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    Cultural Differences Between The U S And Mexican Cultures Business Essay

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    In 2006, the Mexican foreign-born made up about 5 % of the entire civilian labour force in the United States. The American concern proprietor, director, or supervisor today must take into consideration that the work force is diverse, and the people in the work force frequently times have different cultural values and motivations which influence their work ethic. To maximise employee morale and efficiency, it is of import to understand these differences and integrate them into the regulations of the workplace. This paper will associate the differences in cultural values in Mexico to seek to understand how to outdo run a company in the United States that has a high per centum of Mexican workers, and besides work efficaciously with Mexican concern opposite numbers. .

    Even though Mexico and the United States portion a common boundary line, the cultural differences between the two are important. Mexico has a really different history than the US, and therefore different ways of making and looking at things. The phrase “ The American lives to work, and the Mexican works to populate ” , illustrates one of the many ways that the work ethic varies between the American worker and the Mexican worker. In Mexico, for illustration, leisure is considered indispensable for a full life. Does this mean that a Mexican is lazy? Absolutely non – but unlike the stereotyped American worker that tends to set work before “ drama ” , the Mexican worker takes leisure and disbursement clip with household really earnestly. Their sense of “ immediateness ” is non the same as the one the American adheres to. Understanding the differences in employee motive, wagess, and countenances between the two civilizations is imperative if a concern, whether in Mexico or in the USA, is to be efficient. The Mexican worker ‘s mentality stems from their upbringing, which is formed as good by their Torahs.

    Mexican Culture

    This is an extract from the book “ Mexico: The Trick is Populating Here ” by Julia Taylor ( 2008 ) , who is originally from the United States and now lives and works in Mexico with her hubby:

    My coworkers began to give me stony-faced expressions and state less and less to me. I ‘ve been in Mexico long plenty to acknowledge this as a mark of problem. No 1 was short with me. No 1 confronted me. No 1 disguised a remark about my behaviour as a gag. No 1 took me aside to inquire what was the affair. They merely got truly quiet. Do n’t anticipate Mexicans to state you that they have a job. They wo n’t.

    This demonstrates one of the important differences in Mexican work civilization and the civilization that we are used to in the United States – the power derived function. Mexico is a state that has a high power derived function ; that is, workers are, in general, more tightly knit and normally take way from a strong leader/supervisor. Employee engagement in decision-making is non encouraged, and it is non considered to be appropriate for workers to voice an sentiment with their supervisor or director. ( Earley & A ; Erez, 1997 ) .

    To seek to quantify precisely how values in the workplace are influenced by civilization, in order to assist do sense of these differences, Professor Geert Hofstede conducted a comprehensive survey utilizing a big database of employee values collected between 1967 and 1973 covering more than 70 states. From his initial consequences and his ulterior add-ons, Hofstede developed a theoretical account that helps place four primary dimensions that assist in distinguishing civilizations:

    Power Distance ( PDI ) : the extent to which the less powerful members of an organisation ( the labourers ) accept and expect that power is distributed unevenly between them and their supervisors.

    Individualism ( IDV ) : Versus its antonym, Bolshevism. The grade to which persons are integrated into groups. Cultures with high individuality have loose ties between persons ; everyone is expected to look after him/herself. Cultures with low individuality are normally raised in a civilization that embraces strong, cohesive groups and unquestioning trueness to one-another.

    Masculinity ( MAS ) : the grade to which society values assertiveness, public presentation, aspiration, accomplishment, and material ownerships. A masculine society by and large is really competitory and self-asserting, whereas a society that has a higher muliebrity dimension tends to be more lovingness and modest.

    Uncertainty Avoidance ( UAI ) : The UAI dimension refers to a society ‘s tolerance for uncertainness and ambiguity. It indicates to what extent the member of a civilization feel comfy or uncomfortable in unstructured state of affairss and when confronting alteration. Cultures with a high UAI index attempt to minimise the possibility of uncertainness by ordaining rigorous Torahs and regulations, and be given to be really spiritual. Cultures with a lower UAI are more accepting of alteration and assortment in the workplace, and by and large are more willing to accept sentiments that are different than what they are used to. ( Itim, 2003 )

    The undermentioned graph is an illustration of the Geert-Hofstede dimensions in Mexico:



    From the above graph, we can pull some decisions. Mexico is a state that has a high power derived function ( PDI ) , where workers tend to be more corporate than individualistic ( low IDV ) ; in other words, they are mutualist upon each other and work good in groups. The Mexican civilization is extremely masculine ( MAS ) , where work forces by and large hold higher position functions than adult females in society and authorities ; many adult females are expected to remain at place to watch the kids and take attention of the place instead than work. Last, the Mexican civilization is one that seeks to avoid alteration ( high UAI ) , ( Itim, 2003 ) . Unlike the United States, which is considered to be a “ thaw pot ” of faiths and civilizations from all over the universe, Mexico is instead homogeneous. The Mexican people tend to be really spiritual, chiefly Roman Catholic, and strict when it comes to their regulations and their day-to-day behaviour. ( Nicol & A ; Taylor, 2008 ) .

