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    GMO – A World We’ll Never Know

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    Gmo’s the world will never know. Gmo’s are genetically modified foods that are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. Gmo’s are sometimes good but sometimes bad but they sometimes get the job done.

    Scientist continues to find a way to insert genes for specific traits into plant and animal DNA. In the text “Food: How Altered” By Jennifer Ackerman It states “In the brave new world of genetic engineering, Dean Dellapenna envisions this cornucopia tomatoes and broccoli bursting with cancer-fighting chemicals and vitamin-enhanced crops of rice, sweet potatoes, and cassava to help nourish the poor.” This quote means that with Gmo’s inserted into our foods it can help treat all types of disease’s and other problems with the human body.

    This evidence is important because it show how with Gmo’s inserted in our foods it can do things that it couldn’t do before. In the text “Food: How Altered” By Jennifer Ackerman It states “And vegetable oils so loaded with therapeutic ingredients that doctor’s “prescribe” them for patients at risk for cancer and heart disease.” This quote means that with Gmo’s in our foods it would be better for our health. This evidence means that Gmo’s are so good for our bodies that even doctors prescribe them as medicine.

    According to the United States Department of Agriculture since 2010 at least more than 250 people are getting sick from eating Gmo foods. In the text “Dangers of GMO Foods” By Susan Brassard It states, “The rise in many diseases may be associated with GM foods. In the paper by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the authors ask all doctors to seriously think about the role the role of Gm foods in our country’s health crisis, and to warn their patients to avoid all Gm foods whenever possible.” This quote means that later on lots of people started experiencing problems with their bodies and noticed that the problem was Gmo’s in their foods. This evidence is important because it shows how lots of people started noticing that Gmo’s was the problem with their health. In the text “Dangers of GMO Foods”.

    By Susan Brassard It states, “Most GMO seeds are genetically engineered to be immune to herbicide and resistant to insects and disease. Scientist worries that GM crops may make farmers want to increase their use of herbicides, which will increase how much humans eat dangerous chemicals. GM crops also create their own pesticides, which puts more poison into humans and soil and may cause changes that we don’t yet understand into the environment.” This quote means that with a lot of GM seeds it will increase the amount of crops then would increase the amount of herbicides and pesticides. This evidence means that with more Gmo’s inserted into our foods then the more chemicals we consume.

    Is Genetically Modified Foods Safe for the human body? In the text “Are Biotech Foods Safe to Eat” By WebMD Feature It states, “Genetically modified food has quietly become second nature in the U.S., and it may surprise you just how many foods you are eating that you never knew contained a genetically modified ingredient.” This quote means that later on in the years of experiencing genetically modified foods they start the find it second nature because it taste so good. This evidence is important because it shows how even though Gmo’s are sometimes bad for the human body they still eat it because it tastes better.

    In the text “Are Biotech Foods Safe to Eat” By WebMD Feature It states, “The most common genetically modified foods are soybeans, maize, cotton, and repassed oil.” This quote means that many foods made in the U.S. containing field corn or high-fructose corn syrup, such as many breakfast cereals, snack foods, and the last soda you drank are full with lots of chemicals to make it taste better. This evidence is important because it shows how lots of foods in the world today are filled with a ton of chemicals.

    Overall, Gmo’s are both good and bad in our lives because with certain types of Gmo’s inserted in your food it can reduce effects of an illness or sickness and the negative side of Gmo’s is that over time you can possibly get sick from eating those types of foods because of the chemicals from the pesticides and herbicides that farmers use when they are growing their crops. This demonstrates importance because it shows how Gmo’s are both good and bad for the human body.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    GMO – A World We’ll Never Know. (2023, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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