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    Honor Argumentative Essay (477 words)

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    It is better to die with honor than to live with shameIt has been said, “I would rather die standing than live on my knees!” (Emiliano Zapata). All things are possible to a person who stands on the foundation of honor.

    The definition of honor is a high regard or respect; personal integrity; reputation; privilege (Webster’s Dictionary). The word honor comes from Latin Honos. Honor shapes lives everyday, and provides the glue that holds a family, community and country together. To have a fantastic family is the best honor a person can have. Parents always teach their children to be good to other and make a well name for themselves but it is in them whether or not they will truly do it. Being proud of where you came from and then creating a great reputation for yourself emphasizes how much you honor your family.

    The bible says to honor thy family. An example of this would be the Bush family. If they did not have family to lean back on during troublesome times they would not be the family they are now; strong and reputable. Honor is what keeps our families striving to do better. The price of honor can be great, and can even cost a person his or her life.

    A brilliant orator by the name of Malcolm X helped to break the prejudiced way of life. He came to America with a new message to all the people. Even in his death he is still a much honored man not only by the African Americans but also by anyone who has been affected by any type of prejudice. How honor shaped this Islamic leader’s life is clear; he lived what he preached, and fought for his community. September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day but at the same time a very heart shaping experience.

    The men and women who ran into burning building trying to help the helpless had great courage and personal honor. Every person that had been hurt or killed during this horrific ordeal were rescued and treated as needed. The fallen rescuers did not even think of their own lives, just the people who needed the help. The personal honor that drives a man to search for up to 18 hours straight, looking for any sign of life, honors those lost, and honors his country. Honor can be from saluting a flag to helping the helpless, but to me the greatest honor is being able to honor my family wherever life takes me. With honor, a person has a fixed place from which to create a life.

    Though it may not be the fastest, the most lucrative, or bring the most attention to satisfy the ego, a man or woman who holds on to their honor will remain steadfast when troubles come. They will stand strong with there family, community, and country.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Honor Argumentative Essay (477 words). (2019, Jan 25). Retrieved from

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