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    Can a lucid dream be a nightmare?

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    Imagine soaring through the air at outstanding speeds,pretending to be Superman with a red and blue cape, thendeciding to become Tom Cruise in the movie Top Gun, flyingan F14 at two-hundred miles an hour over the Arctic Ocean.

    Suddenly, you wake up and you think to yourself: Wow, whata dream, I did what I wanted to do, not knowing what youveexperienced is a Lucid Dream. According to the Institute of Lucidity, the term LucidDream means, Dreaming while knowing you are dreaming (4). Knowing that you are dreaming will allow you to guide yourdream in the direction you want to go. The realization oflucid dreams is done by the dreamer, when he or she noticeswhat theyre doing is impossible to do in reality. Anyone can lucid dream.

    There are techniques anddevices if one wants to lucid dream, like remainingconscious until one starts dreaming. Telling yourself Iwill dream tonight, I will dream tonight and thinking aboutwhat you want to dream about during the day. There are alsoherbs and drugs that can help you become more consciouslyaware of your dreams. Lucid dreaming usually occurs in theREM(Rapid eye movement) stage. It takes about 90-minutesafter you sleep to get to the REM stage. The more yousleep, the more time youll be in the REM stage, and themore likely youll have a lucid dream.

    There are many reasons why we lucid dream, but the mostcommon reasons are in categories. First, there isExcitement and Exploration, Social Practice ,SilencingNightmares , and Problem Solving (2). Excitement andexploration is knowing you have the freedom to do what youwant in your dreams. With excitement, youre excited youcan do whatever you want. With exploration, youreexploring what you can do, or what youve always wanted todo.

    Instead of driving to work, you can fly. While flyingyou can decide to do something else like, fly at impossiblespeeds, explore your surroundings, and doing jumping jacksin the air if you want to. You might think of a characterin a movie and decide to become that character. Since Im acollege student, when Im lucid dreaming I might wonder whatit would be like to live out my dreams of becoming akindergarten teacher, to have that fast car, to live in abig house with a balcony, to have that wife that never ages,or to raise two or three kids. On the other hand, Social Practice is trying new thingsand testing yourself under a new situation, and Words / Pages : 412 / 24 .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Can a lucid dream be a nightmare?. (2019, Mar 17). Retrieved from

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