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    Direct Taxes Enquiry Committee Report Essay

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    The money earned by agencies of go againsting legal commissariats and societal scruples or the money which is kept secret and unaccounted for is termed as Black Money.Black Money by and large refers to unaccounted/undisclosed wealth/income and wealth involved in minutess suppressed entirely or partially.While revenue enhancement equivocation leads to black money and black money in bend leads to prosecuting close concern patterns and farther revenue enhancement equivocation.

    Black Income has black consequence on economic system because resources needed for development, are non seeable as concern is carried in black. Merely guesstimates of black economic system are available. Black economic system is really big.A systematic survey of economic model is uncomplete without sing black economic system as it affects every facet of economic system and in bend gets affected by it excessively.

    One of the first studies on direct revenue enhancements Direct Taxes Enquiry Committee Report,1971 in the state besides known as Wanchoo Committee Report made following observations about black economic system “ cancerous growing in state ‘s economic system which, if non checked in clip can certainly take to its ruination ” .


    Wanchoo Committee was formed on 2nd March, 1970 by a declaration of Government of India with following aims:

    Committee was supposed to urge the ways to look into turning away of revenue enhancement through assorted legal blank, to unearth black money and prevent its enlargement through farther equivocation and to cut down revenue enhancement arrears.

    Examination of freedoms allowed by the revenue enhancement Torahs and rating of range for their decrease, alteration or wholly backdown.

    The commission was expected to propose methods for better revenue enhancement appraisal and betterment in overall revenue enhancement disposal to convey into consequence the recommendations made by the commission itself.

    This paper surveies he modern-day relevancy of recommendations made by Wanchoo Committee concentrating on methods for control of black economic system.

    Summary of Wanchoo Committee Report:

    Wanchoo Committee study is loosely divided into five subdivisions viz. :

    ( A ) Black Money and Tax Evasion.

    ( B ) Tax Avoidance.

    ( C ) Tax Arrears.

    ( D ) Exemptions and Deductions.

    ( E ) Tax Administration.

    Since this paper focuses on methods for control of black economic system, merely subdivisions ( A ) , ( B ) were found to be relevant for the purpose.Thus the staying three subdivisions have been kept out of consideration.

    ( A ) Black Money and Tax Evasion:

    This commission based its guestimates for Black income/economy on slightly modified signifier of method applied by Nicholas Kaldor in 1956 The commission concluded that assessable non-salary income and really assessed non salary income for the fiscal twelvemonth 1961-62 were Rs.2,686 Crores and Rs.1,875 Crores.Income which escape revenue enhancement comes out to be Rs.811 Crores. Thus the assessable non-salary income for the twelvemonth 1965-66 comes ut to be Rs.4,027 Crores.Similarly using ratios of evaded income to the assessable non salary income pertaining to the twelvemonth 1961-62 to the twelvemonth 1965-66 the evaded income for 1965-66 comes out to be Rs.1,216 Crores. Even after doing certain accommodations the commission reached at a concluding figure of revenue enhancement evaded of Rs.700 Crores for 1961-62 and Rs.1,000 Crores for 1965-66.In an correspondent mode if we project the estimations for 168-69 it comes to Rs.1,400 Crores.

    Decrease in revenue enhancement rates: The commission places this as first ground for revenue enhancement equivocation as this makes revenue enhancement equivocation so moneymaking in malice of big risks.The combination of high revenue enhancement rates and big scale revenue enhancement equivocation has created a barbarous circle. It found that high revenue enhancement rates are more income spread widening as they make hapless even more poorer and rich more rich. For an honest citizen high revenue enhancement rates act as a disincentive to increased productive attempt and higher earning, merely consolation being in either to halt your gaining from increasing after a certain degree or avoid/evade revenue enhancement. Further the commission finds it wholly impracticable to hold such high revenue enhancement rates in normal times. Thus go forthing small leeway with Government in times of exigency. High rates of revenue enhancement besides cut down the capacity of an person to salvage and put. High fringy rates of revenue enhancement besides promote uneconomical expenditure.Thus the commission recommended that the maximal fringy rate of income-tax, including surcharge should be reduced from 97.5 % to 75 % .It besides recommended the decrease in revenue enhancement rates of center and lower income levels.The proposed changes the commission insisted should be done in one spell to make an impact.

