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    Logic is not Practical Essay (660 words)

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    Category:ReligionPaper Title:Logic is not PracticalText:LOGIC IS NOT PRACTICALWho needs logic? Logic is but an entrapment a false sense of security tolet us rest easy at night. Countless numbers take solace in the world in whichwe live, a world we know virtually nothing about, by forcing themselves tobelieve that if something is intangible, or unimaginable, it is impossible. The Spanish told Christopher Columbus in 1492 that he was setting sail onsuicide mission when he discovered North America. Logic had told them, from thebeginning of time, that the world was flat.

    Of course it is, at least as far asthe eye can see. But in this case, and in many others too numerous to mention,there is so much beyond what the eye can see. A modern-time example would be the mass suicide of 39 Heavens Gate cultmembers. They reportedly timed their suicides to correlate with the passing ofthe comet named Hale-Bopp. They supposedly believed that their spirits weregoing to rendezvous with a UFO that was enveloped by Hale-Bopps tail.

    Howpreposterous! What an obtuse notion! I am sure these are the same feelingsexpressed by the Spanish in the 1400s. Who are we to second-guess someoneelses actions? Our culture is quick to shoot down ideas that cannot be backedup by logic. I feel that this limits the human race hugely. We believe in God. As a whole, we are a nation built on Christian beliefs One Nation Under God.

    Ive never seen him, nor have I ever heard him not in a logical sense. However, these facts make him no less real. A common belief that is highly criticized is reincarnation. Some believe itis absurd to think that all living things are intertwined that a human canbe reborn as a bird, or a fish, or a goat. I cant remember every dying andbeing reborn as a human or anything else, so I will straddle the fence onthat argument. Forever, we believed that life could not be duplicated by any other meansthan by conventional reproduction.

    Once again, we have been educated otherwise. In 1997, two world-renown universities conducted successful experiments cloninganimals. It began with sheep and monkeys, but now the race is on to clone thefirst human!Logically, we want to believe that this is impossible, but the proof of thepudding is in the eating! Theres another slap in the face for logic. Many people dont believe angels exist. I believe there are angels among usevery day, in everything we do. Little Sara McCloud shares my belief.

    One daylast winter, Sara was boarding her school bus for the afternoon ride home when astranger approached her. The nice elderly woman was technically a stranger toher, but Sara agreed to let the woman walk her home. Even though this wasagainst her better judgment, Sara knew the twelve blocks werent too far towalk, and besides, her bus took a very out-of-the-way route to her home, so thisway would probably be much quicker. It wasnt until Sara arrived home that sherealized the importance of this decision. When she stepped onto her front porch,Saras distraught mother clutched her tightly in her arms. Sara had never beensqueezed so hard.

    Her mother had just received word that Saras school bus hadrun off an icy bridge, just half a mile from the school. The little girl reassured her mother that everything was fine, thanks to hernew friend who offered to walk her home. As she turned around to introduce thesweet old lady, she was gone vanished without a trace. I feel that this isproof that there are stronger powers working out there.

    Stronger than that powerin our minds logic. While it is true, that seeing is believing, maybe sometimes we try to seewith our eyes shut. A wise teacher once told me that is OK to be ignorant, itis not OK to be proud of being ignorant. Who knows what may unfold in thefuture? Practically every day logic is disproved. Ill never depend on it.

    Butthen again never say never.Religion

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    Logic is not Practical Essay (660 words). (2019, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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