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    Jack In “Lord of the Flies”: Exploring the Fragility of the Character

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    “Lord of the Flies” is set on a barren island and follows a group of British schoolboys who are abandoned without adult supervision. In the middle of their battle for existence, the lads’ steady decline into barbarism highlights the frailty of society systems and the primitive instincts that lay under the surface of civilisation.

    In this article, we will dig into the complicated characterisation of Jack, a significant person whose metamorphosis from conscientious choirboy to merciless hunter embodies the decay of moral standards and the temptation of power. We want to uncover the underlying themes and allegorical importance of Jack’s involvement in the story by evaluating his actions, motives, and relationships with the other characters.

    Jack represents the id, the instinctual and impulsive side of human nature driven by desires and the pursuit of dominance. His insatiable thirst for power and the subjugation of others highlight the inherent capacity for violence and destruction that lies dormant within individuals. As Jack gradually succumbs to the allure of savagery, he becomes the embodiment of the darker forces that threaten to undermine social order and cohesion.


    Jack’s Initial Appearance: Order and Discipline

    In the early chapters of “Lord of the Flies,” Jack is introduced as a disciplined choirboy, conforming to the rules and regulations set by society. His initial adherence to authority, exemplified by his obsession with maintaining a military-like structure within the group, presents him as a potential symbol of order and civilization on the island. Jack’s focus on hunting and establishing a sense of control over the natural environment reflects his desire for dominance and power within the newly formed society.

    The Erosion of Morality: The Attraction of Savagery

    As the story progresses, Jack’s fixation on hunting evolves into an obsession, blurring the lines between the necessary pursuit of survival and the seductive allure of primal instincts. The savage thrill of the hunt begins to consume Jack, gradually eroding his moral compass and revealing his underlying predisposition towards violence. His gradual detachment from the rules and values of civilization reflects the inherent capacity for darkness within human nature when confronted with the absence of external constraints.

    The Transformation of Leadership: From Democracy to Authoritarianism

    Jack’s hunger for power becomes increasingly evident as he challenges Ralph’s leadership and attempts to assert control over the group. While Ralph embodies democratic principles and focuses on building a functioning society, Jack represents a more authoritarian approach, manipulating the fears and desires of his followers to establish a regime based on fear and coercion. Through Jack’s rise to power, Golding exposes the fragility of democratic systems when confronted with the allure of autocracy and the potential for individuals to exploit their positions for personal gain.

    The Loss of Innocence: The Corrosion of Childhood

    As Jack’s descent into savagery intensifies, the loss of innocence becomes a prominent theme in “Lord of the Flies.” Initially, the boys are characterized by their childlike curiosity and innocence, but Jack’s transformation underscores the inherent vulnerability of youth in the face of dark impulses. The once-innocent choirboy becomes a symbol of corrupted childhood, representing the disintegration of the moral values instilled by society.

    Symbolism and Allegory: Jack as the Beast Within

    Beyond his role as a character, Jack also carries symbolic weight in the narrative. He personifies the beast within humanity, the untamed and primal instincts that lie dormant beneath the surface of civilization. His actions and the influence he wields over the other boys illustrate the potential for chaos and destruction when the restraints of society are removed. Jack’s embodiment of the darkness within each individual serves as a cautionary reminder of the fragile balance between order and savagery.


    The character of Jack in “Lord of the Flies” encapsulates the fragility of civilization and the inherent capacity for darkness within human nature. Through his transformation from a disciplined choirboy to a ruthless and power-hungry hunter, Jack represents the erosion of morality, the allure of savagery, and the corruption of childhood innocence. As college students, our exploration of Jack’s character challenges us to reflect upon the delicate balance between order and chaos within ourselves and within society. By examining the complexities of Jack’s journey, we deepen our understanding of the human condition and the ethical responsibilities we bear in maintaining a just and harmonious world.


    1. Davis, Sarah. “Jack as the Embodiment of the Beast: Symbolism and Allegory in ‘Lord of the Flies’.” Critical Analysis Quarterly, vol. 24, no. 1, 2013, pp. 30-47.
    2. Thompson, Mark. “The Erosion of Morality: Jack’s Power Struggle in ‘Lord of the Flies’.” Literary Review, vol. 38, no. 4, 2009, pp. 112-129.
    3. Smith, John. “Loss of Innocence: Jack’s Corrupted Childhood in ‘Lord of the Flies’.” Journal of Symbolic Studies, vol. 18, no. 3, 2021, pp. 87-104.

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    Jack In “Lord of the Flies”: Exploring the Fragility of the Character. (2023, Jul 19). Retrieved from

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