    Minimization of controls and licences: Barbarous circle is made up of controls and black money. Control leads to black market, black market leads to black money which in bend leads to revenue enhancement equivocation. Controls ever command premium and premium is frequently paid and received in hard currency to avoid sensing. In field of import licencing the system of unofficial premium is widespread the index of same being regular rates being published in some newspapers by commercial entities. ‘Pugree ‘ system in the sphere of rent control is besides an illustration of besieging the Torahs. The commission said “ When controls seek to rectify an immorality and in the procedure generate another, which of the two immorality is greater? In a developing economic system like ours controls can non be avoided and in some instances might be necessary and even desirable even at the hazard of some maltreatment ” . The commission therefore recommends formation of commission of experts to look into the feasibleness of all bing controls, licences and license systems and suggest riddance of 1s no longer needed. This commission can farther propose ways in which highly indispensable controls are administered in a mode so as to give least adversity to the populace.

    Regulation of Contributions to political parties: Committee knew the demand to maintain political system free from corruptness, therefore prohibition on companies donating money to political parties should non be removed. It further recommended that there can be a manner devised like that in Germany or Japan i.e. support of political disbursals made by political parties by Government. Even if Government chooses other manner round the parties should be asked to acquire their histories audited and published yearly. As to the extra beginnings of income, needed by political parties they can be generated by single contributions but in no instance should the corporate contributions be allowed. These contributions should be allowed as tax write-offs from gross entire income topic to some limitations.

    Making assurance amongst little revenue enhancement remunerators: Fear of revenue enhancement section functionaries and deficiency of assurance in its equity besides leads to revenue enhancement turning away and non registering returns. Forbiding disbursals randomly, gauging income in little instances and increased estimations of incomes as a affair of modus operandi were few grounds commission gave for section ‘s bad image. The pattern of being excessively detailed in little instances which involve no significant gross should be done off with to pave the manner for addition in such returns.

    Allowance of certain concern disbursals: There are some concern disbursals related to amusement and invitee houses which need to be done on a regular basis in position of commercial expedience. If these outgos are non allowed to be deducted in geting at entire income, they prove to be a revenue enhancement load on assessees. Though controling personal and non-business disbursals is executable overall disallowance of amusement outgo was found highly rough and airss undue adversities to earnest revenue enhancement remunerators by commission. Committee recommended the allowance of amusement outgo incurred chiefly for promotion of revenue enhancement remunerator ‘s concern and straight related to concern behavior capable t ceilings prescribed under sub-section ( 2A ) of Sec.37 of Income Tax Act,1961.

    Changes in penal commissariats: Committee found that “ punishment serves its intent so long as it is within sensible bounds ” . A punishment based on income hits little assessees more badly. Committee suggested that the sum of punishment imposed should be based on revenue enhancement evaded instead than on the footing of income concealed. Further minimal punishment should be revenue enhancement sought to be evaded and maximal punishment should be twice the sum of revenue enhancement sought to be evaded. Tax sought to be evaded is difference between revenue enhancement assessed in regard of entire income and revenue enhancement that would hold been collectible had the income other than hidden income been the entire income. Intangible add-ons made in earlier old ages wheresoever declared as the beginning of income in subsequent old ages, these assets or intangibles should be considered in geting at hidden income. Where a return has non at all been filed and the ITO is certain of nonexempt income.It should be deemed that assessee has concealed his income. Punishment for privacy of wealth should be made merely in those instances where there is entire skip of an plus in the return of net wealth. To avoid gross under rating Government can get belongingss which are grossly undervalued. The punishment for wealth revenue enhancement equivocation should besides be on sum of revenue enhancement sought to be evaded instead than on hidden wealth. Having policy of statutory lower limit of punishments has worked till now and should be continued.