    Consequence of USA ‘s Self-Focused Culture on the Workplace

    If we take a expression at the Geert-Hofstede dimensions for the United States, on the other manus, we can see a strikingly different cultural make-up:

    There are merely seven states in the Geert-Hofstede research that have Individualism ( IDV ) as the highest dimension – and non surprisingly, the United States ranks the highest out of those seven states. This indicates that the civilization of the United States is one that embraces autonomy and independency. The consequences comparing the United States and Mexico show minimum differences in Masculinity, but important differences in all three of the other dimensions:

    U.S. Mexico

    Power Distance 40 81

    Individuality 91 30

    Uncertainty Avoidance 46 82

    Masculinity 62 69

    In contrast to Mexico, the United States ranks comparatively low on the Power Distance index, bespeaking a greater equality and cooperation between degrees in society, including authorities, organisations, and households. The motion toward more female power is by and large accepted throughout the USA, which may explicate why the USA has a lower-than-average Uncertainty Avoidance index. The low UAI indicates that our society has fewer regulations than Mexico, and does non try to command all facets of society. The United States is by and large more tolerant of others ‘ thoughts, ideas, and beliefs ( Nicol & A ; Taylor, 2008 ) .

    The 5th dimension, LTO, or Long-run Orientation, was a ulterior add-on to the original four Hofstede dimensions. The LTO dimension was found by utilizing a questionnaire designed by Chinese bookmans that dealt with Virtue regardless of Truth. The questionnaire was conducted in merely 23 states and measured long-run values associated with thrift and doggedness versus shorter-term values such as carry throughing societal duties, regard for tradition, and protecting 1s “ face ” . These values tend to be embraced more to a great extent in far-east Asiatic states that have a Confucian heritage, such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan. ( Itim, 2003 ) .

    Managerial Deductions of Cultural Differences in the Workplace

    Mexican immigrants in America are here to follow a dream, and they can be highly loyal and hardworking if they are made to experience comfy and appreciated in their work environment. A U.S. concern proprietor, worker, or director that is negociating in an environment with Mexican employees must take into consideration how values differ between civilizations and the manner that these values influence the manner a Mexican employee thinks and reacts.

    It is really easy to bury that the manner person else Acts of the Apostless in a given state of affairs is based on their cultural upbringing, which in the instance of the Mexican worker versus the American worker can make misinterpretations that undermine how an effectual company is run, and how dialogues are performed. For illustration, an American that is negociating with a Mexican opposite number might non understand why he or she avoids direct oculus contact during the conversation. To most Americans this is a mark of discourtesy ; nevertheless when we look at the Geert Hofstede scales we get down to recognize that for the interviewee it is non disrespectful at all – rather the antonym, really. In Mexico, low-class worker ‘s are culturally “ trained ” non to do direct oculus contact with a individual in an important place, because of the high power derived function that exists in the Mexican civilization ( although this finally diminishes one time a relationship of trust is established between the two sides ) . An American concern proprietor must take attention in how they acknowledge and work with their Mexican opposite numbers in a manner that will be the most effectual in making a harmonious workplace. ( Schuler, R. , Jackson, S. , Jackofsky, E. , & A ; Slocum, J. , 1996 ) .

    Abraham Maslow, in his 1943 work entitled A Theory of Human Motivation, introduced the construct of a hierarchy of demands (, n.d. ) . This hierarchy of demands is illustrated as a pyramid consisting of five degrees, each stand foring the different demands that all worlds have regardless of national beginning: physiological, safety, societal, esteem, and self-actualization demands:

    The pyramid is built upon physiological demands, which are the most unconditioned demands of all human existences and must be met before the following degree, safety demands, can be met. This is of import for person who works in a multicultural environment to understand because cognizing which needs person must hold satisfied can assist in dialogues every bit good as working with that civilization. As mentioned earlier, the Mexican civilization has a high uncertainness turning away, which means that security of employment, resources, and household are highly of import to maintain stable if a Mexican employee is to experience a sense of satisfaction in their occupation.

    A demand is a force that motivates an person to move in a certain manner. Everyone has demands ; nevertheless, social values interact with and act upon how persons choose to fulfill their demands. Furthermore, understanding that cultural values find how each demand is met will assist the worker to avoid cultural misinterpretations and take part in a work environment that is carry throughing for all employees ( Mendenhall, Punnett, & A ; Ricks, 1995 ) .

