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To Kill A Mockingbirdz Essay (383 words)

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To Kill a Mockingbird was one of the best book I ever read. Thebook mostly deals with how the main character, Atticus Finch,deals with the controversy surrounding his actions and how hetries to shelter his family from it.

The main part of the book takes place at the trial. A womannamed Mayella Ewell, blames a black man named Tom Robinsonof rape. Its not true, but she knows she can get away with it, sincethe people in those days had lots of respect for white women, andblack’s were still treated like slaves. The main character, AtticusFinch, defends Tom in the whole case.

He is called a “Niggerlover” for defending Tom, and his children’s friends make fun ofthem at school since their father is defending Tom. Atticus trieshis best to be a fair lawyer, he know that tom didn’t rape her. When they had the trials Mayella Ewell think she will win the casebecause she’s white and he’s black. When it comes time forAtticus to question Mayella, he proves that Tom didn’t rape her. The jury leaves to come up with a verdict. When they come back,they find Tom guilty.

He is sentenced to be hung, and it is carriedout. After all this Mayella’s father, Bob Ewell wanted revengeagainst Atticus for proving her daughter a liar. Atticus children arewalking home from the Halloween pageant, they found out thatthey were being followed and then they are attacked. The nextthing they know is that they are being carried home, and Jem has abroken arm and Scout a couple of bruises. Scout notices the manwho carried Jem home was Boo Radley, a next-door neighbor whothey never really talked to but know he is a very friendly person bythe way he leaves candy for them on the way to school in a hollowtree outside his house.

She later finds out that he had saved theirlives. She accepts him as a friend and tells Atticus that he is “Realnice. ” Atticus agrees and reminds her that most people are whenyou get to know them. I enjoyed reading this book. The book gets its name from whenScout, who is the narrator, and her older brother Jem when theyboth got air rifles for Christmas. They are told never to kill amockingbird because it sings beautiful songs and does no damageto anyone.

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To Kill A Mockingbirdz Essay (383 words). (2019, Jan 19). Retrieved from

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