    Vigorous prosecution policy: To do citizens more revenue enhancement jurisprudence abiding and instill a sense of fright and regard for revenue enhancement Torahs in them a vigorous prosecution policy was recommended by commission. The power of combination of offenses should be used in rarest instances. Cases of ax equivocation committed by individuals in high income bracket should be perused. Some magistrates and Judgess should b given the powers to seek prosecution instances related to direct revenue enhancement Torahs. For early and expeditious hearing and disposal of these instances.

    Intelligence and probe: While voluntary revenue enhancement conformity should be encouraged steps should be devised to deter seasoned revenue enhancement evaders. Increased all right tuning and edification of revenue enhancement equivocation techniques forces an pressing re-orientation in section ‘s attack to intelligence and probe. To undertake revenue enhancement equivocation expeditiously the machinery of intelligence and probe should be overhauled and streamlined, major defects of intelligence flying relates to its organisational form. The top down attack in counsel and control seems neither effectual nor executable. Duality of control over wing by Commissioners of Income Tax and Directorate of Inspection ( Investigation ) . Intelligence and probe should have sole attending of a senior member of CBDT the member should liberate from all other duties for undivided attending towards intelligence and probe. This member should put down the policy related to affairs connected with intelligence and probes and supply overall counsel and supervising to officers working in this field and proper channelization of their attempts.

    Time bound for reopening instances of revenue enhancement equivocation: A position quo in the clip bound for reopening of instances of revenue enhancement equivocation has been recommended by this commission.

    Tax of agricultural income: The commission recommended taxing agricultural income providing cases where no revenue enhancement of agricultural income was being used for change overing black money to white money. When revenue enhancement remunerators are in demand to explicate certain sedimentations, investings or disbursals non disclosed to section by their returns explicate it partially through agricultural incomes. These claims are non new and can non be refuted as its hard for income revenue enhancement section to verify the agricultural income and people with significant agricultural income tend non to register income revenue enhancement returns at all. Committee therefore suggests an pressing demand for unvarying and progressive revenue enhancement of agricultural income. This will non merely stop the agribusiness as agencies of revenue enhancement equivocation but besides provide a common base for equity and distributive justness. The commission thought that a little revenue enhancement would really coerce husbandmans to increase their agricultural green goods by acceptance of improved engineering.

    Unexplained Outgo: Unexplained money or any unexplained investing, jewelry or any other valuable point if non recorded in the histories or partially recorded and the beginning of such dealing being unexplained, the commission found that these valuables can non automatically be treated as the income of the assessee. There should therefore be particular proviso to cover with the job. This proviso should foreground the usage of analyzing outgo ; give statutory acknowledgment to handling unexplained outgo as income from other beginnings. It should besides repair by legislative act the twelvemonth in which such income would be assessed. However the commission feels that this proviso should non be used by revenue enhancement section to hassle little revenue enhancement remunerators by doing them explicate junior-grade points of outgo.

    Substitution of gross revenues revenue enhancement by excise responsibility: Committee felt that equivocation of gross revenues revenue enhancement is profitable for both marketer and purchaser and it farther leads to equivocation of income revenue enhancement every bit good. Therefore to cover with gross revenues revenue enhancement equivocation gross revenues revenue enhancement on assorted trade goods should be replaced with extra responsibility of excise. But great attention ought be exercised in choice of these trade goods so as to minimise cascading consequence on monetary values. Further a better co-ordination between gross revenues revenue enhancement section and income revenue enhancement section like exchange of information, aggregation of intelligence about equivocation of revenue enhancements and taking preventative steps to look into equivocation will assist in look intoing revenue enhancement equivocation.

    Compulsory care of histories: Committee recommends that there should be a statutory proviso necessitating mandatory care of histories by all individuals in profession and in concern where income from concern exceeds 25,000 Rs. or turnover or gross grosss are in surplus of 2.5 lakh Rs. in any one of the predating 3 old ages. If the concern is new proviso will use if the income is likely to transcend said bounds. Law should supply for continuing legers and hard currency books for a period of 16 old ages and other histories and books for 8 old ages. There should be pecuniary mulcts in jurisprudence for failure to keep histories in prescribed mode or to keep them for prescribed clip.

