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    Essay about Comparsion of TV Shows Family Guy and South Park Essay

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    “It seems today, that all we see is violence in movies, and sex on TV. But where are those good old fashion values, on which we use to rely?” The lyrics to the opening of Family Guy gives an overview of the popular shows and movies that are seen today and how they no longer have stories or morals. The creators of Family Guy and South Park have created shows that have morals and stories that come in humorous and creative ways. By doing this both shows have found a way to be somewhat educational and impactful in society by using specific character development, episode structure and critics/ controversies to their advantage. This is something that the average viewer may not notice but is hidden within episodes and is a major element of the success of their shows.

    Despite the controversy both shows have had, they are still some of the most popular among both kids and adults. Between the humor and easy going cartoon like style both shows are remarkably successful, but if they were to combine some of their elements they would create the perfect show. The character development of a show has is extremely important to its success. Viewers like to see people like them in similar situations and how others react to them. (This is a reason why reality TV is so popular today.) This character development is important for both the main characters and the side characters and having character diversity is ideal.

    Diversity within the characters gives the viewer the chance to connect and match characters in the show, even if it’s just one person. South Park follows the story of four fourth grade friends that live in a small boring town of South Park, Colorado. Within these four boys, South Park provides character diversity which gives the storie. .ce can understand the jokes and puns, whereas in Family Guy it may be more difficult to understand jokes, songs and cutaways if you don’t have common knowledge on a subject. The way South Park can create an episode that explains and mirrors pop culture and current events is fantastic with its up to date weekly episodes.

    Whereas Family Guy’s episodes are current but not up to date because of their slow production time. However Family Guy and its ability to turn its criticism into jokes that later benefit them and increase their number of viewers is incredible and extremely important to its success. Over all I think South Park is the stronger show but, the perfect show would be created if the strengths from South Park and Family Guy were combine. It would be the ultimate Adult Animated Sitcom on television that kept up with currents events yet had morals and stories.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Essay about Comparsion of TV Shows Family Guy and South Park Essay. (2019, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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