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Lord Capulet Romeo And Juliet Essay


Words: 1986 (8 pages)

Discuss how Shakespeare has developed the character of Lord Capulet in ‘Romeo And Juliet’ to influence the action, illustrate themes of the play and add interest to the drama Romeo And Juliet’ is a very famous love story which was set in Fair Verona in Itlay. The time was set around 16th to 17th century….

Conflict in Romeo and Juliet Essay


Words: 798 (4 pages)

The general theme of William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is how two young, ‘star crossed lovers’ fight against the historical conflict of their constantly feuding families, for their right to be together and love one another. The play is full of physical violence and civil disobedience, “Romeo and Juliet” conflict. Shakespeare, right at the beginning…

Although ‘Twelfth Night’ is a happy comedy, there is a great deal of hurt in this play Essay


Words: 3503 (15 pages)

The ‘Twelfth Night’ written by William Shakespeare in the Elizabethan era, is a dramatic comedy enriched with a great deal of hurt to accompany scandalous behaviour and shocking deceptions. The comical elements of this play are those which contribute to Elizabethan humour. The principal characters are of a high social status, making any disruption to…

An Inspector Calls Responsibility Essay

An Inspector Calls

Words: 506 (3 pages)

Mrs Birling is also like her husband in the play. She is very demanding to her children to get them out of the same room because she doesn’t want them to listen to what the Inspector says. Also she tries to make out that the inspector is lying about the suicide. She is intent on…

What is Priestley’s main aim in An Inspector Calls? Essay

An Inspector Calls

Words: 461 (2 pages)

From this quote we can clearly note Priestley’s condemnation of capitalism and his vision of a new socialist Britain. Priestley wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945, but critically, set it in 1912, just before the outbreak of World War One, and in the year of the Titanic’s sinking. Inspector Goole is not a real police…

Chapters I to XVII of Oliver Twist Essay


Words: 439 (2 pages)

Once Oliver had made that fateful mistake of asking for more food at supper, he was immediately beaten and ordered to instant confinement. A reward was then offered to anyone who took Oliver from the parish. From this evidence so far, it is clear to see that children in particular suffered heavily to suit the…

Act 2 Scene 5 of Twelfth Night Essay

Twelfth Night

Words: 1076 (5 pages)

If I were directing Act 2 Scene 5, the feature I would most emphasise is the comic potential that underlies in the script. The immediate slapstick comedy that is noticed by everyone seems to cover up the dark comedy of the scene, which is where the comedy is leading to something nasty. This is particularly…

Act 3 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night Essay


Words: 5642 (23 pages)

Shakespeare creates comedy for the audience in a variety of ways during Act 3 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night, some techniques more subtle than others. These comic devices generate humour throughout the play through, in the eyes of the Elizabethans, outrageous puns based on the high or low status of the characters, play on words,…

To what extent does Twelfth Night fit the genre of a romantic comedy Essay



Words: 1317 (6 pages)

The name of this play, Twelfth Night, is a holiday period, just after Christmas in which things are said to be ‘turned upside down.’ Because of the nature of the plot of the play, this title seems fitting. Twelfth Night is what we call a ‘romantic comedy,’ a comic play drawing on elements of fable,…

The Various Forms of Love in Twelfth Night Essay

Twelfth Night

Words: 2670 (11 pages)

Love is arguably the most popular theme for writers and readers alike throughout the entire history of literature. It provides the fundamental framework around which spawn the many other conspiracies and sub-stories that make up an entertaining read. Twelfth Night is no exception to this theory, with love being the focal point, right the way…

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