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    Gay Olympics Essay (474 words)

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    I had always enjoyed the summer Olympics and the way the athletes strive to be their best, but after watching the winter Olympics I couldnt help but ask, are these really sports. I have no doubt that the races are sport. There is a definite outcome and no dispute over who won. Then you have these other sports like figure skating and ice dancing.

    Somehow I cannot take any point of view that would support these two as sports. First you have figure skating that requires agility, endurance, stamina, and coordination yet the winner is purely based on the opinion of another. How is that a sport? Then you have ice dancing common ice dancing! Through all the rejects that couldnt make the figure skating squad, lower expectations, and you know what, just call them ice fairies. That is really what it is. They might as well play Fantasia over and over then judge how well the different animals attempt their aerials. After watching the Apolo Ohno get ripped off in the speed skating, I was treated to the wonderful world of tippy toeing on ice.

    What kind of transition was that?Then you have curling, an event that could only have come from the British Isles home of haggis, minced meat pie, and other culinary delights. How does a sport like this even get started? Curling is a combination of shuffle board and sweeping. This is a new addition to the Olympics, one that could have been done without. Tug of War used to be on the program, why didnt they keep that at least it has a definite outcome. If you havent noticed by now, I have ended every paragraph with a question because I really have one question on my mind, are the winter Olympics geared towards women. I would hope that no man alive is sitting at home in anticipation of the ice dancers next amazing move.

    During highlights of figure skating and ice dancing, I look in the audience in amazement of how many proud fathers there are in the audience. I say fathers because that is the only guy I could ever forgive for actually putting any interest into these sports. This is a shallow view on sports but I have always thought that sports should be determined by a definite outcome, not anothers opinion. In baseball, basketball, volleyball, and tennis there is a score to determine the outcome. In racing, whether it is running or cars, there is a clock to determine the outcome.

    Maybe Im just taking a traditional view. Maybe the Super bowl should be judged next year. Ah yes, I can see it now, I dont know John, the Rams defiantly had better form and just look at their uniforms! I am going to have to give them a ten. Maybe not.

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    Gay Olympics Essay (474 words). (2019, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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