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    Lucent Technologies Essay (540 words)

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    In 1996, AT&T decided to split into three different companies. These newcompanies were the new AT&T, NCR, and Lucent Technologies.

    Lucent Technologies isone of the leading designers, developers, and manufacturers of telecommunicationssystems, software, and products. They are beginning to emerge as a Fortune 100company. Lucent Technologies builds local networks, business telephone systems, andconsumer telephones that access the global networks. Lucent Technologies waslaunched with an initial public stock offering in April. AT&T owns an 82% share of the Lucent technologies has 125,000 employees worldwide.

    Approximately 82% ofits employees come from the United States and the other 18% come from foreigncountries. Lucent Technologies has offices in more than 90 countries, and Bell Labs hasoffices in 13 countries. The chairman and chief executive officer is Henry B. Schacht. Schacht has been on AT&Ts board of directors since 1981.

    He has also held chairman and chief executive officer positions at Cummings Engine Company, INC. Lucent Technologies President and chief operating officer is Richard A. McGinn. McGinn joined AT&T in 1978.

    He has previously served as executive vice president and chief executive officer of AT&Ts network group. Lucent Technologies is composed of four operating units. These four units are: Business Communication Systems, Consumer Products, Microelectronics Group, andNetwork Systems (of which I hope to be a part of). These units are designed to work together to provide innovative and cost-efficient solutions for customers. Bell Laboratories supports each group. Bell Laboratories is a research and development organization that is recognizedthroughout the world for its achievements in science and technology.

    Currently, BellLaboratories is focusing on developing digital signal processor algorithms, Lightwavecommunications (photonics), Networking, Silicon chips, Software, and Wireless communications. Business Communications Systems design, manufacture, install, and service advanced voice and multimedia systems worldwide. 11 Consumer Products design, manufacture, sell, and lease communications products for consumers, small offices, and home offices. In 1995 in the United States, Consumer Products sold 31% of the corded phones, 28% of the cordless phones, and 35% of answering machines.

    12 TheMicroelectronics Group makes integrated circuits, power systems, and optoelectroniccomponents for Lucent Technologies. The largest unit of Lucent Technologies is Network Systems. The Network Systems design, develop, and manufacturenetworking systems and software for telecommunications providers and, wireless communications and are growing at an annual rate of 33 percent. The worldwide demand for communications systems is booming.

    Lucent Technologies is predicting a 10% annual growth for the communications industry. Thebusiness is pursuing growth opportunities around the world and is trying to build on Bell Laboratories established global relationships with its key customers. Much emphasis for advancement is being put on the areas of Wireless communications, Networking software, and multimedia convergence. With the increasingly mobile society, Lucent Technologies feels that there will be an increasing demand for wireless communications. The more sophisticated technology becomes, the greater the demand for smarter networks.

    One of the worlds largest producers of networking software is Lucent Technologies. Multimedia devices deal with all kinds of communications. Lucent Technologies is trying to develop innovations on multimedia that the customers want. The companys name, Lucent Technologies, was thought of after many interviewswith customers and other stakeholders.

    Lucent means, Marked with clarity, or glowingwith light. Lucent Technologies logo is supposed to be a bold, red, hand-drawninnovation ring.The companys slogan is, We make the things that make communicationswork.Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Lucent Technologies Essay (540 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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