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    Literature Poems Final Review

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    Who wrote Spring Harvest of Snow Peas
    Maxine Hong Kingston
    Who wrote Eating Alone
    Li-Young Li
    What are the poems about
    What is Spring Harvest of Snow peas describing
    the memory of the readers family garden
    How does the reader describe the walk alone in the garden of Snow Peas
    She is happy because she has a great memory, while she eats and sings
    What kind of vegetable does Eating Alone talk about
    onions that are getting old
    What is the temperature the reader describes in Eating Alone
    It is dry and cold
    What does the speaker remember about his father in Eating Alone
    He remembers all of the great food his father cooked before he died
    In Eating Alone was the poet sad about his father
    No he was happy because he felt he was still eating with his father even though he was alone

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    Literature Poems Final Review. (2018, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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