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    Godrej Industrial Safety Essay (4188 words)

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    SARASWATI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF MASTER OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Research paper: (Research Methodology Project) Title: Case Study On Godrej Industrial Safety Guide: Prof. Priyadarshini Poddar Name of Author: Chetan Jagtap Date: 22nd February 2010 ABSTRACT Man and machine are two important ingredient of industrial safety. Men need machine which many times bring hazard and accidents this has created the need of industrial safety. It is more important to minimize or eliminate the contact between men and machine are the product of engineering and therefore engineeri-ng occupies the pioneering place in industrial safety.

    The Project objective is to learn and practically implement the industrial safety theory. To study and analyze safety activities and performance existing in the plant. The purpose of this project is to analyze the accident rate of the plant & various safety practices used by the company. Personal Protective Equipment & Safe practices is the key to eliminate the hazard & accident. The primary data collected from Godrej plant Safety Report. INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY IN ENGINEERING INDUSTRY Man and machine are to important ingredient of industrial safety.

    Men need machine which many times bring hazard and accidents this has created the need of industrial safety. It is more important to minimize or eliminate the contact between men and machine machine are the product of engineering and therefore engineering occupies the pioneering place in industrial safety. Without engineering industries no machine and no mass production is possible. Section 14, 21 to 26, 28 to 35, 87, 88, and IVA of factory act 1948 and rule made under these section by Gujarat factories rule provides safety measures machinery, processes, and accidents.

    The provision are for safety from dust , machinery in motion, power cutting devices, self acting machine, carrier of new machinery, hoist and lifts, lifting machine, revolving machine, floor, stairs, means of access, excessive weight, protection of eyes and hazardous processes in ferrous and non ferrous metallurgical industries and foundries, core industries, grinding or glazzing of metal , electroplating of metal. Godrej at a Glance… [pic] In the year 1997, Godrej & Boyce celebrated their centenary year. This dynamic organization has progressed tremendously since its inception and has been gaining strength consistently.

    Quality is the hallmark of the all the Godrej products and any product with the ‘Godrej’ mark represent quality, dependability & satisfaction to its customers. What now is a gainful industrial organization was a brainchild of Mr. Ardeshir Godrej, which through the help dedicated men with tremendous foresight and finely honed engineering and marketing skills, has become one of the biggest houses in India. His brother Mr. Phirozshah Godrej under his leadership the organization grew and diversified further carried on the founder’s pioneering work.

    In 1905 Godrej built his first safe thus vetting foot in to the security equipment business which at eight years from its century has become 100 crores turnover division with almost no competition in the Indian market and global presence in this field. Former expansion came in 1923 with the introduction of steel shelves with industrialization growing at a brisk space need for office equipment like chairs, tables, filing cabinets and movable partition system, etc. was felt in 1937. In 1955, started the production of one item without which no office in India could be completed ‘The Typewriters”.

    This indigenously built all Indian typewriters has made Godrej one of the leading manufactures of typewriters in India. Realizing today’s need this branch has also set foot in the field of electronics typewriter, projectors and basic models of word processor. The next Godrej product to sweep the Indian market was the steel cupboard in 1958. This product to have become a regular sight in houses & homes. This was then followed by another product, which passed many a milestone since its conception and which to have become a household name ‘ The Godrej Refrigerator’. The manufacture of a range of hospital furniture.

    The steel locks for Libraries in 1936, designed to keep up with modern library methods, canteen’s equipment made to the latest design in 1951 and auditorium chairs in 1954, make contribution of Godrej to national welfare. In 1953, Godrej started manufacturing tools crib and cabinets for systematic adaptable, fully accessible storage. In order to keep up with modern with growing needs of industries, Godrej entered another progressive phase in 1957 with manufacture of ink tool for internal as well as external use. The first Godrej Mechanical Press Breaks were made in 1942 and son almost every plant at Godrej was using this.

