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    MacbethVaulting Ambition Essay (622 words)

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    Ambition is a strong desire or drive to succeed or achieve something. It can help a person to strive at getting something they want. If someone wants something badly enough, their ambition will help them not give up until they achieve at getting what they want. But also, if a person has too much ambition, it could make that person do destructive things to get what they want and they will hurt anyone or anything that gets in their way.

    Ambition can be a positive thing or a negative thing. It is a positive thing when it helps you reach a certain goal and strive for something that is good. It is a negative thing when you let it take over, and you lose track of your original goal, and forget about your morals and about everyone around you. The only thing you care about is what you want, and you will do anything in your power to get it. This happens frequently in our world.

    I remember one time when I was younger and I ran for president of student council. Some of my close friends also ran. Even though they were my friends, I did everything I could to try to make people dislike them and like me. I told lies, and I hurt my friends.

    I began to lose track of the positive goal, and I turned my ambition into something negative. I soon didn’t have any friends and I also did not get elected for president. This was because I did things that were negative and destructive, and I lost track of my goalIn the play Macbeth, Macbeth’s ambition was to become king. But the only that he saw fit to become king was to kill Duncan. Duncan and Macbeth were cousins, and Duncan was a kind person to Macbeth. But Macbeth was blinded by his ambition.

    Macbeth said, “I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on the other,” (Act I Scene VII). By this quote, Macbeth meant that the only reason he sees to kill Duncan was because he wanted to become king. He didn’t think about the future consequences or repercussions. At first Macbeth was loyal, but his ambition overcame his morals a kind-heartedness and made him evil. He let his ambition take over, which made his ambition negative. Lady Macbeth also had too much ambition, which made her evil.

    She wanted so badly for Macbeth to become king, so that she could become queen. She said, “Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me, from the crown to toe, top full of direst cruelty,” (Act I, Scene V). She wanted to abandon her morals, and become cruel. She did not want to have remorse for doing evil deeds. She wanted this only because she wanted to become queen. She did not want anything to get in her way of achieving this.

    Her ambition got in the way, and she became corrupted by it. When someone has too much ambition, they can lose track of what they are trying to achieve. In this case ambition can become negative. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth abandoned all of their morals and goodness so that they could get what they want. They did not care about all the lives that they ruined.

    The only thing that they cared about was becoming king and queen. They let their ambition become negative and take over, just as I did when I tried to become elected as president of student council. This shows that when a person has too much ambition they can and will do destructive things.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    MacbethVaulting Ambition Essay (622 words). (2019, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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