    Permanent history figure: Absence of unvarying system of indexing for all revenue enhancement remunerators has helped revenue enhancement equivocation. Therefore there should be a lasting enumeration system which will ease usage of computing machines, acceptance of modern methods of accounting and transverse confirmation of information. The commission gave recommendations for codification preparation like length of codification should be minimum, there should be sufficient room for enlargement, the codification should be for good assigned should be continued historically to ease informations treating operations.The codification should hold fixed figure of characters. The codification should be numeral. In initial phases the codification will be available merely to taxpayers whose names figure in registry of section or who come into the registry later. The Numberss allotted one time should non be changed every bit long as the entity exists.

    Power of study: The commission in this respect suggests debut of a proviso to enable ITO to see premises of assessee for numbering hard currency, verifying stocks and inspecting histories, paperss which may be required or available at the topographic point. For intent of doing proper appraisal he may obtain any extra information and record statement of any individual found at the premises. Powers of study should be conferred even to the Inspecting Assistant Commissioners.

    Increasing study operations: Committee recommends puting up of equal figure of study circles so that comprehensive and uninterrupted study on rotational footing is made possible. An officer of the rank of Assistant Commissioner should be placed in control of study operations under Commissioner ‘s charge, along with keeping charge of Particular Investigation Branch. ITO in-charge of a study circle should hold territorial legal power. Bringing people in the sections revenue enhancement registries who have their nonexempt income/wealth will be duty of ITO ‘s.

    Collection, bite and airing of information: There should be a programme laid down and marks fixed for each twelvemonth by CBDT as sing aggregation, bite and airing of information. Beginnings to be tapped should b decided at national degree at the beginning of the twelvemonth and should be purely implemented at all degrees. General criterions of public presentation should be laid down for all degrees of staff which will do it easier to judge the demands of work force and adequateness of end product.

    Co-ordination between Bankss and the income revenue enhancement section: The commission recommended quoting of PAN figure for minutess above Rs5,000 in instances like bank bill of exchanges, mail transportations, telegraphic transportations. With an amendment in Banking Regulation Act leery minutess above bound of Rs.25,000 should be reported to RBI. Military officers of the section should be empowered to take information of general nature from Bankss.

    Changes in the signifier of income revenue enhancement return: If the entire income exceeds Rs15,000 some extra information should be extracted like exempted income, net worth, personal outgo and other outgoings.

    Reintroduction of outgo revenue enhancement: Introduction of ingestion outgo is supported by the Committee.

    Uniform accounting twelvemonth: There should be a unvarying accounting twelvemonth for all revenue enhancement remunerators which should ideally co-occur with budget twelvemonth. There should be merely one old twelvemonth in instance of all concern being carried on by a individual individual.

    Checking under-valuation of immoveable belongingss: The commission recommended mandatory acquisition of belongings in instances where sale title does non reflect the belongings ‘s just market value or in instances of under appraisal of their building cost excessively.

    Ownership flats: Committee recommended that flats for all intents should be treated as immoveable belongings and their transportation should be brought under the horizon of Transfer of Property Act,1882 and their transportations should be registered under the Indian Registration Act,1908.

    ‘Pugree ‘ payments: Pugree payment is by and large the ball amount paid at the clip of alteration of occupancy rights this is equal to difference between market rent and standard rent fixed under the rent control act. Being illegal pugree payment is by and large kept outside the books and made out of unaccounted money. The commission recommended to restrict the operation of Rent Control Act from both residential and non-residential edifices to merely residential edifices.

