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Evaluation Essay Examples

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Essay Examples

An Evaluation of the Pro Guns on College Campus Argument




Words: 535 (3 pages)

Would legalizing guns on campus make colleges safer? Newbern, the assistant director of Public Relations concludes that legalizing guns on campus will not make the campus less safe. He attempts to convince the readers that lawfully licensed gun owners should have the equal rights to carry guns to college campuses just as their rights to…

A Description and Evaluation of Two Definitions of Abnormality


Mental Health


Words: 923 (4 pages)

An example of someone we may diagnose with a mental health disorder using the ‘failure to function adequately’ determination is an adult with depression. For instance, they may say that they experience very low mood, alongside extreme fatigue, equating to them struggling to get out of bed. This may cause them to feel too tired…

The Components of a Good Performance Evaluation




Words: 1721 (7 pages)

A performance evaluation is often used as a task to gauge three criteria. Those criteria are: individual task outcomes, behaviors, and traits. Task outcomes are the primary criteria that should be measured as these often directly impact the production and profitability of a company. These could be sales numbers, projects initiated, hazards or flaws detected,…

Cognitive Therapy and Mixed Method Evaluation



Words: 569 (3 pages)

Implementing a mixed method approach introduces two or more evaluation methods, using quantitative and qualitative data. In addition, they incorporate multiple designs and data collection techniques that encompasses various techniques to evaluate and describe a study (USAID, 2013). The mixed-method design uses three rationale cases to help strengthen an evaluation: First, different evaluation questions require…

Self Evaluation Essay (710 words)


Words: 710 (3 pages)

Peter Senge, in his book, The Fifth Discipline, argued that there is interconnectedness, a relationship, between all forces of matter that act and react upon each other. Not only do they act and react on each other, but act across time and space. These relationships, built upon an exchange of information past and present, transform…

Rational models and self evaluation Essay




Words: 682 (3 pages)

My supervisor requested a self-evaluation in connection with an upcoming annual performance review, the self evaluation was meant to answer questions regardingA certain customer service decision and accommodations made by me that went beyond company standard operating procedure and protocols. Conio-caca Graphics Imaging Corporation ordered my team to perform a systems installation for a small…

LBC Program Sorts Employees by Personality



Words: 465 (2 pages)

The LBC program uses the scores from the personality profiles to sort through the different positions and suggest the performance levels of employees. Of course the members you enter into the program must have the necessary qualifications to do the job but the program will show you in black and white which ones are the…

Loan Request Evaluation Essay (3375 words)



Words: 3375 (14 pages)

This report introduces a procedure that can be used to analyze the quantifiableaspects of commercial credit requests. The procedure incorporates a systematicinterpretation of basic financial data and focuses on issues that typicallyarise when determining creditworthiness. Cash flow information is equallyimportant when evaluating a firm’s prospects. Reported earnings and EPS can bemanipulated by management debts, are…

Effectiveness of Evaluation Processes Essay



Words: 840 (4 pages)

“Program evaluation, as a concept and process of weighing, interpreting, and subsequently making judgments about data collected from multiple components of programming” (Billings & Halstead). While the Canterbury District Health Board as cited by Fineout-Overholt & Johnston (2007), states that “evaluation is assessment of both processes and outcomes of a program or implementation. ” Irrespective…

Premier Gas Range: An Evaluation Essay



Words: 1008 (5 pages)

Many different ranges can be fit into small apartment. However, it takes a well designed, well-put-together and overall well-functioning range to comfortably suit the needs of a family. My intention by writing this essay is to evaluate the Premier 24 inch gas range that was included with my apartment. I hope to accomplish this by…

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Do evaluations actually serve an useful purpose?
An evaluation serves several distinct purposes. First, an instructor has an opportunity to provide the student with specific feedback . Even if the exam consists primarily of multiple choice or true false questions the instructor is still establishing their expectations of what students should have learned at this point in the course.
How to justify an evaluation?
How to Justify an Evaluation
  • Concrete Facts. When you write a critical or negative performance review, justify your reasons with detailed facts. ...
  • Job Description. Use the job description to justify both positive and negative performance reviews. ...
  • Avoid Personal Differences. ...
  • Subordinate, Co-Worker and Supervisor Comments. ...
What to expect at an evaluation?
Your evaluation may have several different parts to it, including:
  • A physical checkup, to rule out any physical illness or injury that might be affecting your mental health;
  • Lab tests, if it seems like there might be a medical condition involved;
  • A psychiatric interview to ask you some questions about the things you’re feeling and what’s going on in your life;
  • A crisis evaluation if your situation includes trauma or seems life-threatening;
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