    The long life, quality and performance at these miles are reflected in the excellence of Godrej products. In 1960, in collaboration with M/s. Clart International, started the manufacturing of Forklift trucks, both types which can be operated by fuel and electric with capacity ranging from one ton to sixteen tones which have item and again proved there worth as a rigged and versatile material handling equipment with the field of welding technology gaining importance and recognition Godrej has setup one of the most modernized units for the fabrication of large pressure vessels and other equipment.

    The most recent achievement by Godrej was made when it acquired the ISO 9000, ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 certificate which former reinforced the rest of not only the Indian market but also the global market in the product of Godrej. Today Godrej employee over 15,000 people and has grown in to a multi-crores professionally managed group with far reaching service and distribution network. “Economy and Services” are being the main motto of Godrej they have already diversified in to field of Indian industry thus helping in the economic growth of the country. Production range of the Company at Vikhroli… |Plant No. Name of the Plant / Division |Product | | | | | |1 |Steel Processing Plant |Steel & Al blanks | | | | | |2 |GODREJ Appliances Limited |Refrigerators, etc; | | |O. E.

    Division (Furniture Business) | | |3 | |Furniture | | |GODREJ Applications Limited | | |4 | | | | |Tool Room Division | | |5 | |External & Internal jobs | | |Storage | | |7 | | | | |Machine Tool Division | | |8 | |Presses & Press Tool | | |O. E.

    Division (Storewel Business) | | |9 | |Stonewell | | |Stonewell solution Business | | |10 | |Storage solutions | | |O. E. Division (Furniture Business) | | |11 | |Chairs | | |Precision Equipment Division | | |12 | Reactors, Pressure vessels, | | |Material Handling Equipment Division |Fork Lift Trucks | |13 | | | | |Security Equipment Division | | | | |Security equipments | |14 | |Like Safes, Strong Doors, Avanti Doors, etc. | | | | | | |Locks | | |Locks Division | | | | | | |15 | | | | | | | | | | | OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLO RESEARCH METHODOLOGY : Research can be defined as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge. A research is carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons.

    Research methodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along with logic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking about research methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods. We are in context of our research studies and explain why it is being used a particular method or technique and why the others are not used. So that research result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or by others. ASSUMPTIONS: 1. It has been assumed that sample of 25 workers represents the whole population. 2. The information given by the workers of Godrej is unbiased. COLLECTION OF DATA:

    This research is solely based on primary research done by means of questionnaires targeted to workers. The sample size is 25. Survey has been conducted in Godrej at Vikhroli. Referred Various Books & links related to Industrial Safety & Godrej industry. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH OBJECTIVE QUESTIONNAIRE PREPARATION REASEARCH METHOD QUALITATIVE METHOD (QUESTIONNAIRE) DATA INTERPRETATION DATA ANALYSIS CONCLUSION Introduction to Plant – 17 Plant no. 17 is one of the plants of the O. E. Division (Office Equipment Division). O. E. Division is the biggest division in Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Under the O. E. Division falls business like: • Office Furniture Business. • Security Equipment Business. • Storewel. • Strong Solutions Group. Steel Procurement Plant. Plant no. 17 is manufacturing the Security Equipments. Godrej is the first Indian Company to manufacture safes of quality comparable to that other well-known international makes. If viewed from a board perspective plant-17 consists of mainly two divisions, Manufacturing and Marketing. The manufacturing line mainly consists of the assemblies. They are: • Assembly – I (RPE Group) • Assembly – II (SDLC Group) • Assembly – III (Safe Group) • Assembly – IV (Strong Door) • Assembly – V (Avanti home security doors/Fire Doors) • Assembly – VI (ATM) Various Products manufactured in Plant 17 are: • Defender Plus Safes • Strong Door Safe Deposit Locker Cabinet • Fire Resisting Record Cabinet and Filling Cabinet • Dataline datasafe,Dataline ‘M’,Matrix safe • Avanti Home Security Doors ( Recently introduced in market) • Electronic Safes SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The main function of the safety department is to advice & assists the management in the fulfilment of its obligation concerning prevention of personal injuries and maintaining safe working environment. The safety department conducts various training programmes for the employees & assists the management in functioning of safety committee. General safety training such as Basic Principles of Accident prevention, Fire fighting prevention, Housekeeping etc. is given to all employees. The specific training such as Welding safety, Safety in power presses etc. is given to the employees performing specific work. The purchase department is advised in the matter relating to selection of personal protective equipment. The departments of the plant are advised in planning & organising measures necessary for the effective control of personal injuries. Company’s OCCUPATINAL, HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY: Our management firmly believes that people constitute the principal asset of our business and industry. A company can gain competitive advantage by supplying superior products & services.

