The animal that I picked to reasherched on is a house cat. Classify: The cat would best fit in the Animalia kingdom. phylum: Chordata(vertebrate)Class: MammalsOrder: PulicidaeFamily: SiphonapteraGenus: FelisSpecies: domesticus(a) It depends on others for food. (b)Cells are flexible.
The way a cat would reproduce would be sexually. In order to produce sexuallyyou have to have a male and female, or ‘sperm, and a fertile egg’;The cats characteristics are a wide range, because there are so many types of cats. They are part of the Polymorphism group which mean that it is hard to identify the malefrom the female. The cats that are the same back ground will look very similar.
Theyhave also adapted to our world by having great reflexes for catching fast rodents or birds. They have also adapted to hunting at night and their eyes are very useful in the darkunlike ours. Cats can also make their hair stand up for defence, after its all standing upthe cat can look up to three inches taller. That intimidates their enemy the enemy runsaway. When the cats purrs it tells you that they are happy.
So to close things, theordinary house cat is very interesting and they are very cool.