook and its core idea spread across the dorm rooms of Harvard where it was very well received. Soon enough, it was extended to Stanford and Yale where, like Harvard, it was widely endorsed.

    Mark Zuckerbergthe owner of Facebook : Mark Zuckerbergthe owner of FacebookBefore he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard students Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help him grow the site to the next level. Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain facebook. com was purchased for a reported $200,000. : Before he knew it, Mark Zuckerberg was joined by two other fellow Harvard students Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes to help him grow the site to the next level.

    Only months later when it was officially a national student network phenomenon, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz dropped out of Harvard to pursue their dreams and run Facebook full time. In August 2005, thefacebook was officially called Facebook and the domain facebook. com was purchased for a reported $200,000. AvailabilityUnlike its competitors Myspace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Bebo, and others, Facebook isn’t available to everyone which explains its relatively low user count. Currently, users must be members of one of the 30,000+ recognized schools, colleges, universities, organizations, and companies within the U. S, Canada, and other English-speaking nations.

    This generally involves having a valid e-mail ID with the associated institution. : AvailabilityUnlike its competitors Myspace, Friendster, Xanga, Hi5, Bebo, and others, Facebook isn’t available to everyone which explains its relatively low user count. Currently, users must be members of one of the 30,000+ recognized schools, colleges, universities, organizations, and companies within the U. S, Canada, and other English-speaking nations.

    This generally involves having a valid e-mail ID with the associated institution. A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted around Facebook some with interesting results. For instance, according to an internal September 2005 survey, approximately 85% of the students in the supported colleges had a Facebook account, with 60% of them logging in daily. A survey conducted by Student Monitor revealed Facebook was the most in thing after the iPod and tying with beer, and com Score Media Metrix discovered users spend approximately 20 minutes everyday on Facebook. : A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted around Facebook some with interesting results. For instance, according to an internal September 2005 survey, approximately 85% of the students in the supported colleges had a Facebook account, with 60% of them logging in daily.

    A survey conducted by Student Monitor revealed Facebook was the most in thing after the iPod and tying with beer, and com Score Media Metrix discovered users spend approximately 20 minutes everyday on Facebook. Another 2005 survey said 90% of all undergraduates in the U. S. use Facebook regularly, and a detailed questionnaire analysis by Chris Roberts revealed that 76.

    2% never click on its ads. Perhaps the most amazing statistic of all may be that Facebook is the 5th most trafficked sites is the US. : Another 2005 survey said 90% of all undergraduates in the U. S.

    use Facebook regularly, and a detailed questionnaire analysis by Chris Roberts revealed that 76. 2% never click on its ads. Perhaps the most amazing statistic of all may be that Facebook is the 5th most trafficked sites is the US. Facebook ProfilesAs Facebook has evolved, so have its profile pages new fields have been added and users can share more information than before. A typical Facebook profile consists of a number of different sections, including Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall.

    Most of the sections are self explanatory but some are specific to Facebook. : Facebook ProfilesAs Facebook has evolved, so have its profile pages new fields have been added and users can share more information than before. A typical Facebook profile consists of a number of different sections, including Information, Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Most of the sections are self explanatory but some are specific to Facebook. Facebook PhotosWith over 1. 5 million photos uploaded daily, one of Facebook’s most popular features has been the ability to upload photos.

    Users can upload unlimited photos from their cell phone or through its Java based web interface. Facebook is one of the few services to offer an unlimited quota with their only restriction being a 60 photo per album limit this is much appreciated by Facebook’s college demographic. : Facebook PhotosWith over 1. 5 million photos uploaded daily, one of Facebook’s most popular features has been the ability to upload photos. Users can upload unlimited photos from their cell phone or through its Java based web interface.

    Facebook is one of the few services to offer an unlimited quota with their only restriction being a 60 photo per album limit this is much appreciated by Facebook’s college demographic. The process of uploading photos is very simple. Users create albums which they can assign limitations to (e. g. visible to my friends only) and upload photos within them.