    But at the heart of it all, are the people who create, innovate and ultimately make the difference between success and failure Therefore, the safety, health and the working environment of all the people associated with the company is of paramount importance to the management. Hence it is committed to the same. Structure Role And Responsibility Security Equipment Division ORGANOGRAM Project manager leads all activities and is responsibility for ensuring that OHS policy is implemented and followed at site. RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY ASSOCIATE. MANAGER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR (a) Advising the plant management on the matters pertaining to safety of the employees. (b) Designing, developing & organising safety training for the employees. (c) Conducting periodical safety inspection of the plant. (d) Recommending suitable personal protective equipment. e) Informing all concerned about any change in the safety procedures. He is authorised to: (a) Select the necessary personal protective equipment. (b) Recommend corrective & preventive measures for unsafe Practices & unsafe condition. (c) Amend the safety manual. (d) Procure the necessary training material. ELEMENTS OF SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: 1. SAFETY COMMITTEE: ? The safety committee is a most useful instrument for facilitating the necessary co-operative effect, which is essential to succeed in accident prevention. ? The committee act as an advisory body &the tenure of which is two year. ? This committee should regularly meet, at least once in three month. The co-operative effort of this committee is very necessary to develop line of communication between the site in charge and the workers through supervisory grades and supported by the safety manager. Functions and Duties of this committee: ? Assisting and co-operating with the management in achieving the aims and the objectives outlined in “Health & Safety Policy” of the company. ? Dealing with all matters concerning with HSE. ? Creating safety awareness amongst all the workers. ? Undertaking educational, training and promotional activities. ? Carrying out health and safety survey. ? To identify the causes of accident and preventive measures related to it. 2) INSPECTION: 3) USE OF PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Personnel protective equipment is not a substitute for engineering controls r feasible work or administrative procedures. While these controls are being implemented, or if it has been determined that controls method are not feasible, PPE is required whenever there is a hazard that can do body harm through adsorption, inhalation, or contact. Some of the PPE used are ? Eye protection: Eye protection is required when there is a possibility of injury from chemicals or the flying particles. So safety goggles, chemical goggles, face shield shall be issued. ? Hearing protection: Appropriate hearing protection i. e. earmuffs, etc. shall be used were employees are exposed to more than 90 decibel. ? Hand protection: Following are the application for hand gloves

    Rubber hand gloves: where acid alkalies, organic solvents, and other harmful chemicals are handled. Leather hand gloves: Where person is handling sharp edge objects. ? Foot protection: Safety shoes: All employees working on shop floor. Safety shoes with PVC sole: For the person on electrical job. ? Head protection: Hard industrial helmets: For the person working or handling heavy objects or working at height. ? Body protection: Uniform: to be provided to all employees preferably of cotton cloth. For welding and gas cutting operation ‘Full Sleeves’ shirts should be issued. Natural or synthetic rubber or acid resisting rubberised cloth aprons shall be worn by personnel handling irritating or corrosives substances. . 4) HOUSEKEEPING:

