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    JFK Jr. Plane Crash Essay (278 words)

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    The JFK Jr. plane crash affected our whole country thispast summer. John F.

    Kennedy Jr. with not all that muchexperience decided to fly his wife, Carolyn Bassett andhimself to Hyannis Port for a family wedding, dropping offhis sister in law Lauren off at Marthas Vineyard. It was afoggy night and Kennedy crashed to his death just a mere20 miles shy of Marthas Vineyard. The Kennedys havebeen a loved family of all Americans.

    This family has beenthrough more tragedies than most. Many reporters havetalked of the Kennedy curse. Is the family cursed? Mostwould say yes due to the ten deaths to this family over thecourse of the years, only two of which were natural. Theaverage life span of the Kennedys is forty-four incomparison to the general population of seventy-two years. If I were the President of the United States of America Iwould be deeply saddened by the loss of a very prominentfigure in the American culture. I would also be upset thatsuch a promising future for this man in our country wastaken away, seeing how John F.

    Kennedy Jr. was in linefor the presidential elections. On a personal level I wouldbe grateful for John F. Kennedy Jr.

    and his wife to betogether in their leaving this world and on to the next. Itwas a sad event that such young people had to have theirlives taken from them. This event affected the country in abig way. They all sat at home, offices, shopping marts, etc.

    on the edge of their seats keeping up on this horrible event. Everyone hoped even with such trying odds that Johnwould be okay. We all felt the loss of such a great man.Category: History

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    JFK Jr. Plane Crash Essay (278 words). (2019, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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