    The album is then put into their profile, and other users with right credentials have the ability to see and comment on them. Facebook also gives the feature to share the photos with a simple web link or send them via AIM or by e-mail. What’s more, users can also order prints online through a simple integrated interface. : The process of uploading photos is very simple. Users create albums which they can assign limitations to (e.

    g. visible to my friends only) and upload photos within them. The album is then put into their profile, and other users with right credentials have the ability to see and comment on them. Facebook also gives the feature to share the photos with a simple web link or send them via AIM or by e-mail. What’s more, users can also order prints online through a simple integrated interface.

    Facebook GroupsJust like every other social network, Facebook has something called ‘groups. ‘ Users can create new ones or join and participate in existing ones. This is also displayed in their profile and is a good indication of hobbies and interests a person might have. There are two kind of groups, a normal group and a secret group, which isn’t shown on the profile : Facebook GroupsJust like every other social network, Facebook has something called ‘groups. ‘ Users can create new ones or join and participate in existing ones. This is also displayed in their profile and is a good indication of hobbies and interests a person might have.

    There are two kind of groups, a normal group and a secret group, which isn’t shown on the profileA normal group is just like any other, but users can also create and invite others into secret groups. These can be used for collaborating on university projects, and provide a way to have closed discussions. About 80% of the groups are ‘fun-related’ and companies can even sponsor groups as is the case with, for example, the Apple users group. : A normal group is just like any other, but users can also create and invite others into secret groups. These can be used for collaborating on university projects, and provide a way to have closed discussions.

    About 80% of the groups are ‘fun-related’ and companies can even sponsor groups as is the case with, for example, the Apple users group. As of August 2006, Facebook has offered a free developer API called Facebook developers. This essentially gives anyone access to Facebook’s internals and lets programmers create widgets, destroy , tools and projects based around Facebook. This is an important feature for Facebook since it makes it the first major social network to give access to its API. : As of August 2006, Facebook has offered a free developer API called Facebook developers.

    This essentially gives anyone access to Facebook’s internals and lets programmers create widgets, destroy , tools and projects based around Facebook. This is an important feature for Facebook since it makes it the first major social network to give access to its API. Although it is limited to 100,000 requests a day, it’s more than enough for a decent web app to come through. What’s more, a selection of applications have already been created. Facebank is a promising tool which lets you ‘keep track of depts and shared expenses with friends. ‘ Another interesting application is likuacious which lets you ‘rank your friends by wall popularity.

    ‘ The Wall, of course, is Facebook’s comments feature. : Although it is limited to 100,000 requests a day, it’s more than enough for a decent web app to come through. What’s more, a selection of applications have already been created. Facebank is a promising tool which lets you ‘keep track of depts and shared expenses with friends. ‘ Another interesting application is likuacious which lets you ‘rank your friends by wall popularity. ‘ The Wall, of course, is Facebook’s comments feature.

    The Future Facebook is a massively successful social networking service Most Networked Executives that grew to prominence in virtually no time. It’s not hard to see why: its features and tools are highly appealing, and Facebook users are extremely well networked in real life. Rumors of an acquisition continue to circulate, with some estimates putting the price in the billions of dollars. In the short term, however, Facebook plans to go it alone, continuing to build out one of the world’s most successful social networks. : The Future Facebook is a massively successful social networking service Most Networked Executives that grew to prominence in virtually no time.

    It’s not hard to see why: its features and tools are highly appealing, and Facebook users are extremely well networked in real life. Rumors of an acquisition continue to circulate, with some estimates putting the price in the billions of dollars. In the short term, however, Facebook plans to go it alone, continuing to build out one of the world’s most successful social networks.Slide 23: And now in Syria the government block the Facebook and we don’t know the reasons.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    management (1982 words) Essay. (2018, Dec 29). Retrieved from

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