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    Identity Theft : The Misappropriation Of Another Essay

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    Identity theft can be described as the misappropriation of anotherperson’s identity that typically involves impersonating someone else and taking up that person ‘s personality. Most cases of identity theft frequently involve the need to access valuable resources or take credit and other advantages that accompany a renowned person ‘s title. Victims of identity theft (people whose identities have been stolen) stand to suffer unfavorable consequences if they are assumed responsible for the actions of the perpetrator. Identity theft happens when an individual illegally acquires and exploits other people’s private information such as names or PIN numbers to carry out swindles or other offenses. While this nature of identity theft is very common, several unexplored aspects of this phenomenon exist in the real world.

    This category contains many questions on the nature and description of identity theft (Anania, Johannes, and Eeten 29). This new perspective is far much broader and includes events that were initially assumed ordinary and non-criminal.By far, the most common form of identity theft involves exploiting flaws that exist in the common information technology platforms. Credit card, Email, and Internet identity thefts fall in this category. Fraudsters normally use different techniques that tamper with the technology or alter the information within the cards. Regardless of the approach, such types of theft have a thin threshold that allows them to be categorized as genuine “identity thefts” (Lenardon 43).

    Stolen credit cards may be used for fraudulent purposes and returned to the owner’s possession without them even realizing. Such misdemeanors take place over a span of several hours. In such. .formation and transforming information to money or property, eradicating ways in whichinformation is obtained and changed into valuable products, and communicating the potential legal ramifications of stealing other people’s identity may assist in lowering identity theft (Biegelman 45). To comprehend the felony of identity theft and therefore maximize the possibility that legislators and law enforcement are helpful in eliminating this crime, more studies needs to be conducted (Anania et al.

    , 39). First, several laws have been implemented to extend assistance to consumers and identity theft victims. Nonetheless, the efficiency of these regulations has not yet been evaluated. A greater part of this legislation is moderately new, prospective research should assess the level to which the law is an effective approach in lowering cases of identity theft.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Identity Theft : The Misappropriation Of Another Essay. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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