Overall, fracking might not seem that like a bad idea to some; however, by truly analyzing some of the cause and effects of fracking we can see there is a lot more than meets the eye. For instance, at first you may not really care that fracking uses so much water, until you realize that in some instances that water is being taken away from people who could use it such as in Texas or California where they have been experiencing droughts in the past years. Or when you realize that all the water they are using is being mixed with large amounts of chemicals and that it can be quite difficult if not impossible to purify the slickwater. Another thing that may come as a surprise is the fact that gasses that are harvested by fracking tends to be cleaner than what we were using previously which is one reason the government is saying that fracking is a clean energy source; however, it is still made up of nearly 75% carbon which still produces high amounts of CO¬2 which is very toxic to the environment when burned. Another thing that is misleading is the fact that fracking does not necessarily pollute the ground water.
Fracking chemicals really only get into the ground water when there is a leak, with this being said however, leaks are very common. Leaks are so common that around 5% will leak immediately and as time goes on the percentages only increase as time progresses, eventually reaching a failure rate of around 60% after 28 years. These percentages may seem to be kind of low at first until you realize that fracking sites are increasing by the thousands. As far as the future goes, if we continue fracking I believe that the environment will be severely damaged due to both the air and water pollutants that are being released into the air. .lfish needs before wondering how it will affect others.
When we fail to take care of the important things in life we often end up depriving ourselves and others of the experience that those things could bless us with. Don’t you want you want to be able to experience the beauty of nature and the pleasantry of clean air with your grandkids one day? I feel that in order to preserve the future we are going to need to develop a renewable energy source as soon as possible because the current measures of extreme oil gathering are destroying all the beauty of nature and I am sure that if we continue on this path the methods will only become more traumatizing to the environment. But everyone does have a choice and are entitled to their own opinion, I just hope we decide to be the generation that saved the earth and not the ones who sat there as it was destroyed for profit.