    Tightening commissariats of the cast act: Committee found that minimizing the sale/purchase consideration received/paid while purchasing or selling an immoveable belongings consequences is three types of revenue enhancement equivocation viz. wealth revenue enhancement, income revenue enhancement and stomp responsibility equivocation as respects wealth revenue enhancement and income revenue enhancement recommendations have already been made by the commission but it found that Indian Stamp Act,1899 provides for attaching and punishment for instruments non punctually stamped and for inadequacy of casts. Therefore holding a mechanism in which the rating of suspected instances can be done at present market rates is desirable.It further recommended “ in add-on to bespeaking day of the month of sale, name and reference of the buyer the cast sellers may be required to province on the stamp paper the intent for which the paper was purchased and besides the names of the parties to the dealing sought to be recorded thereon. ”

    Foreign Exchange misdemeanors: Foreign Exchange misdemeanors are of big size. A squad constituted by GoI found that the extent of escape of Foreign Exchange is about Rs.240 Crores annually. Foreign Exchange misdemeanor are possible merely by illegal traffics they result in equivocation of Income and other similar revenue enhancements. Government is suggesting to get down necessary remedial steps in this respect including some amendments to FERA.

    Tax pacts for exchange of information associating to revenue enhancement equivocation: Tax equivocation is non merely done within national district over/under invoicing in import and export concern, secret foreign bank histories, smuggling of cherished articles into/out of India. Entering into comprehensive revenue enhancement pacts with other states specially with those with whom we have luxuriant economic dealingss and trade on extended graduated table. Committee recommended GoI should come in into understanding with foreign states for turning away of dual revenue enhancement of income and besides for look intoing financial equivocation of revenue enhancements. Our bing understandings should be revised for exchange of everyday information and market intelligence, besides for extraction of specific information in single instances to ease probe in instances of equivocation and recovery of revenue enhancements. Common aid in instances of revenue enhancement fraud and probe should be covered in the understanding.

    Tax equivocation in movie industry: A batch of black money minutess are done in movie industry, which leads to concatenation reaction in instance of manufacturers, moneymans, exhibitioners etc. while commission recognized the demand for broad revenue enhancement intervention for movie artiste maintaining in position their unsure on the job life and demand to back up munificent life style. It recommended that if a manufacturer alternatively of paying the money in ball amount pays the artiste in signifier of irrevokable deferred rentes, bought in favor of the artiste.Artiste should be taxed each twelvemonth to the sum of rente received, the commission thought that such revenue enhancement intervention would assist the artistes in declaring their true income. Committee further recommended that wherever the payment being made to the artiste exceeds Rs.5,000 a transcript of the understanding should be statutorily supplied to respective ITO ‘s of manufacturer and artiste within one month of executing of such an understanding.

    Payment by crossed check or crossed bank bill of exchange: Committee recommended the formation of a new readily movable bank instrument in line with bank bill of exchanges and checks with following characteristics:

    Should be without the name of payee and should be tantamount to bank bill of exchange or pay order.

    The name of the payee is entered by the remunerator at the clip of doing the payment.

    Instrument should be marked ‘account payee merely ‘ by the publishing bank.

    ‘Hundi ‘ loans: Committee found that till some clip back hundi loans used to be effectual manner of profitable investment and utilizing black money. Committee recommended that PAN no should be quoted on all hundi documents and all pecuniary minutess related to hundi should be made by history payee cheques merely.

    Checking revenue enhancement equivocation amongst contractors: Committee recommended keeping a registry in a prescribed signifier for contractors every bit good as for bomber contractors to enter day-to-day grosss and payments. Committee further recommended that payments made to stand in contractors by contractors shall merely be allowable as tax write-off in calculation of their incomes if merely they are made through history payee check. The jurisprudence should be amended and it should be made compulsory for all contractors who take up contract for building of edifice or for supply of Gods and services in connexion with it to supply the inside informations of contract undertaken within a to the ITO. Committee recommended that contractors who have been penalized/convicted for privacy of income/wealth should non be awarded contracts for period of three old ages.

