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    Drug And Club Essay (610 words)

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    Drugs and nightclubsDrugs are illegal in most countries and the extermination of drugs has always been one of our most important worldwide issues.

    Ending the existence of drugs is one of the toughest and most complicated goal we face. With all the effort we put into the issue, why is there little success? Lack of effort is not a major reason the attempts are failing. It is the lack of understanding that leads to the misdirection and failure of the attempts. As long as a strong desire to use drugs exists, drugs wonft exterminate. Why people take drugs? Drugs symbolize power, states, freedom, and the ultimate ghighh in our world.

    Drugs can help people achieve higher states, more power and their success. We are not easily deterred from using drugs because we refuse to give up our dreams and goals, and often are willing to do whatever it takes along the path to success. The desire for the drugs is worth the risk of being caught. In reality, the risk of getting caught is extremely few. Therefore, many people are willing to risk getting caught because the benefits of drugs outweigh the risks. @Drugs are always been closely linked to the entertainment industry.

    Nightclubs have become the ideal place to administer drugs. In this essay I would discuss gClub drugsh which are used popular in nightclubs. GHB (gemma hydroxybutyrate) is surfacing on the street, in private nightclub and on the body builder scene. A central nerveous system depressant, GHB has been leagally used as and anesthetic, and for treatment of majour. The main date rape drug is Rohypnol, it is also known as gRoofiesh.

    It is similar to Valium, but then times more powerful. Rohypnnol is illegal in the United States, but it is used in other countries prescribed for sleeping disorders. It is usually found in a small odorless, tasteless white pill that can be crushed up and easily dropped into a drink. it dissolves fast making hard to detect. It can also be found in a liquid form, which are rare, but can make it harder to detect. Effects of Rohypnol usually occur within twenty to thirty minutes.

    The effects include drowsiness, dizziness, and being disoriented. It also affects motor skills such as walking, talking and balance. It makes one feel like very drunk. This is why it is becoming known as a club drug. Rohypnol is used mostly as an enhancer drug, which means hat it is taken to enhance the effects of another drug.

    Onefs health risks increase with he consumption of alcohol, which can lead to death or coma. Rohypnol has been found to be philsically addictive and it does have bead withdrawals. The main side effect of the drug is a memory loss of four to ten hours, during which time a person can be rendered helpless. Another date rape rug is GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), known as gliquid ecstasyh, gliquid Gh or grievous bodily harm.

    GHB is also used as an enhancer drug, because it has no hangover and usually can not be detected four to five hours after dispension. Also it has no documented long-term effects, or physiological addiction. It is usually found as a clear liquid. GHB used to be legal, it was used by body builders to help build muscle, but was banned in 1990 for public safety concern, because it could become harmful when mixed with other drugs. Effects of the drug are usually felt in fifteen to twenty minutes. The effects are different for each person.

    GHB caused short-term amnesia. Common effects are nausea, dizziness, confusion and drowsiness. Health risks also increase with the consumption of alcohol or other drugs.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Drug And Club Essay (610 words). (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from

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