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    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistan tested a seco Essay

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    nd nuclear-capable missile Thursday, official sources said, upping the ante in the missile race with its uneasy neighbor India.

    The range of the newest missile wasn’t immediately known. The Ghauri II, which has a range of 1,200 miles, was tested in response to a similar test carried out by India last Sunday. It wasn’t immediately clear why Pakistan chose to conduct a second test or whether it would prompt India to respond. Serbs: NATO Bombed Refugee ConvoyBELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) — Yugoslavia accused NATO jets of blasting apart a convoy of refugees under Serb police escort Wednesday. The alliance said its pilots fired on military vehicles only, and the Pentagon suggested that Serbs may have been responsible for the carnage.

    NATO targeted military barracks, transmitters carrying the state-run television program and a series of bridges late Wednesday and early Thursday that reportedly injured three people the official Tanjug news agency said. Captured Americans Said To Be SafeBELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) — A top Yugoslav official on Wednesday said the three U. S. soldiers captured last month by Serbian forces are being treated well. “They were captured in our territory, and this state, even in such terrible circumstances, will respect the Geneva convention,” Yugoslav Deputy Prime Minister Vuk Draskovic told CBS Evening News. Draskovic said the men would be released “immediately after the stopping of the war.

    ” The soldiers have not been visited by any outside agency since their capture. Mrs. Dole Touts Her CredentialsANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Elizabeth Dole made her case for succeeding President Clinton to a group of 4,000 midshipmen of the U.

    S. Naval Academy tonight. Mrs. Dole, the wife of former presidential candidate and long-time Sen. Bob Dole, ticked off her travels through Bosnia and Beijing and endorsed ground troops in Kosovo. She called on Clinton to “use all the power necessary” to defeat Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic’s campaign against Kosovo.

    Teen-Ager Gets 70 Years for MurderTOMS RIVER, N. J. (AP) — Portrayed as both victim and criminal, a teen-ager who admitted to killing an 11-year-old boy apologized as he was sentenced to 70 years in prison. Sam Manzie, 17, described by prosecutors as a sociopath “programmed to have sex, rape and kill,” told the victim’s parents he doesn’t know how he got that way: “I still can’t figure out why I did what I did.

    ” Eddie Werner was strangled after he came to Manzie’s house selling items for the PTA in 1997. Prosecutors said Manzie killed the boy for rejecting his sexual advances. Sega Unveils New Video GameNEW YORK (AP) — Sega will release Dreamcast, its next-generation video-game system, in September, hoping to gain a competitive advantage against rivals Sony and Nintendo for the crucial holiday shopping season. Sega is expected to announce Thursday it will launch a $100 million marketing campaign to support the U. S.

    rollout of Dreamcast, which will retail for $199. Sega will be the first manufacturer to release the next generation of gaming system in the United States. Dreamcast has already sold more than 1 million units in Japan since its launch last November. Tokyo Stocks Up at MiddayTOKYO (AP) — Japanese stocks edged higher Thursday morning as investors snapped up financial shares and Sony announced a deal with IBM.

    The Nikkei rose 22. 90 points to close the morning session at 16,787. 58. In New York Wednesday, the Dow gained 16. 65 to close at 10,411.

    66. Pacers Snap Magic Winning StreakINDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Reggie Miller hit all 12 of his free throws and finished with 21 points as Indiana defeated Orlando 83-80 in a battle of Eastern Conference leaders Wednesday night, snapping the Magic’s six-game winning streak. The Magic trailed by nine points in the third quarter before Penny Hardaway, who finished with 25 points, hit a 3-pointer to pull Orlando even at 78-78 with 3:24 to play. Blues Bust Mighty Ducks 3-1ANAHEIM, Calif.

    (AP) — Michel Picard and Geoff Courtnall scored goals 25 seconds apart in the first period and St. Louis beat Anaheim 3-1 Wednesday night, moving the Blues one point ahead of the Mighty Ducks in the Western Conference playoff race. Grant Fuhr stopped 31 shots, and was impenetrable until the third period when his shutout bid was spoiled by Paul Kariya.

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    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistan tested a seco Essay. (2019, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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