Freedom, Equality, Order 1 . Select either Shays’ Rebellion or ADA, 1990. Discuss how your chosen event/ legislation is either an example of Freedom vs. Order or Freedom vs. Equality. I selected Shays’ Rebellion, and I learned that the events that happened throughout that rebellion was a Freedom vs. Equality situation because what was happening was that the post-war situation left farmers who’ve been gone for months fighting, came home with nothing to show for it and they were still forced to pay high taxes on their property.
This sent the farming community into a vicious cycle of spiraling down, losing more and more money because they have to sell their belongings for little money to pay off the old debt which caused new debt. These farmers got prosecuted by a debtors court and the legislation wouldn’t put a slow to the farming dilemma because they were carrying the interests of the merchants who let the farmers borrow money. 2. What freedoms are most important to you? I really only have freedom important to me, and that’s the freedom of speech. You an take everything you want away from me freedom wise, except for freedom of speech.
Because freedom of speech isn’t Just saying what you want to say whenever you want to say it, but it’s a freedom of expression. You can wear what you want, symbolize what you want, write what you want, and criticize whichever power fgure you want. It’s what keeps open discussion and drives innovative thoughts that progress’ America. 3. What freedoms are you willing to give up in an effort to maintain order? I don’t think I’d give up any freedom to maintain order unless I knew y giving up that freedom the result would be a 100% effective state of order.
For example, the hot issue right now is “Right to Bear Arms”, it’s a freedom. But, at the same time it’s a freedom that was made in times when having arms were necessary and thoughts of rebellion and war were constant and close. If the Government proved they could remove weapons entirely from the hands of people and criminals alike, and stop any future manufacturing of them, I would give up that freedom to maintain an order. 4. After September 11 there was great discussion of furthering order to keep our nation safe.
For example, many individuals argued for the right of the government to be able to increase its wiretapping powers in order to avert terrorist acts. Do you think the government should do more to keep citizens safe? Why or why not? What things would you be willing (or unwilling) to give up in order to maintain safety? Well, I think in the state that our Government is in these power moves such as increasing wiretapping to “stop the terrorists” is Just an excuse to take advantage of a cared and compliant public to further Government power not Just “for the terrorists”.
Terrorism is a recurring fad. Think of terrorism the way you think of rurDles, sure tney were once Incre01Dly popular, out Tor a wnlle tney go clown, out this year, after countless years of Furbies going down, they became the got to have Christmas gift. It’s a situational recurring concept, Just like terrorism. I don’t think the Government should do more to keep citizens safe, because often these measures are implemented after some kind of scare (aka 9/1 1 ridiculous, and may I say ineffective, airport security).
They need to sit down and look to put practical measures that don’t inconvenience people, but in the end all the public should be in charge of protecting themselves and never dropping any freedom for a false sense of protection. That’s how I personally feel. So, for a more direct answer, it’s no, the government shouldn’t do anything, the people should decide what to do, and I wouldn’t give up anything to “maintain safety’, there’s no such thing.