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Epic Of Gilgamesh, Faerie Qveene, And Iliad. Essay

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    What an epic says about its culture is that that was the way they lived like in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Faerie Qveene, and Iliad (Comical Version). The three are epics from their own time and culture they are the same in some ways and different in other ways. The Epic of Gilgamesh was an epic that relates to its own culture because it has its differences with the Faerie Qveene, and the Iliad.

    The Epic of Gilgamesh was a story about himself the ruler and his journeys. The ruler was searching for internal life but he never found it while he had troubles along the line of searching for internal life. This story is different from the Faerie Qveene, and the Iliad in the ways like the plot was different. In the Faerie Qveene the theme was almost the same as in the Epic of Gilgamesh because they were both in a journey to achieve and they encountered some stops.

    The difference is the things that they encountered as if in the Faerie Qveene the knight encountered the half-dragon half-woman and in the Epic of Gilgamesh he encountered the rough sea. So, they both have different ways of saying the same thing. In the Iliad was a story about how a guy named Odysseus traveled around looking for his way back home like the other two epics they were all on a journey. They all had to go thought obstacles like fighting monsters, giants, and other evil characters.

    So, in conclusion the epics all are the same in one way and different in another way. Therefore the epics are different in their cultural ways like the way they go though their own struggles to get back to or get something. But the cultures say about the same thing on a journey through struggle to receive something that they really want.English Essays

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Epic Of Gilgamesh, Faerie Qveene, And Iliad. Essay. (2019, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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