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    Japan in 1830 History of Transportation

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    Japan has seen a lot of transitions and changes through their existence. The years between 1603 to 1868 is known as the Edo Period. The Edo Period was a time of peace when arts and culture were popular. Transportation in this time was based around transporting goods. People of the Edo period dressed according to their social status.

    During the Edo Period, the clothes people wore depended on their class.The different social classes were the aristocats, the warriors, and the townspeople. Aristocrats wore layers of kimono garments called junihitoe. Both male and female aristocats wore the same clothes, there wasn’t a gender difference. Fans were important to Japanese women. They used them in everything, from performances to ceremonies to daily life. Warriors wore pants called hakama to protect their legs. Hakama pants have seven pleats to represent the seven virtues of the samurai way. Warriors also wore a surcoat called a kataginu. The kataginu was a sleeveless jacket. This is the most recognizable part of the warrior’s clothing. The townspeople wore short- sleeved kimonos and sandals. These sandals, called waraji were made out of rice straw. The sandals were often worn with split toe socks called tabi.

    Transportation in Japan during the Edo period was mainly needed for transporting goods. Transportation was primarily walking. They walked when they worked and walked when they socialized. Walking eventually led to the rickshaw and palanquin. The rickshaw was a man-pulled cart. This was a very affordable way of transporting. It could carry people, manure, or goods. It could be used as a hearse or an ambulance. The rickshaw was a resourceful mode of transportation in the crowded city. The palanquin was a couch, chair, or bed attached to two poles that men would carry on their shoulders. They usually carried important people but it could also be used as a hearse or an ambulance. The palanquin could also carry everyday goods as well.

    Japanese during the Edo period also used horses for transportation. Horses were a good mode of transportation for people in the country or rural areas. Horses could be used as a mode of transportation or for work. They were used to plow fields or to move livestock. They were also used in battle. Horses could pull carts, wagons, and street cars. Horse drawn carts or wagons could carry people, everyday goods, or could even be used to carry the dead or to carry people that were hurt to the hospital. Horse drawn street cars were used to carry large amounts of people in large cities.

    Boats were another mode of transportation used during the Edo period. Boat were used by people who lived on rivers, lakes, and near the ocean. Boats could be used as personal transportation. They could carry many people, livestock, or everyday items. They were also used for fishing in oceans, lakes, or large rivers. Boats called sobakiri-uri no funes were used by merchants to sell goods or to trade along rivers. A chokibune was used to transport people from place to place.

    The clothing and transportation during the Edo period in Japan reflected a time of peace and the importance of art and culture. Clothing differed between the social classes and transportation was used to transport goods.


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    Japan in 1830 History of Transportation. (2022, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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