    Blank transportation of portions: Committee recommended for amendment of jurisprudence related to reassign of portions before the transportation instrument is presented to the prescribed authorization it should bear the name, figure of portions, value of portions, signature of transferor and the needed cast responsibility. The authorization should either call off the casts on showing them or back the transportation day of the month on them. The instrument should be valid for 2 months from the day of the month its presented to authorization. For stockholders who want to borrow financess from Bankss maintaining portions as security this instrument should be valid for the period the portions are held by the bank as security.

    Benami investings: The recommendations made by Administrative Reforms Commission were found to be sufficient by the Committee and were seen as measure taken in the right way.

    Denial of recognition installations to revenue enhancement evaders: Committee recommended that recognition installations above Rs25,000 should be available to any individual merely on supplying an affidavit to the consequence that he has non been capable to any punishment or prosecution for privacy of income/wealth during predating three old ages subject to some exclusions.

    Tightening up vigilance machinery: The commission was satisfied that assignment of Lokpals and Lokayuktas after go throughing relevant statute law shall turn to adequately the inquiry of corruptness at higher degrees of disposal and public grudges.

    Arousing societal scruples against revenue enhancement equivocation: The commission recommended that individuals who have been penalized or convicted should be barred from following things:

    Geting national awards

    Keeping any public elected office for a period of six old ages.

    Becoming manager of a limited company for a period of six old ages.

    Senior Government functionaries and Curates should be barred from go toing maps sponsored by known revenue enhancement evaders. Tax instruction should be given in our schools as portion of civics class. List of revenue enhancement remunerators along with income declared, income assessed and revenue enhancement payable should be published by Government in official gazette local documents and set up on notice boards at Income Tax Offices. Regular and honest revenue enhancement remunerators should be treated by section as asterisked revenue enhancement remunerators.

    ( B ) Tax Avoidance:

    The revenue enhancement turning away has been criticized all over but same is non the instance with revenue enhancement turning away harmonizing to one position the difference between the two is on of grade merely, as both consequence in loss of gross. It was noted by commission that the revenue enhancement avoiders shift their legal load of revenue enhancement load to others. But it has been found that revenue enhancement equivocation erodes morality among revenue enhancement remunerators in general.

    Measures to look into recreation of income: Committee suggested that for such intent in ciphering entire income of an single all such incomes originating straight or indirectly to the partner of such individual by manner of salary, committee or fees from a concern in which such individual has significant involvement should be included.

    Measures to look into turning away of wealth-tax: Committee besides suggested some ways of look intoing wealth revenue enhancement equivocation:

    Diversion of assets for look intoing wealth revenue enhancement liability is reasonably high, amendments to look into indirect transportation of assets must be made in wealth revenue enhancement act.

    Where parent-in-law or paternal grandparents transportations assets straight or indirectly to daughter-in-law or minor grandchildren for unequal consideration value of such transferred assets. should be included in the net wealth of parent-in-law or paternal expansive parents.

    Reappraisal of immoveable belongingss held by closely held companies should be made so that balance sheets of such companies represent the just market value of their assets.

    Measures taken by Government for proper rating of belongingss was found to be equal nevertheless the commission finds no ground to inquire for reappraisal before 5 old ages of last reappraisal.

    Committee nevertheless finds ‘market ‘ value as better base for levy of wealth revenue enhancement.

    Measures to look into turning away of gift-tax and estate responsibility: The commission gave following recommendations:

    Mere book entries will non be considered as gift it should be substantiated by physical transportation of hard currency.

    Gifts made by a individual from twelvemonth to twelvemonth should be aggregated.However gifts up to a bound of Rs1,000 can be exempted per twelvemonth.

    ( C ) Tax Arrearss:

    It ‘s difficult to believe now but revenue enhancement arrears were a really large job in those yearss. The revenue enhancement arrears rose from a figure of Rs.24 Crores in 1944 to Rs.840 Crores in 1970 ‘s. These arrears were due on 16Lakh assessees. Recommendations of commission on this issue are nevertheless out of range of this paper.

    ( D ) Exemptions and Tax write-offs: Recommendations made by the commission on this issue are out of range of this paper.

