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    FCE Speaking Practice Parts Essay

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    Picture C sis photograph of They remind me ofћ. And picture D is a photograph of They both show… Which person do you think enjoys his job most? Imagine that because Which job do you think is most stressful? Why? Think that It depends on… Which occupation do you think Think requires the most training and experience’suppose Do you think that you would enjoy an outdoor job or do you want to work in an office? Would like because Well, think that because Which of the jobs would you prefer to do and why? Well, I’d like because Which job would you not like to do? Why? Don’t like much SO

    Would you like to work abroad? Why? Well, think HOW important is a knowledge Of English for finding a job’suppose that fresh air independent self-employed tough brave bad weather hard life employee career prospects ambition mentally demanding challenging Further practice Now ask and answer questions about the job you would like to do when you leave school, such as what extra training you need, what the job involves, why you want the job, if it’s difficult to get the job, which school subjects will be most useful to you, etc. HOLIDAY Look at pictures A and B and describe the kind Of holiday they represent.

    Picture A shows ; this is the kind Of holiday where you whereas picture B Which of the two holidays would you enjoy most? Why? Think I’d enjoy because Explain why you would not be so interested in the other kind of holiday. Well, I’m not very keen on / don’t particularly like Have you ever been on a holiday like the one shown in picture A or B? If so, what was it like? Remember It was (not) what expected. ћ First of all, and then. ћ Why do you think holidays are important? There are many reasons why. First of all, Look at pictures C and D.

    Compare and contrast the two different types of holiday shown. Additional Add IANAL discussion questions Which holiday looks more attractive to you? Why? Have you ever been on a holiday like the kind shown in pictures C or D? Where? Did you enjoy the experience? DO you think that holidays have to be expensive to be enjoyable? Would you prefer to go on holiday with your friends or with your family? Do you prefer beach holidays or educational and cultural holidays? Why? Do you prefer to be on a holiday where everything is done for you or where you have to look after yourself? Explain why.

    Do you think that some holidays are more suitable for older people and others for younger people? Explain your answer. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism, What can we learn trot going on holiday abroad? Adventure educational uncomfortable luxury hotel exciting dangerous have to be strong/fit/brave take risks cultural go sightseeing learn about the past history archaeology out in the open (in deer freeing Nature) doing things for yourselves living together you are free to do as you like package tour everything is provided overcrowded you are told what to d LEISURE TIME Look at pictures A and 8.

    Compare and contrast the two leisure activities. Picture A shows but Which activity appeals to you most? Why? Would rather because ћ What sort of person do you think would enjoy doing the leisure activity in picture Do you prefer physically challenging or mentally creative leisure activities? Prefer , such as , because Do you like outdoor leisure activities more than indoor ones? Why (not)? Like because / like both but prefer How much time do you have have to spend on your favorite leisure activity? Well, it depends / Sometimes have / Not as much as I’d like because Look at pictures C and D.

    Compare and contrast the leisure activities shown. Which free time activity appeals to you most? Why? Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people? How important is leisure time time in your life? Why? Would you be happy if life was all free time? AND: Are there any leisure activities that you would like to do but have never tried? L? Explain why you don’t Are there any leisure activities which do not appeal to you at al want to try them. Why is it important to spend some time in the day relaxing? Do you think that leisure activities have to be expensive to be enjoyable? Why (not)’s/have a break from everyday routine sport games team activity (do) exercise healthy fitness creative skill(s) do things together part of a team sociable it broadens the mind outdoors o SST / be by myself wouldn’t mind trying SPORTS Look at pictures A and B and describe the scene in each picture. Picture. In the first picture there is whereas ћ The main/Another difference between picture A and picture B is that . What personal qualities are needed for the sport in each picture? Would imagine that whereas ћ Have you ever tried either of these sports’sports? If not, would you like to try either of them?

    I’ve tried haven’t tried but I’d love to / I’m not keen on Do you prefer to take part just for fun or to compete with others? Why (not)? On n your own? Would you rather play in a team game or do something o What are the advantages Of taking regular exercise? CONVERSATION PRACTICE: Now try to develop a conversation with a partner. Remember to ask your partner questions, such as ‘What do you think? ‘, ‘do you agree? ‘, ‘What’s your opinion? ‘. DO you think people play enough sport or take enough exercise? How can people be encouraged to take more regular exercise? Do you think that too much sport can be bad for your health?

    Hollow’should the government give financial support to professional sports people? Why (not)’should dangerous sports be allowed? Do you think sport is an important part of the school timetable? Why (not)? Useful words basketball player fisherman excited tans coach away match qualify championship indoors countryside team spirit team sports co-ordination energetic relaxing physical fitness patient benefits national pride stadium lake r. Ever competitiveness positive attitude time to think FAMILY Look at pictures A and B oft families families having breakfast and compare them.

    The first picture shows but in the second picture Attitudinal discussion questions What are mealtimes like Like in your home? Usually we / Usually mealtimes at our house are It depends. Sometimes we but at other times we ћ Which family group is most similar to your own family? Well, suppose that / In our family What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a large family? Think hut What difficulties do you think working mothers face? Imagine that . Do you think that grandparents have an important role in the family? Why?

    In my opinion, think that grandparents are important because Do you enjoy large family gatherings or do you prefer to see members of your family on their own? Why? Enjoy I prefer . It depends Sometimes Useful words (family life in general) grandparents family members in a hurry going to work,’school suit (Angus) school uniform everyone talking at the same time/no one talks we eat at different times/together someone/no one to play with n Owls too many people around lonely only child working mothers pressure of work too much to do too busy to play with grandparents can look after… Lent of time for family can have a more interesting conversation With one person enjoy seeing all the family together rivalry (Rivaling) jealous/jealousy lonely/loneliness a good sense of humor spoilt (ever¶hint) strict to have a row/fight (straiten’) to share your parents’ attention to have a good laugh (sees lusting haven / gamines lichen јbeer etas) to trust money to rely on someone to make fun of to have interests in common to be overprotective of someone VOLVO HOME HOME Look at pictures A and B and describe them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    FCE Speaking Practice Parts Essay. (2018, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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