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    Religious View on Gay Parenting

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    Why are gay couples so commonly to seen in our communities today? The community today as compared to the older days accepts gay relations. Gay couples have become a major issue with our children.

    Children only repeat what they hear, see, and other habits from their role models. Gay couples are common, but now gay marriages have become an even bigger issue. Our society has let it become such a debate. Our children are the ones who are being subjected to these horrifying situations. Some argue that gay marriages should become legal in all states, but why should we as a nation accommodate such a dreadful obsession? Gay marriages should be banned because God did not intend women to sleep with each other, nor men with men. It is a major sin.

    Plus, children should not be taught that same-sex relationships are permitted. The effects on young children being subjected to gay marriages is the major problem. The effects will vary in children with has parents who are gay. Many children become confused and will not understand why they have two parents of the same sex, and when all the other children have one of each.

    This is when other children begin to ask questions, and once an adult explains to a child, the teasing comes into play. A child whose parents are gay will be taunted in school or some of the children may not understand and think that that child’s family is wired and become scared. This could bring child self-esteem down and their confidence. These are just some reasons why gay marriages should be banned.

    Children look at their parents as role models and when they are taught that it’s alright to be gay we as a society have done something wrong with the upbringing of our children who are now parents of the new generation. Because of children that are raised in a home where there’s a gay marriage the trend will repeat. Making our children that being a homosexual is allowed. Others may disagree with gay marriages being banned.

    Others fell if that’s the lifestyle that they want their children to mock than they will have to deal with it in the long run. Of course gays will want gay marriages to become legal in all fifty states but is right? Gay parents fell as though their children will make their own decisions about their relations but in reality they will only follow what they know. Gay marriages should not be legal in any state. Same sex marriages should not exist. The whole purpose of sex is to reproduce and same sex relations can not reproduce in any way.

    I believe that gay relations are a major sin and should be banned. Those who believe that if your happy with who ever than you should be with them, but when children are brought into the picture than that parent is ruining their child mind. Because if they see mommy doing something when they get older their going to say my mommy did and she says it is okay. Ruining a child chance of having and family is wrong.

    I fell as though if you want to be gay than you do you. But if you have children they should not even know about it or see it. In conclusion, Gay marriages shall not become legal in any sort of way. I think that those who participate in gay relations who have children their children should live with a relative in a stable home.

    A child brain development is very important and in those years a stable home should be provided because that can ruin their lives on what they could have been in life. Gay marriages should not be a condoning activity. Because a person could go straight to hell for committing such a bad sin than why should America cater to such a horrible thing? Just because it’s common to see a gay couple does not make it right. .

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    Religious View on Gay Parenting. (2019, Mar 03). Retrieved from

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