    Good housekeeping shall be maintained in all shop, scrap yards, building and mobile equipments. Supervisors are responsible for the good housekeeping in and around the work place. Following requirement is to be followed to have a good housekeeping: ? Material shall not be placed where any one might stumbled over it or where it might fall on some one. ? Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear of tripping hazards and for easy movement of men and material. ? Machinery and equipments shall be kept clean of excess grease and oil and free of dust. Pressure gauges or the visual display shall be kept clean, visible, and serviceable at all time. Supervisor shall ensure that the contractor had removed all the obstacles after completion of job. 5) FIRE SAFETY: ? Quantity of the combustible material like thinner should be stored as per requirement at the work place. ‘sufficient number of fire extinguishers shall be located at appropriate places. ? Adequate number of employees shall be given, education and training and fire fighting and extinguishing methods. ? Types of extinguishers commonly used are CO2 type, Foam type, DCP (dry chemical powder) type, Water type. ACCIDENT STATISTIC AND ANALYSIS DATA COLLECTION: ( In order to improve the working system by keeping in mind the safety of employees it’s past history is called ‘Data’. To find out the predominant causes, factors and suitable preventive measure accident data is collected. ( To identify the causes and factors they are systematically analyze according to IS 3786-1983. ( The purpose of the sample study is to show the process by which all accident were analyzed. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS: To tackle any problem following four steps are necessary for the systematic approach. 1. Identification and analysis of the hazard. 2. Developing all possible solution and selection of suitable one for particular hazard 3. Implementing the solution. 4. Monitoring the effectiveness of solution periodically. Number of accident was caused the employee of Godrej And Boyce Co . Ltd. nd they have tried to reveal the root caused of particular group of employed to prevent the reoccurrence. Following methodology was adopted to achieve the same. 1. Collected data for the past 3 years and classified the data as per IS 3786-1983. 2. Sample case studies were conducted. 3. General observation through safety survey and inspection are made. 4. Discussion with various group of employees i. e. supervisor workers, union representatives and injured person were made. Frequency Rate =Number of accident injuries x 106 Total no of man hrs worked Severity Rate = Man days lost due to all reportable accident injuries x 106 Total man hrs worked Frequency Rate = F.

    R x S. R 1000 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION: An accident that causes serious injuries, death, near misses and simple reoccurring cases are thoroughly investigated by dept. head, shop in charge, foreman, or supervisor. Investigation should be done as soon as or just after the accident as per as possible. When, where, how, and why some of the question we should are considered while investigating the accident instead of how. Lastly an accident report form is filled up and is forwarded to safety dept. and a copy of it is given to dept head. In case of fatal accident a committee is set up which consist of dept. head and the safety head. RECOMMENDATION: 1.

    Prompt consideration of every recommendation given by any employee for the smallest hazard elimination and prompt compliance. 2. Full explanation for the rejection of the recommendation not allowed. ACCIDENT REPORTING: Whenever accident takes place it is very important and prime duty of supervisor to report the same. As per section 88 of factory act 1948, as per which, whenever in any factory an accident occurs which causes death, or causes bodily injuries, which enable the worker to retain on work after 48 hrs after the accident. Following procedure is followed in case an accident in plant. Supervisor fill up the accident form and send it to the factory doctor along with the injured person, the doctor put his remark and it back to the safety person.

    If the doctor marked the person unfit he is rested. If the person remains absent for 48 hrs after accident then accident form 24is filled by the senior manager and sent to factory inspector. Classification of accidents: The data collected from the plant shall be analyzed and classified on the basis as follows: 1. Age wise. 2. Year wise. 3. Body part injury wise. 4. Time wise. 5. On Severity Rate (SR), Frequency Rate (FR), Frequency Severity Index (FSI). 6. Injury wise. 7. Designation wise. 8. Location wise. 9. Category wise. 10. Experience wise. As per the data available for last three years some of the accidents have been analyzed. Analysis based on AGE |SR. No. AGE INTERVAL |No of accidents 2005-06 |No of accidents 2006-07 |No of accidents 2007-08 | |1 |20-25 |4 |3 |5 | |2 |25-30 |5 |9 |1 | |3 |30-35 |6 |15 |9 | |4 |35-40 |6 |14 |7 | |5 |40-45 |7 |2 |6 | |6 |45-50 |17 |12 |10 | |7 |50-55 |15 |12 |9 | |8 |Unknown |3 |5 |3 | [pic] OBSERVATION: 1. From the graph it is observed that accident occurred in the age roup of 20-25years is mainly due to lack of experience and seriousness in the younger generation of workers. 2. It can also be observed from the result that the numbers of accidents are reduced as the age group of worker is increased. 3. The reason for accident in age group of 35-40years and above may be due to the over-confidence, health problem, or family problem. SUGGESTIONS: 1. There should be close supervision on the work of young workers. 2. Proper training and importance of PPE’s to be imparted to the workers. 3. Jobs which are tough or complicated should be carried out with the help of skilled workers. Analysis based on no of accident in a YEAR |SR.