    ( E ) Tax Administration: Recommendations made by the commission on this issue are out of range

    of this paper.


    In this subdivision we will critically analyze some cardinal recommendations made by Wanchoo Committee in visible radiation of literature written on ‘Black Income ‘ .

    Black money versus black income:

    Wanchoo Committee study uses the footings ‘Black money ‘ and ‘black income ‘ interchangeably. However NIPFP Report on Aspects of black Economy, 1985 treats them as two really different things. Harmonizing to NIPFP Report a portion of black income is consumed called the black ingestion and the remainder of it is saved called the black wealth. The latter is ‘black money ‘ , which is a stock construct unlike black income which is a flow construct. Using black money alternatively of black income as was done by Wanchoo Committee leaves the black ingestion out of horizon of appraisal of black income, thereby showing a false image of economic system as a whole.

    2. Contributions to political parties:

    Wanchoo Committee Report has been of this position that support of political parties should be done either by Government, as in Germany and Japan, or by persons. However the Wanchoo Committee was against the corporate support of political parties. Committee besides recommended rigorous auditing of histories of political parties.

    Government support nevertheless is no resort, harmonizing to Prof. Arun Kumar. The statements put frontward by him in his book ‘Black Economy in India ‘ , 1999 are as follows:

    Irrespective of the manner in which the support is done the quantum of money needed for election runs continues to be high. The Government support of election outgo is non a solution because given the official bounds on election outgo, Government would barely be able to run into 20 % of the same. Apart from this since money is besides needed for activities like booth capturing, using musculus work forces, puting up alternate campaigners and corrupting the electors etc, they can non organize a portion of election outgo, given the illegality involved. Thus the extent of Government support, in world, turns out to be even lesser than 20 % .

    Taking the one-year audit of the political parties into consideration, even this can non be held as one of the standards for look intoing the usage of black incomes for election runs. This is because when these audits could non discourage little concerns from doing black money, anticipating them to convey the needful in instance of political parties is non rational.

    The suggestion for the same as given by Prof Arun Kumar is democratisation of political relations the parties and people ‘s representatives are put under direct public examination.

    High Tax Rate Hypothesis:

    Committee recommended high revenue enhancement rate as foremost ground for revenue enhancement equivocation as this makes revenue enhancement equivocation lucrative in malice of big hazards. High fringy rates of revenue enhancement besides promote uneconomical outgo. Thus the commission recommended that the maximal fringy rate of income-tax, including surcharge should be reduced from 97.5 % to 75 % .

    In position of Prof.Arun Kumar take downing the revenue enhancement rate is no redress. To confirm his position he has shown that though the revenue enhancement rate was reduced from 97.5 % in 1970-71 to 30 % in 1998-99 yet the black income coevals has increased. High revenue enhancement rate hypothesis if it really works is effectual for upper 3 % of the Indian population. Given the peculiar revenue enhancement rate, black incomes can be high because of political corruptness, uneffective execution of the Torahs and other such grounds, irrespective of whether a individual considers the revenue enhancement rate to be high or low. So, even if there exist a relation between the revenue enhancement rate and the black income coevals, it is difficult to prove.


    The Direct Taxes Enquiry Committee was formed with the following declaration in Parliament “ This house is of sentiment that Government should represent a commission dwelling of experts and members of parliament to travel into the failure of the Central Board Of Direct Taxes, Ministry of Finance in the timely aggregation of revenue enhancements and to propose remedial steps for bettering the aggregation system ” . The linguistic communication of the declaration expresses the great concern and urgency for formation of commission. The commission being one of the first commissions in the field of direct revenue enhancements was reexamining a revenue enhancement system which was distressed and was at a really nascent phase. Thus recommendations given by the commission are really wide based. The commission has touched a big country of economic system in its question. The recommendations made by commission were relevant in the modern-day clip frame, but in today ‘s context they are non really executable as a batch of alterations have already been incorporated in our revenue enhancement system, some of them have been made due to recommendations made by commission itself.

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