These Charts provide an outline for an 8-day program (workout every-other-day). This is an intense program and you will need to experiment with amount of weight to use in the beginning. We suggest planning out a 4 week program for your first cycle.
This can be increased by one or two weeks for each new cycle. We do not suggest doing a cycle any longer than 7 or 8 weeks for any given cycle. Note: Each muscle group is exercised once every 4 days. Your workouts occur on days 1, 3, 5 and 7.
You do not workout on days 2, 4, 6 and 8. Repeat workout 1 on day 5, workout 3 on day seven and so on. Always strive towards increasing weight, if possible, for each succeeding Make an adequate number of charts to get through a cycle. Always start out the cycle with a lighter weight than your 5-rep maximum. The goal is to finish a cycle heavier than you finished your last cycle. We recommend doing about 10 minutes of abdominal (abs) work after each workout.
If you do not have enough time to work abs, do what you can after your workout, or work them on your off-days. Set #RepetitionsWeightCompletedCommentsSet #RepetitionsWeightCompletedCommentsSeated Shoulder Press (Barbell)Set #RepetitionsWeightCompletedCommentsLying Triceps Extension (Barbell)Set #TricepsWeightCompletedCommentsSet #TricepsWeightCompletedCommentsProceed to HIT 2 (Day 3) Chart Return to Exercise Outline PageNOTICE – This web-site provides information intended to be general guidelines and may not be applicable to your particular condition. There is no adequate substitution for a personal consultation with your physician whenever undertaking a new training, nutritional or supplementation program. Neither Developed Resources, any of their affiliates, or any contributors shall have any liability for the content or any errors or omissions in information provided by this Training | Nutrition | Supplements | Case-Study | On-line Magazines | Computer Info | Resources | HomeCopyright © 1999 Developed Resources.Bibliography: