English 2080 meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This week, we read a story by Henrik Ibsen called Hedda Gabler. I did not feel sorry for the character named Hedda.
I feel as if she was very conceited and self-centered. It seemed as if she was also obsessed with guys. This may have been because she was not truly in love with her husband, George Tesman. She seemed happiest when she made other people feel bad. For instance, she began to talk to Mrs.
Elvsted was very nice, but quickly turned into a very nosy person halfway through the conversation. She seems like a person who will go to any length to make herself happy. I liked the unexpected ending in this story. It also pointed out that Hedda would do anything to get what she wanted. She wanted to leave her husband and be with Eilbert Loevborg. In act five, she learns that Loevborg has lost his manuscript and does not know what to do.
She says, Wait. I want to give you a souvenir to take with you.” She goes over to the writing table, opens the drawer, and gives him the pistol. The reader finds out that Loevborg kills himself.
Hedda later kills herself. Was this her way of getting what she wanted? These are a few reasons why I do not feel sorry for her. She had many chances to change her life, but she decided to end it.