    Throughout most Mexican organisations, formal regulations and ordinances are by and large non adhered to unless there is a direct director or supervisor nowadays that the workers trust and regard. The director ‘s ability to make this regard is of extreme importance in motivation and directing their subsidiaries ; nevertheless, due to the high power distance found in Mexican civilization, it is by and large thought to be unneeded to affect workers in determination devising. Additionally, a director should seldom explicate “ why ” something is to be done when delegating undertakings, as this could be declarative of failing or a lower power distance ( Schuler et al. , 1996 ) .

    In the United States, clip is a actual construct. Americans love to do deadlines and committednesss, and by and large experience obligated to run into them. Americans are taught in school that it is of import to be after for the hereafter, and that those activities that do non lend toward the hereafter are non a worthwhile usage of clip. This is non true, nevertheless, in Mexico, where clip is comparative. Deadlines are really much more flexible in Mexico, as the civilization values the present clip more than the hereafter. This feature of Mexican civilization is possibly one of the most hard for Americans who move to Mexico to accommodate to ( Taylor, 2008 ) . Although Manana literally means “ tomorrow ” in Spanish, it is common for a Mexican to utilize the term with a much looser significance of “ non today ” . This sense of “ now ” in Mexican civilization is of import for supervisors to admit because it affects how wagess and recognitions are handled. A Mexican employee would much instead receive compensation every bit shortly as possible for work completed, instead than waiting for their following payroll check. Because of this, a day-to-day inducement plan every bit good as a monthly inducement plan for run intoing production outlooks or gross revenues can be used to actuate Mexican employees. ( Schuler et al. , 1996 ) .

    Power in companies is really hierarchal in Mexico and is based on trust between workers and supervisors. Employees below the director and supervisor have really small authorization in decision-making, and by and large will make their best to finish whatever undertaking they are given. However, it is of import for a director to demo a true personal involvement and regard for each employee if he or she expects the employee to execute their best – employees look up to person who treats them in a dignified manner yet maintain a professional distance.


    The direction procedure is frequently described as planning, forming, staffing, directing, and commanding ( Mendenhall, Punnett, & A ; Ricks, 1995 ) . Although these activities occur in some signifier within all concerns, the procedure may differ depending on the environment ; in peculiar, cultural values within a society can act upon how a company is most efficaciously run.

    A director in a U.S. company that works with employees from Mexico can utilize Maslow ‘s Hierarchy of Needs in order to familiarise themselves with the demands of all employees irrespective of nationality. In order for an employee to execute at his or her best, for illustration, he or she must hold basic physiological and safety demands met – in Mexico in peculiar, portion of the duty of an employer is to do certain that an employee has their physiological demands met such as lodging, medical attention, and security of employment ( i.e. rigorous expiration of employment Torahs in Mexico ) . A occupation in Mexico is more than merely a “ payroll check ” – it is a common societal duty between employer and employee.

    The Geert Hofstede dimensions are besides an indispensable tool for directors in multicultural environments. The Hofstede dimensions can assist directors accommodate their thought and organisational planning in order to maximise the efficiency of the work squad. Mexico has a group-focused civilization with a high power distance index and a high uncertainness turning away index. A director of a U.S. house with a big figure of Mexican employees should therefore implement the following into their direction manner to accomplish the best consequences:

    Promoting employees to portion duty for group public presentation and set uping group inducements and wagess for accomplishing ends. Due to the Mexican employees ‘ comparative position of clip, deadlines should be set but with some sort of immediate inducement to acquire work done by a specific day of the month or clip that does non make competition between single employees.

    Planing and determination devising should be done at the “ top ” , with employees holding small input. At the same clip, directors must be certain that employees feel satisfied and secure at work. This can be done by guaranting that employees have a manner to do their concerns known to direction. Long term programs should be kept within upper direction degrees and should non be shared with lower degree employees.

    Employers should make a work agenda that is comparatively fixed, instead than holding employees on a rotating agenda or one that changes hebdomadally. Avoiding frequent alterations in the work agenda and non coercing employees to work with different colleagues every twenty-four hours or hebdomad will assist make a sense of stableness in the workplace.

    Most significantly, and particularly when subsidiaries do non talk much English, a supervisor should do an attempt to larn at least some basic Spanish. This will assist employees experience less “ out of topographic point ” and will assist to further the trust between supervisor and subsidiary that is so of import in Mexican civilization.

    International Business is a turning world today. Particularly in the United States with so many different nationalities working together, directors will most probably at some point in their callings have employees from Mexico on their work squad. By implementing the above points into their direction and concern manner, and understanding the Mexican civilization and its affect on behaviour and demands, a director or supervisor in a U.S. company that oversees Mexican subsidiaries will be able to to the full bask the benefits of a hardworking, loyal, and reliable squad.

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