    NO |YEAR |2005-2006 |2006-2007 |2007-2008 | |1 |REPORTABLE |8 |3 |1 | |2 |NON REPORTABLE |56 |69 |50 | [pic] Analysis based on TIME |SR. No |Year |7. 00-9. 00 |9. 00-11. 00 |11. 30-13. 00 |13. 00-14. 00 |14. 00-15. 30 |IInd shift | |1. |2005-06 |15 |18 |9 |7 |3 |5 | |2. |2006-07 |15 |21 |6 |12 |4 |8 | |3. |2007-08 |13 |13 |7 |6 |4 |7 | [pic] OBSERVATION: 1. It is observed that most of the accident had taken place early in the morning session.

    It might be because the workers are not that active in morning session as compare to later part of the day. 2. The reason for the accident may be to the negligence, inadequate knowledge, or due to the unsafe act to complete the job before time. 3. Accident may be due to poor illumination during night shift or in the work place. SUGGESTION: 1. The work area should be properly illuminated. 2. Before getting to the job in morning their should be a practice of making the workers some sort of exercise so that they should be alert at the time of job. 3. Standard operating procedure should be given to carry out the job. 4. If required the workers should be given frequent intervals for rest. Accident analysis based on FR, SR, FSI SR NO |YEAR |FR |SR |FSI | |1. |2003-2204 |5 |153 |1 | |2. |2006-2007 |1. 81 |63. 98 |0. 34 | |3. |2007-2008 |0 |0 |0 | [pic] Accident analysis based on Body part injury wise | |Body Part |

    Year |Face |Finger |Leg |Arm |Head |Wrist |Chest |Elbow |Back |Abdomen | |2005-2006 |3 |37 |9 |4 |5 |1 |1 |2 |1 |1 | |2006-2007 |3 |41 |11 |7 |5 |2 |0 |1 |1 |1 | |2007-2008 |3 |28 |6 |9 |3 |2 |0 |0 |0 |0 | | [pic] HAZARD IDENTIFICATION & RISK ANALYSIS ( HIRA) Before implementation of OHSAS 18001 accident investigation is done after an accident happens. But in OHSAS 18001 Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis is done before an accident happens. HIRA Chart (Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis) visualizes possible hazards involved in each activity done by the workmen. This helps in minimizing or completely eliminating the hazards, before any accident occurs. [pic] ? ACCIDENT: – It is any unplanned, undesirable & unaccepted incident, which causes damage or injury within or out of plant. TYPES OF ACCIDENT: – 1) Reportable accident 2) Non-reportable accident 3) Near miss accident INCIDENT : – An incident is an event which realizes the damage potential of a hazard. Obviously, an incident has to be relevant to the hazard. Incidents can be quite simple, but often they are complex, with a number of events combining to cause the incident. For example, an escape of corrosive substance could, under different consequences lead to: ? Human exposure ? Environmental exposure ? Equipment exposure and we could construct event trees which would describe events leading to any of these three.

