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    English coursework Inspector calls Essay

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    The Inspector commands the room , nobody is able to leave the room without him telling them too also nobody is able to leave the house without the inspector telling them too do so e. g. when Eric says, ‘ I’d better turn in’ the Inspector replies ‘And I think you’d better say here’ . The Inspector Goole’s speech is very blunt and he deliberately tries too getting his point across, and is sometimes harsh in the mean time. The Inspector is obviously not intimidated by Mr.

    Birling who tries to scare Inspector Goole by telling him he knows people in high places e. g. Colonel Roberts, He also is not disturbed an purely wants to get on with his job and make sure that he gets every each person too admit to playing part in Eva Smiths death, he does this by asking questions so that the confess in their own ways. The family started rumouring about the chances of Inspector Goole not being real because of his style of inspecting. He is very laid back but at the same time in their faces so that the truth comes out.

    At the end, they still don’t know who the inspector Goole is there are any things what the Inspector could have been he could have been an actual person who was just sent there to scare them for what they have done, It could have been something spiritual this was because in his name Goole-Ghoul which suggests he might have been a ghost. The word ‘Inspector’ means for someone to look into something and this is what the inspector does he digs deep to find information about the suicide. The most like meaning was maybe it was the conscience speaking after the all know they have done something wrong and have guilt killing them inside.

    I really enjoyed this play I personally learnt a lot, like I should think before I take an action this is because everything has a consequence J. B Priestley succeeded in the message he was trying to send out by writing this play the message is clear. The main story in the play was that everybody should think before they act because in the long term it could really affect somebody.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    English coursework Inspector calls Essay. (2017, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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