    Incidents cannot only vary in type but in frequency, and in risk analysis the frequencies and the probabilities of events leading to an incident are assessed to determine risk. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION : Though the safety standards of Godrej And Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd fulfill the requirement, the safety system may be improved by adopting certain recommendations. Following are the points, which are recommended: ‘safety induction training should be given to each and every workers. ? Work permit system should be strictly followed. ? PPE should be provided to each and every employee. ? To improve moral and efficiency of workers by creating safe environment. Looking to huge strength of departmental and central employees, more number of training programmed in safety, first aid and motivation need to be conducted frequently to cover each employee of organization. ? More number of safety posters, films, and design boards are required to be displayed to create interest of workers in safety. ‘short cut methods, improper use of tools, tackles, etc. should be discouraged by one and all. ? Checklist should be developed for all activities and items of work involved in plant. ? Only authorized workers should be allowed to drive the fork lift trucks. ‘safety suggestion box shall be provided in each section for getting better feed back/ suggestion about the safety issues related to the plant from the workers. ANNEXRE : (QUESTIONAIRE FOR WORKERS) Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………. Company Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1) If you come across a hazard in your workplace, you do not need to report it unless you are a member of the Safety Committee or are the dedicated Safety Officer. TRUE or FALSE 2) You should always take time to assess hazards when starting in a new workplace. TRUE or FALSE 3) Good housekeeping is everyone’s responsibility. TRUE or FALSE 4) Laying electrical cords in water is OK as they work better when wet.

    TRUE or FALSE 5) It is ok to place an item in the way of a fire exit as long as you remove it within 24hrs. TRUE or FALSE 6) Every injury must be reported to your supervisor AND Advantage Recruitment. TRUE or FALSE 7) If an object is too difficult to handle, you should use mechanical aids or ask for help. TRUE or FALSE 8) Drugs and Alcohol are prohibited in work places. TRUE or FALSE 9) It is OK to enter a confined space if you don’t hold a confined space ticket, as long as you are very careful and have seen someone do it before. TRUE or FALSE 10) Your shift has finished, but just before you leave you spill something on the floor, you should: ) Ask a workmate to please clean it up when they get a spare minute. b) Immediately display ‘Caution, wet floor’ sign, clean up the mess thoroughly and ensure the area is safe before you leave. c) Leave it for someone else to clean up and hope that no one notices it was you that made the mess in the first place. 11) What does MSDS stand for? a) Material Safety Data Sheet b) Mass Storage Device System c) Manual System of Dangerous Substances 12) If you find one of your co-workers being electrocuted, what should you do? a) Call for assistance and wait for the electrocution to cease. b) Don’t touch the person, isolate the supply and obtain assistance ) Pull the person away from the electrocution device, pour water over it in order to eliminate the chance of it catching on fire, then seek assistance for your co-worker. 13) What does PPE stand for? a) Professional Paid Employment b) It does not stand for anything. It is another name for a hard hat. c) Personal Protective Equipment 14) Under what circumstance can you remove your hearing protection when in a noisy area that has signs posted stating hearing protection must be worn? a) If you are talking to a fellow employee and are having troubles hearing them. b) If it starts to get uncomfortable, as all safety equipment should fit comfortably. ) Under no circumstance. Removing your hearing protection in a noisy environment for even a short amount of time can cause damage. ? BIBLIOGRAPHY: I thank the following people for providing valuable information & guidance WEBSITES : 1) http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Godrej_Group 2) www. godrej. com 3) http://www. new. godrej. com/godrej/GodrejAppliances/index. aspx 4) www. godrejinfotech. com ———————– Legal Core Group ¦ Safety Dept ¦ Maintenance Dept ¦ Paint Shop ¦ Stores & Disposal Dept. OHS Head Employee Rep Head Legal Core Group Assoc. Mgr Safety CFS Head – Safety Committee Vice President & Division Head (Security Equipment Division) DEB Exec.

    Director & President PDL SAFETY INSPECTION Inspection should be carried out after every one or two section by management team. Safety officer/engineer should have an inspection of every section on every day. Preparation of safety inspection report explaining to concerned engineer/supervisor &submission of that report to the section manager. Fatal accident Reportable accidents Non Reportable Accidents Near misses or First Aid Shrinking the base by eliminating Unsafe behaviours and ……… … Shrinking the height by establishing Inherently safer processes and 1 30 300 3,000 30000 Hazards : Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition

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